

Registered Senior Member
Can anyone Guess what the numbers mean above my Avatar?
<-------- Its an easy one to begin with.
Originally posted by Asguard
ASCII is 7 digits, isn't it?

1 byte. 8 digits as binary, 2 digits as hexa.
(2 bytes for extended chars)

01001000 01101001 = 48 69 as hexa

48="H" (capital)
69="i" (small)

so 01001000 01101001 = "Hi"

got it?
you must be right but when we did it at school im sure i rember the conversion chart having 3 numbers for the collem and 4 for the row
That's coz the letters all have a zero at the start, which you might as well not print coz it's only a zero.
conversion chart? :bugeye:
I never use it for calculate base X numbers. I use pure math. binary number is base 2. it means binary has 2 symbols (0 & 1) in numbers.
hexadecimal is base 16. it have 16 symbols (0..F) in hexa numbers.

We can make any X-base numbers, but computers using binary numbers and boolean calculation in it's proccess. 0 as OFF, 1 as on.

If you can make computer using -1 (negative voltage), 0 (off), and 1 (positive voltage) in it's computing proccess, you should use base 3 numbers on your logic calculation.
No i could do the conversions to ANY base in my head or on paper the chart was for coverting ascii to the alphabet and the other caricters like !@#$%^&*()
hmm well done...

Perhaps that was a little to easy...

A little dissapointing really, well theres no prize:(

I will think of a harder one...

Ok I did another one. This should take a little longer to find out....I hope....
ASCII = American Standard Code for Information Interchange.

Just an encoding type that was adopted around the world for characters.
ASCII = American Standard Code for Information Interchange.

Another common code is =

EBCDIC = Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code.

Both systems define an 8 bit pattern that can be used in a single byte to represent a character. With 8 bits there can be 256 combinations.

Probably most of the characters being displayed on your computer screen asre being held in memory as ASCII characters.

Hope that helps.

Thanks Cris and Adam

So how is he writing in an ASCII pattern, and you are deciphering it?
Originally posted by sjmarsha

Ok I did another one. This should take a little longer to find out....I hope....

Still... too easy. same method.

4869 7468657265 = "Hi there"
Originally posted by ismu

Still... too easy. same method.

4869 7468657265 = "Hi there"
I know. I thought that using low hexadecimal numbers might have thrown you off the trail.

Moving away from ASCII i will do something different later. Not enough time now...

Each pair of numbers represent two hexadecimal numbers that map 8 bits. Look in the table below for the 2 hex digits and the corresponding character next to them. Remember that not all characters can be displayed as some represent control functions.

Hexadecimal ASCII CODE

00 NUL| 10 DLE| 20 SP| 30 0 | 40 @ | 50 P | 60 ` | 70 p
01 SOH| 11 DC1| 21 ! | 31 1 | 41 A | 51 Q | 61 a | 71 q
02 STX| 12 DC2| 22 " | 32 2 | 42 B | 52 R | 62 b | 72 r
03 ETX| 13 DC3| 23 # | 33 3 | 43 C | 53 S | 63 c | 73 s
04 EOT| 14 DC4| 24 $ | 34 4 | 44 D | 54 T | 64 d | 74 t
05 ENQ| 15 NAK| 25 % | 35 5 | 45 E | 55 U | 65 e | 75 u
06 ACK| 16 SYN| 26 & | 36 6 | 46 F | 56 V | 66 f | 76 v
07 BEL| 17 ETB| 27 ' | 37 7 | 47 G | 57 W | 67 g | 77 w
08 BS | 18 CAN| 28 ( | 38 8 | 48 H | 58 X | 68 h | 78 x
09 HT | 19 EM | 29 ) | 39 9 | 49 I | 59 Y | 69 i | 79 y
0A NL | 1A SUB| 2A * | 3A : | 4A J | 5A Z | 6A j | 7A z
0B VT | 1B ESC| 2B + | 3B ; | 4B K | 5B [ | 6B k | 7B {
0C NP | 1C FS | 2C , | 3C < | 4C L | 5C \ | 6C l | 7C |
0D CR | 1D GS | 2D - | 3D = | 4D M | 5D ] | 6D m | 7D }
0E SO | 1E RS | 2E . | 3E > | 4E N | 5E ^ | 6E n | 7E ~
0F SI | 1F US | 2F / | 3F ? | 4F O | 5F _ | 6F o | 7F DEL

Please note: There are synonyms for some of the symbols. For example,

0A = NL (new line) is also called LF (line feed)
0C = NP (new page) is also called FF (form feed)

Have fun
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