Common Salt?


Registered Senior Member

Whether common salt intake can act as appetizer or increase hunger/cravings to overeat(ref;sugar/Na co-transported)?

If yes, Can it be due to iodine in iodized salt, now in much use(ref; increased appetite on hyperthroidism)?

Best wishes.
Thanks but being diabetic, I want to decrease appetite/overeating. It looks, decreasing or discontinuing salt for some time controls my overeating habit(may be due to taste). However, I want to understand can iodine in iodized salt increase my appetite instead of plain salt esp. if iodine from other sources are normal in my foods. Previously, when iodized salt was not in common use, whether people were diabetics at same levels as today?
Thanks but being diabetic, I want to decrease appetite/overeating. It looks, decreasing or discontinuing salt for some time controls my overeating habit(may be due to taste). However, I want to understand can iodine in iodized salt increase my appetite instead of plain salt esp. if iodine from other sources are normal in my foods. Previously, when iodized salt was not in common use, whether people were diabetics at same levels as today?

you must have iodine in your diet...
Is that your problem? iodine regulates the thyroid gland...immune system at stake here...

Follow my logic:

Most consumers buy products that are tasty and salt is amongst those
Consumers have a choice of iodized and non-iodized salt
Most favored choice of salt is: non-iodized salt (it appears to me)
Thus iodized salt is the one that depletes the taste.

Whether common salt intake can act as appetizer or increase hunger/cravings to overeat(ref;sugar/Na co-transported)?

If yes, Can it be due to iodine in iodized salt, now in much use(ref; increased appetite on hyperthroidism)?

Best wishes.

apparently rats with increased amounts of salt in their diet display obesity.
you must have iodine in your diet...
Is that your problem? iodine regulates the thyroid gland...immune system at stake here...

Follow my logic:

Most consumers buy products that are tasty and salt is amongst those
Consumers have a choice of iodized and non-iodized salt
Most favored choice of salt is: non-iodized salt (it appears to me)
Thus iodized salt is the one that depletes the taste.

Taste is one thing but can added iodine or more salt add to hyper-activities alike hyperthyroidism. I think taste studies with iodized and non iodized indicated no or minimal difference.

Do we have any study on blood glucose level changes on excessive salt intake(plain and iodized) and on reduced salt intake?
To our surprise, the sales figures of the American Salt Institute divulged that salt intake increased more than 50 % in USA during 15 years from mid-1980s to the late 1990s", says Professor Karppanen. The study reports that the prevalence of high blood pressure, which had long shown a decreasing trend, turned to a marked increase concomitantly with the increase in salt intake.

Perhaps the most interesting finding of the study is the close link between salt intake and obesity. The study reports that increasing intakes of sodium (salt) obligatorily produce a progressive increase in thirst. The progressive increase in the average intake of salt explains the observed concomitant increase in the intake of beverages which, in turn, has caused a marked net increase in the intake of calories during the same period in the United States.

This link tells links of salt intake with obesity.
Links in my previous post indicate, obesity due to intake more cold drinks due to excessive thirst caused by excessive intake of salt. Is it true?

Why they prefered sweat cold drinks not just water? Whether taking sweat cold drink is for water or also for sugar in view of glucose/sodium co-transported. Both glucose and salt is water retaing in body. Whether thirst also encourage craving for food? All these and links between salt and sugar for their physiological or psycological effects, need to be evalued/understood.

Few are, both are white, water attracting,nutrients, consumed in quantity and cheaper but used on mass scale esp. nowadays.:)
Accidently I got it;

There were no natrums in the Garden of Eden until Adam and Eve evoked the wrath of the Creator. From then on they were ashamed, and led difficult lives far from the gates of Paradise, where they considered themselves sinners, and longed to return to home. This little allegory is very appropriate for describing the origins of the Natrum psyche, which now is the psyche of the majority of Humanity.

Is it indicated? :)
One thought; Suppose we have defficiency of any nutrient due to any disorder(possibily potassium in persisting hyperglycemic diabetics2), I think it may stimulate hunger meant for that nutient. Commonly routine food are taken. As such, while correcting defficiency of that defficient nutient, will it add other nutients in food resulting into excess of those? Can it be an expression of overeating and cause hyperglycemia, hypernatremia etc?