committee inquiry into the removing discrimination bill


Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
I'm watching an inquiry into the bill "Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws-General Law Reform) Bill 2008"

normally i wouldnt even bother watching senate inquiries because they are so boring and i CERTIANLY wouldnt post about them but i would like to post about the idocy of one member of this commitee and how impressed i am with Mr Graeme Innis AM, Human Rights Commissioner and his co-presenter Ms Kate Temby, Director, Human Rights Policy Branch

He was asked a question on the best interests of the child and he answered that quite clearly that its in the best interests of the child that there parents NOT be discriminated against by sentor Barnett. The sentor oviously didnt get the answer he wanted that "children should have a mother and a father" and he went on to bagger Mr Innis until the chair stopped him.

god i am sick and tired of the libral party and family first and until they clean there own house there is no way i hell i could in all conciousness vote for them even if the labor party was incopitant on other important issues like the economy.

now i would like to point out that the report that this bill is based on came from this organisation
im not as impressed (this is an understatement) with the second submission, who is currently winging that defacto couples

i LOVE the greens sentor:p

she asked him a question which stumped him COMPLEATLY by asking "if you want the insitute of marriage to be different to defacto then you should be encoraging same sex couples to marry"

he stamered for about 1min after being asked that

quite well trapped:)
You lost me, bro. I haven't the slightest clue as to what you are talking about, or the point made in your post. No offense and nothing personal, but could you clarify?
this was just some comments i was making on a senate inquiry into a bill to remove discrimination in commonwealth legislation against same sex relationships.

i would have posted the hansard link but it was happerning as i was typing so there wasnt one
oh that, well the Liberal party (notice the capital because thats there name:p) is actually the conservitive party.

if you know anything about british politics its easier to understand, in england there is (or at least was) 3 parties, labor (mainstreem socialist, center left party, the workers party), liberals (as in libertarians for the yanks) and the conservitive party.

Well this was true of australia as well but the last two parties merged and named themselves the Liberal party which confuses the hell out of other nations and means the word "liberal" is rarly used in australia except by political commentators who call it "small l liberals". it doesnt really bother australians because there are very few anicusts (oh sorry, libatarians:p) here. a new zeland afiliated party did try to run at the last election and got diddly squat votes. As soon as you tell someone that you stand for the end of medicare your going to get less votes than pauline hanson while she was in the slammer:p
oh that, well the Liberal party (notice the capital because thats there name:p) is actually the
Billy T banned! That is utterly ridiculous. Cretins like Oil is Mastery, or electrafixtion and many others too numerous to mention are allowed to run riot, while a sensible, logical, contributing poster like Billy T is banned. Pure nonsense. If this is factual, expect a backlash.

So Idiot Asgaurd was responsible. Ignorant dickhead.