Complete proof of both the existence of God and Sin! Here it is!


Registered Member
1) The existence of God.
-Really hot chicks.

2) Presence of sin in this world.
-Really hot chicks who don't like me

Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week,

Proof of sin:
-Having a really hot girlfriend who's parents hate you :p
Armyboyjay, you've converted me. You're right. And I have more proof. The girl who likes me is hot like you wouldn't believe, and I have no idea why she chose me.

Adam, this quick thought came to mind: You have experienced, in a sense, grace with your girl friend (ie, getting something you don't feel you deserve).

From my experience it's pretty humbling. Do you agree?

Peace, friend

Well, I'm an atheist, I'm not sure about terms such as "grace". But she's the best. Far better than I or anyone else deserves.

Adam, I understand. I wish I had another word for receiving something or someone that one does not deserve. I suppose I'm familiar with the term 'grace' and have stuck with it. Do you know of any other word?

It is, as far as I have experienced, very, very humbling


LOL! Yes, that would be another great term for it, Adam. Good job. Count your blessings, my friend.

I, however, tend to side with the Jedi on the everything-happens-for-a-reason thinking. Why? I'm not sure. Perhaps it brings an amount of peace to all the crazy crap that happens in my life...

Or, maybe I'm just really jealous I don't have a light-sabre.

Who knows,

Well, then ...

Does that mean marriage is an indicator of God's sense of humor?

Tiassa :cool:
I think we could all really use a lightsaber sometimes. :D

One question: Why must you people make fun of Christianity on a discussion board? It degrades people and lessens the value of the forum. It's unfortunate that many people cannot engage in reasonable discussion without letting their biases and judgement get in the way of productivity.
Maybe it's just from a guy's perspective, but I think maybe marriage is more of an indicator of God's wrath.


"By all means, marry. If you get a good wife you will be happy. If you get a bad one you will become a philosopher" Socrates.
Funny stuff.

Living Sacrifice, I don't see anyone making fun of any religion here, just having fun.

For your information, I AM a Jedi. My lightsabre is just broken, being repaired right now.
Originally posted by armyboyjay
1) The existence of God.
-Really hot chicks.

*Ahem* that might be proof for you guys, but you seem to be forgetting the other half of the worlds population. It looks like I won't be converting from atheism anytime soon.
Would proof for you possibly be either of:
1) That we think so much of girls?
2) That we're stupid enough to think so much of girls?


First... Welcome.

Second... Why is it that you'll be here all week as opposed to any other time?

Last (for now):

***Maybe it's just from a guy's perspective, but I think maybe marriage is more of an indicator of God's wrath.***

That bad, huh?

"Second... Why is it that you'll be here all week as opposed to any other time?"

I'm actually wrapping up a six month tour in Bosnia. We leave less than a week back for Ft. Drum, NY (Go 10th Mountain Div!), so I won' t be sitting in front of a computer for 8 hours a day, mindlessly surfing these sort of sites...:)

"***Maybe it's just from a guy's perspective, but I think maybe marriage is more of an indicator of God's wrath.*** "

That bad, huh?"

I guess I just look at the numbers and the people...1/2 of all engagements break up, 1/2 of all marriages end in divorce, 1/2 of all remaining marriages are either unhealthy or unhappy marriages. I suppose I haven't seen much evidence to suggest otherwise. You?

Originally posted by armyboyjay
1) The existence of God.
-Really hot chicks.

2) Presence of sin in this world.
-Really hot chicks who don't like me

Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week,


Aaah, the messiah has come! Excellent point, abj!

Bosnia, huh.

Sounds like the peacekeeping force must be fairly successful if you have all that idle time to mindlessly surf the net. May God bless and continue to keep you safe.

As far as evidence for and against marriage... My personal experiences always speak louder to me than the seemingly endless limitations imposed by statistics. Marriage is one of the best things that I have ever experienced in life and I've been experiencing it for almost 30 years now.
