Coming home


Registered Senior Member
I have no idea if this belongs here or not but it seems likely.

Anyway, What about lost animals? What I mean is that there are records of dogs being picked up, transported far from home and yet somehow return to the masters and home that they love. Now we are not talking every dog, as our Humane Society will attest to. But every now and then is the animal that loves home so well, is so connected to that life, that it is the sustance of life for that animal. That they would keep that goal affixed in their mind for the duration of ever how long it took to find home, where ever home might be. Long ago I read a story somewhere about such an animal that was stolen from its home. It was transported in the trunk of a car several states away. The animal was seen after it escaped from the trunk and identified as the missing animal, as the family has a reward out for it's safe return.
It seemed to disappear from known habital area. Months later, worn out, tired, bedraggled, it showed back up at home. How?
How could this be? How could this dog find it's way home?
Well, it tuned in to it´s inner homing device, radar, sonar..whatever it´s called..but an inner sense of connecting to Earth and to the people it wants to reconnect with( and who also want to rejoin with their friend), and then it sticks to that feeling and it leads it home.

If the ability of pets to reunite themselves with their owner-masters -- having been unfortuitously separated by hundreds and thousands of miles -- is real then GPS tagging has a role to play in actually proving the validity of the hypothesis.

The last I heard, the only evidence of long distance pet-owner reunification is strictly anecdotal, and we all know that 100 people seeing the same traffic accident see 100 somewhat different versions of the same event.

It sounds impressive but it is merely hearsay.

Hey, I heard you slept with your sister. Now, should we believe you actually did?
Mr, G, do you ever get the uncanny feeling that you are clinging for your life to autumn leaves? :)
Animals, pets so to say, can find their way back to their 'owners' if they have moved to some other living place by Instinct.

Espacially dogs go back to the humans they've lived with from puppy til the day they moved. Doesn't matter how long the road is they have to go. If they really are bounded to these humans, they will find a way to join them again. Most of the times this happens when a dog wanders of from its human companions and they can't find the dog or leave the dog behind at their former living place because they can not take the dog with them. Because of the surrounding they are going to live in or something like that.
For instance, if a dog is used to live in the country and is free to go and do as he/she pleases, the humans sometimes decide it is better for the dog to stay there, if it is alright with the humans to come living there.

Dogs are very connected with their human companions when treated right, so they start to miss them and their instinct leads them toward them. And it is not only one case in which this happens. It happens much more often, but not every case is written down and documented.

Cats go back to their living area. They connect most of the times with the living surrouding where they grow up and can be outside. That is why humans keep their cats inside and locked up in their new living place for a certain time period. To make sure the cat stay's there. It doesn't work out all the time, for lots of cats wander of to their former living area.
Cats who live inside are different, guess you can imagine that...

By the way, why do you think some humans bind their dogs on a Tree at a leach in the Summer, when they go on vacation and find it easier to do to get rid of their dogs by 'throwing them away' in stead of bringing them to a another human or petmotel which can look after them...?
hey all :)

Mr G
you said ,,, It sounds impressive but it is merely hearsay.

as you may have seen or experienced ,
hearsay is most peoples reality! :D
we comunicate through hearsay and then sometimes seek to expand our collection of witnes reports.

if it does not suit our own perception or understanding it is sometimes blocked "by our selfs" from view.

anectdotally ranting, one might relate to looking for something which later appears in mid range height and reach yet unseen to the brain... ?
or was it?
whos telling who, what we can see?

its all kinda mystifying realy :D

ohh... and one more little oddity... people love to think and act in circles... "figure that one"!

groove on all :)
...and one more .... ? "thing"

as a society/civilisation, Humans can be fairly judged by the way they (as a society) treat other animals.

"it doesnt get any simpler than that"

"would you land and say hi"?
most of our "civilised" (?) population would avoid such a planet
based on the little information they currently hold of thier own planet.

now thats gotta make ya wonder!

Yes, you got a point there, reading books is hearsay too. Like listening to whatever anybody says, without controlling the facts. And most "facts" are controlled by hearsay.
hey all :)

hears a leap!
maybe because of the planet grid of electro-magnetic (and other)
radiation the animal is able to hold a peice of the puzzle for comparison and then ... ?
walk the puzzle..?
walk with the peice...?
we seem yet to purify our own abilities into workable skills (genraly) and disregard and talk-down people and other animals that seem to contradict the ...? "law" ???
yet accept it on a small manageable easy to shuffle side plate
for gap filling and social flag waving.

oh well :)
sociatal construct dictates we are not ready yet some seem to carry the knoledge of many and the skills of a few.

an interesting hint to the regional posibility to human bio magnetics/health/brain chemistry.

"WAR, anyone...? :rolleyes:
... how would you build a printer big enough to produce the map?
and what would it do to property prices???

groove on all :)
It is not only animals that find there way home, after all humans can do the same,i know the felling when you leave home, and your family hope that you return home in tact, and when they are on the dock side waveing to the ship that brings you home safe,and seeing your mother crying with joy, been there done that, the worst part was telling her you where going away again did that to. so i know the felling of coming home.