Commercial surrogacy and its horrific pitfalls..


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An Australian couple recently hired a young and impoverished woman in Thailand to act as a surrogate for them:

In December last year, Ms Chanbua gave birth to the twins after agreeing to be a surrogate with a promised payment of about $16,000.

"Because of the poverty and debts and the money that was offered was a lot for me. In my mind, with that money we can educate our children and repay our debt," she said.

But things went wrong - it was established that one of the babies had Down syndrome.

It is here that this story becomes a horrific nightmare. The biological couple demanded she had an abortion, which she refused to have as it appears that the request may have been later on in the pregnancy, and she gave birth to twins, a healthy baby girl and Gammy, a baby boy with down syndrome. The Australian biological parents then abandoned Gammy, the twin with down syndrome, and only took their healthy twin daughter home (*insert eye twitch of rage*). Gammy was abandoned and left by his biological parents, in the care of his surrogate mother, who has been looking after him for the past 6 months.

Gammy was also found to have a hole in his heart and needs surgery to repair it, and it was at this point, late last week that Ms Chanbua, the woman who acted as the surrogate, launched an appeal here in Australia (with the help of the Australian Embassy in Thailand), to help raise money to pay for his surgery. Australians, horrified at what this Australian couple have done, raised over $200,000 in a matter of days. Since he is adored by his surrogate mother, it appears as though he will remain in her care and will receive medical treatment in Thailand in a private hospital.

Ms Chanbua advised that they, the parents, told her that they were too old to care for their down syndrome child when they took his health twin sister home with them.

The Australian biological parents of an abandoned baby born to a Thai surrogate mother told her they were too old to care for him as well as his healthy twin sister.

The surrogate mother, 21-year-old Pattharamon Janbua, gave birth to twins — a boy known as Gammy and a girl — at a Thai hospital six months ago.

Both babies were unwell at birth and remained in hospital for a month before the Australian couple took the girl home and left behind Gammy.

As horrific as this story is, it got worse. No one here knew who the parents were. As the country raged at how they could have left him there because he suffered from down syndrome and instead, took their healthy daughter home, and the Federal Government weighed its options of seeing if Gammy was eligible for Australian citizenship and thus, free healthcare here in Australia, the biological parents, a Western Australian couple, after being contacted by the media, denied that Gammy was their son. They advised that they only had a daughter, that they knew nothing about Gammy.

The Perth couple was contacted by 9News after they were identified by the baby’s surrogate and denied they were the parents of baby Gammy.

While the couple admitted they had a baby girl about the same age as baby Gammy and that they had used a surrogate, they say she did not have a twin brother.

The couple described their surrogacy experience as “traumatising”.

The man identified as the father also told the ABC that the clinic had only told them there was a baby girl - not a boy.

Channel Nine journalist Jerrie Demasi spoke to the WA couple at the centre of the saga for an hour on Monday.

“They flatly deny of ever being aware that their daughter had a sibling,” Demasi said.

“They said they’ve looked at the (surrogate) woman in the footage on the television and that it’s not the same surrogate they met with.

“I have looked at their (daughter’s) birth certificate, the date of this little girl and Gammy match up.

“The name of the mother in Thailand and the name on the birth certificate is different…but the name on the birth certificate is actually the mother’s pre-marital name.

“They claim they had no knowledge of the boy.”

Demasi said the couple had indicated they’d be speaking with a lawyer

“They don’t really know where to go from here,” she said.

“They are really confused and shocked.”

That was yesterday.

And today?

The biological parents of abandoned IVF baby Gammy were told the ill infant had only one day to live, a family friend has said, in the first statement made on behalf of the family.

The couple also reportedly denied asking for an abortion when they learned Gammy had a congenital heart disease.

It follows earlier claims by the woman believed to be Gammy's biological mother that they did not know he existed.

A family friend, who remains unnamed for legal reasons, told Fairfax Media the twins' birth was due to take place at a major international hospital in Thailand.

But surrogate mother Pattharamon Chanbua, 21, had gone to another, smaller hospital, which apparently waived the couple's legal rights to the children, according to the report.

The friend claimed the couple were not told that Gammy had Down syndrome and felt they had no choice but to leave him in Thailand.

"The biological parents were heartbroken that they couldn’t take their boy with them and never wanted to give him up, but to stay would risk them losing their daughter also," the friend is quoted as saying.

"They prayed for Gammy to survive but were told by doctors that he was too sick, not because of the Down syndrome, but because of his heart and lung conditions and infection."

As one tries to reconcile how they could simply walk away from their biological child, who they today allegedly thought would only live one day, and that they never enquired about him since then - since they advised how they wanted to bring him home and did not want to give him up - because apparently this sounds plausible in their sick and twisted little minds - after denying he was theirs yesterday and declaring they only had a daughter and that she had no twin - they apparently wanted to bring him home so much that they never enquired about his wellbeing or welfare after they returned to Australia... The story took an even sicker and twisted turn..

Late last night, the media advised that Gammy's father is a convicted sex offender. His wife allegedly knew of one conviction, declaring that he had made a mistake. Today however, it became known that he had multiple child sex offense convictions:

THE Australian man at the centre of the Thai surrogate abandoned baby row has multiple convictions for sexual offences against children.

David John Farnell was jailed for three years in 1997 after admitting to sexually assaulting two young children.

According to media reports from the time, the West Australian electrician, who was then 39, pleaded guilty to the sex crimes and had previously admitted to molesting two teenage girls 15 years earlier.

In the newspaper article, Judge Michael O’Sullivan said his actions had violated the youngsters’ innocence and warranted a jail term.

He said Farnell would normally receive four years for his crimes but instead would be sentenced to three years because of his early guilty plea.

Mr Farnell is Gammy's biological father. His wife (Gammy's biological mother), defended her husband's previous child sex offenses convictions..

"He is a good man - people make mistakes - that doesn't mean he is a bad person forever," the woman said.

Because decent people abandon their children because they have down syndrome?

There are no words that I can say about this couple and their actions towards their son. Presently, the Western Australian police and child protection are now investigating Gammy's biological father and his Chinese born wife, and whether Gammy's twin sister was safe in their care, especially in light of their having abandoned their biological son in Thailand and in light of Mr Farnell's multiple child sex offense convictions against little girls. They are also assessing Gammy's wellbeing, but thus far, the surrogate is being praised for having taken care of Gammy, with the Government labeling her a saint for how well she has handled Gammy's care and the love she obviously has for him and his twin sister who, she advised, she would like to take care of after she heard of the biological father's child sex offense convictions.

West Australian child protection services have been called in by police to investigate the "suitability" of the Australian biological father of baby Gammy following the public disclosure of sex offences against children.

A WA Department of Child Protection and Family Support spokesman told Fairfax Media it was contacted by police on Monday night to examine the circumstances of the family following media reports of the father having been convicted of child sex offences..

The department confirmed this afternoon it had commenced an assessment of the safety and wellbeing of Gammy.

Fairfax Media has seen documents which contain the child sex charges against the man who allegedly abandoned baby Gammy with his surrogate mother in Thailand and took his twin sister.

The Supreme Court of Western Australia court documents list the 1997 charges against the man who has returned from Thailand to Bunbury, in WA’s South West, with his wife and a baby girl.

The man appeared in Bunbury court to face charges of unlawfully and indecently dealing with a child under the age of 13 yearsand five counts of indecently dealing with a child under the age of 13 years.

The man was given a three-year jail term, with parole, for sexually molesting two girls under the age of 10.

This case has shown a horrific light on the commercial use of surrogate women in impoverished countries, who are being taken advantage of. Thailand's Government have responded swiftly, by implementing new laws which will make using Thai women as surrogates much more difficult, which has concerned many Australian parents who are currently awaiting the birth of their children from Thai surrogates. Frankly, I cannot fault the Thai Government. There is something inherently wrong in hiring the wombs of poor women and there is something so so wrong in the level of disconnect people like the Farnell's have towards their own biological children, so much so that they saw fit to leave their son in the care of the surrogate they hired, because he was not perfect enough for them.

Ms Pattaramon Chanbua is an extraordinary woman.. Whatever happens in this case, Gammy has a true mother who cares for him, and frankly, a country who will do whatever it takes to help her help him. As for Gammy's biological parents.. Their behaviour, the denials that he was theirs, then the change of story and declaration that they truly wanted to bring him home but were told he only had a day to live, so they took their healthy daughter away and left without a backward glance at their own child, because this apparently explains how much they loved him.. frankly, for them, a giant catapult flinging them into the burning sun would be too kind.
Update to the twisted story..

Over the past week, the country and the media have been trying to get to the bottom of what happened to Gammy's parents and frankly, trying to figure out how and why he was left behind while his healthy twin sister was brought home to Australia by their biological parents. During the week, the family's pet dog had to be taken away by the RSPCA because it was left outside, unfed for days. No one knew where the Farnell's were, they did not answer the door, Child Protection were unable to get in contact with them and notices were left on their door. Australia's 60 Minutes got the inside scoop, so to speak (after the Farnell's let their house on Wednesday night and contacted 60 Minutes)and what a scoop it was. Apparently, the Farnell's had remained hidden inside their home for the week, not even feeding their own dog and were at home when the RSPCA came to rescue their unfed dog...

During the interview, David Farnell cries about his love for "the boy" and then discusses in a fairly cold fashion how they had demanded the surrogate agency refund their money when they were made aware that Gammy was down syndrome and it was too late to abort, declares they never suggested she had an abortion, but then declared that if they could have had one, they would have requested she abort, because the child had down syndrome. Then came the switching and changing of the story.. How they wanted "the boy", but were so scared they would lose their daughter that their priority was to immediately secure passage for their daughter to Australia and then saying how they had planned to go back for "the boy" once their daughter was safe. How they loved "the boy" and how they want him, so much so that they never once inquired about his welfare once they returned here, how they saw the surrogate's mother's suggestion that she keep Gammy after they clearly (and admitted) showed anger and disgust that they could not abort and did not want him as being something good and a solution, how their sole concern was to ensure the safety of their daughter, to get her home with absolutely no intention to get Gammy home or to ensure his safety and well-being. This from the couple who, last week, tried to deny that Gammy was their son, denied that the surrogate had given birth to twins and denied that they even knew they had a son.

The absolute disconnect was so obvious and they are obviously only upset because they were caught out. It was so clear that they didn't give a crap about their biological son. At one point, the interviewer had to remind them that this was their child, their son, their biological off-spring, because they were having such a hard time swallowing that point and accepting it. They were unable to explain or discuss why they never tried to call to see about his welfare or why they never went back to Thailand, to see about "the boy" they wanted so much. When they were asked if they even had a photo, they both said no, because they weren't allowed to take photos of their children then they both contradicted each other about how and why. The declaration that the surrogate mother had threatened to take both babies off them if they did not let her keep Gammy and their inability to find an excuse when this was rightly questioned as to why would a poor woman, living below the poverty line, want to take care of a baby boy who would require expensive and extensive care and allow them to take the healthy child back with them instead? When they were asked about his medical condition, they didn't even know that he had a hole in his heart. Completely ignored it. They kept contradicting each other throughout the interview.

Wendy Farnell showed very little emotion throughout the interview. David Farnell did his utmost to try to cry, struggling to get the tears to flow. The lack of remorse for the 4 little girls he had sexually molested for over the course of 10 years in the late 90's and his concern about how it affected him, the obsession he showed with only wanting to get his daughter to Australia led the reporter to ask if it was because of his past.. They tried to claim that they had sent money for Gammy, but did not know how much and had not sent any since the birth and have not even called about his welfare. They also tried to claim that the surrogacy agency they went through was closed so they could not call, but had no response to the fact that the agency closed after the story of what the Farnell's had done broke - the agency had remained opened since then. They also admitted that they had done nothing at all about finding out how they could bring their son to Australia. All they made sure to point out was that their sole concern was their daughter. The whole interview was his making things up as he went along and contradicting himself each time his wife spoke up.

Frankly, if ever there was a truly repulsive couple shown on live TV, it would be the Farnell's. They are up there. It is hard to find any sympathy for these people. Tara Brown, the journalist who interviewed them, did a brilliant job. And frankly, she looked as repulsed as the rest of the country felt. 60 Minutes will apparently be making a generous donation to the charity set up to help fund Gammy's ongoing medical costs and care.
Feels Like, Looks Like, Is

In Truth ...

... I just don't have it in me to write the full post tonight.

(1) Scott, Amy. "'Wombs for rent' grows in India". Marketplace. December 27, 2007. August 17, 2014.

(2) Warner, Judith. "Outsourced Wombs". Opinionator. January 3, 2008. August 17, 2014.

(3) National Public Radio. Making Babies: 21st Century Families. 2012. August 17, 2014.

From that second link:

The voice was commanding, slightly disdainful and officious.

"The legal issues in the United States are complicated, having to do with that the surrogate mother still has legal rights to that child until they sign over their parental rights at the time of the delivery. Of course, and there's the factor of costs. For some couples in the United States surrogacy can reach up to $80,000."

This was "Julie," an American thirtysomething who'd come to India to pay a poor village woman to bear her baby. She went on:

"You have no idea if your surrogate mother is smoking, drinking alcohol, doing drugs. You don't know what she's doing. You have a third-party agency as a mediator between the two of you, but there's no one policing her in the sense that you don't know what's going on."

Would you want this woman owning your womb?

The Indian surrogate mothers quoted along with Julie in a report on American Public Media's "Marketplace" on NPR last week didn't much appear troubled by that kind of thought. After all, the money they were earning for their services — $6,000 to $10,000 – might have been a pittance compared to what surrogates in the United States might earn, but it was still, for their families, the equivalent of 10 to 15 years of normal income.

They couldn't hear Julie speaking in her awful, entitled tone. And if they had, would they have cared? "From the money I earn as a surrogate mother, I can buy a house," said Nandani Patel, via a translator. "It's not possible for my husband to earn more as he's not educated and only earns $50 a month."

We, however, can hear the imperious tone, so much more audible in radio than in the troubling print reports that have surfaced lately on Indian surrogate mothers' "wombs for rent." And we should care about how things sound.

Because what's going on in India – where surrogacy is estimated now to be a $445-million-a-year business — feels like a step toward the kind of insane dehumanization that filled the dystopic fantasies of Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World" and Margaret Atwood's "Handmaid's Tale." (One "medical tourism" website,, refers to the Indian surrogate mother as a mere "host.") Images of pregnant women lying in rows, or sitting lined up, belly after belly, for medical exams look like industrial outsourcing pushed to a nightmarish extreme.

I remember that report. I've been recalling it since the thread opened. And I still remember, listening to Marketplace that the problem here was not the surrogates.

And that is in its own way unfortunate, because part of what stuck out at the time was, really, a lesser, even superficial issue: You're the fuckin' consumer, Julie. Don't like it, go the fuck home and pay full price.

Seriously, she's the sort that makes me recall my gynospecific bluestreak formulations. Then again, her weakness is human, so it really wouldn't help anything to denounce her by the litany of Original Sin.