Come on, REAL Physics please!


Registered Senior Member
Forces cannot be unified at all.
This is just another silly paradigm setted by an Einstein's thought, the same as "particles' entaglement". Just silly and wrong statements.
And there are many physicists braking their minds, wasting time and money in such "paradigms"...

Not to say Relativity Theory is really a wrong theory.
But not only Einstein was wrong, also De Broglie's waves actually do not exist.(Actually there are no "waves associated to matter", only a wave-like behavior!).

To continue wasting brain, time and money?
Note also that from wrong theories only wrong predictions can surge...

Wake up! Open the eyes! There's an entire totally new big possibility in Physics!

Time to rethink it all!

Startpoint for a "New Physics": Real Physics! (Under development).
A totally new theory rising...

Don't miss...
Interesting excerpts from other forum:

"Why is it always engineers that think they can suddenly overturn hundreds of years of scientific achievement?"

May be because there still are wrong things.

You know, common people (witha perfect right intuition) don't swallow all that things you, physicists, "proudly" announce on TV about the existence of "parallel universes", "dark matter and energy", "time/space travel in wormholes", "wave-particle duality", etc, etc.
We all know that all that is just Fiction from the very badly solved things in Physics and one day phisicists will ashame for having to state all that absurdities.
And you know what is the cause? Just to believe too much in wrong or partially wrong Physics Theories.

Some day all things will be really solved and meanwhile much of us are working for that while you simply stay as if everything is fine and actually hiding things in front of people like me, confronting current "ideas", because at the end you actually know there are problems, but as you can't solve them you assume the position of "parrots" of mainstream theories (just in front of us, not at your work and home where you spend lot of time trying to solve many inconsistencies and absurdities).

"..." ( some disgusted)

You have taken this too personnaly.
I'm sorry if disgusted you but that is what the average people believe.
I just said it because I know why it happens.

May be intuition could fail in a first approach sometimes (as the example you mentioned) but together with reasoning they bring a common sense that works.
The problem is that "Modern Physics" teaches to neglect common sense to accept their wrong theories (like Relativity) and wrong predictions derived from them.
Common sense is right.
I'm sorry.


Yes it does. I have heard that many times when some people argument that "Relativity Theory" does not follow common sense and it was answered that Physics not necessarily follow common sense.
For me the main premise in Physics should be that everything in the Universe must have sense.


Well I can say what has no sense for me: "Parallel Universes", "Dark Matter/Energy", "time-space travel (wormholes)"...
I know, I don't have the proof they don't exist but current Physics don't have the proof they exist and state they are the predictions of current theories and so they must exist. It would be better to think "Hey, this predictions have no common sense, may be it would be better to "brake" and analize if there could be something wrong in our theories."

""You pick the worst examples.

Parallel Universes: I'm pretty sure that most scientists don't believe in parallel universes. I think a lot of scientists like the idea and say that if they did exist, it'd make certain things easier. There's no evidence that parallel universes actually exist though, so scientists limit themselves to "could be". Newspapers and web sites take a scientist's "could be" and then write "he said it was". There's a huge difference.

Dark matter/energy: The terms "dark matter" and "dark energy" are just place holders for "there's something out there that we can measure, but we have no idea what it is". That's a lot to say, so scientists just say dark matter or dark energy instead.

Time travel: Time travel forward in time has been directly observed. In fact, it's very straight forward. Go fast. Time travel backwards in time is currently thought to be impossible.

Wormholes: Theory says wormholes might possibly be allowed to exist. That's a long way from saying that wormholes are real, and no one's really sure that they haven't missed something that would conclusively say that wormholes are impossible. Scientists aren't looking for wormholes. ""

I believe in measurements but I doubt in the interpretation of them. In my theory I agree but give a different interpretation for all these experiments: Kauffman, "Strong magnet", Feynman, Davisson-Germer and Fizeau (if i haven't forgotten some other).
You shopuld take a look how an entire Physics could be different just by reinterpreting observations.

"Anyway, what does that even mean? Do you think human common sense is some finely tuned sixth sense that tells how the universe really works? Somehow, all these scientists are suppressing this miraculous sense that tells them how things must work, even when the ruler in their hand is telling them otherwise? You're going a bit beyond ridiculous here."

Well I can say what I feel after discussing a lot in forums since some years ago.
I think that when we passes through University and we learn lot of things two things happen: first, we have a natural tendency in believe that what was teached is totally right (mainly when the authors of the subjects are presented as great and famous personalities in Science with big awards) and second, we study the subject and although is difficult to understand we don't find other option (in general we don't have time to look for them) and so it works as we have confirmed them.
As more brillant one was in the University more problem he will have to overcome with the possibility that all what he have studied and even exercises he passed with excellent notes could at the end simply not apply in the reality of the Universe.
Then "scientists" are highly conditionated by what they have learned and I think that yes, sometimes their common sense could have been "supressed".

I have serious problems to overcome this situations when developing the new theory.

It get worst when large publicity is made around like Einstein.
Fortunately I could overcome that.

Common sense don't tell how the Universe works but it acts as an intuitive reaction when something wrong seems to be happening...
I believe humans have sense of perfection and common sense is some kind of manifestation of it.

"Since when have we lived in a perfect universe? Since when has any human had any sense of perfection? As an answer to that second question, let me say that the last person I know of that had what I'd consider a sense of perfection was Hitler. Not a good example to follow."

That's the problem. The Universe is not perfect. A perfect universe would give a totally comfortable life for all of its beings and is not our case. We humans live as we can,and we had a lot of work trying to live well without reaching hapiness except in some brief moments.
Everybody of us try to make at least our lifes better but many ways appear some of them seem "right" other "wrong" (Don't tell me about Hitler who for me had mental illness) but nobody reach an ideal life. When we seem to be right we see our "neighbours" and they are not well and so nothing is really right.

I think we humans have sense of perfection but don't know what is really wrong in the Universe to make something about (if we could).

I'm presenting a new theory that I consider is still under development and there's a lot of work I simply can't do and I would like others could develop it further. As I say at the main page "I cannot make it all!".
I present some evidence. My work was a theoretical one and present many theoretical arguments. Some experiments are proposed like a modified version of the Davisson-Germer experiment which can demonstrate a lot (towards or against could be expected in principle).
I think the arguments are strong enough for the new theory to be considered by the Science community to find out if at least there is something right on it.

The problem is that lot of people like you ask for things totally ready, undoubtelly demonstrated and proved and even presented as papers. I'm sorry that's not the case. The case is that is a new theory that needs work yet.
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Wait. So you have unravelled the secrets to the universe, found one unifying theory? Why isn't this stuff on the news?
If you are peddling a book, it would be in your best interest to go for the mainstream markets, not this backwater. Good Luck!
Your statement is even more silliness and WOO WOO.

Cosmic, you're a complete and total hack. Only a hack would post that statement. I'm willing to bet you didn't read the OP beyond the first two sentences.

That's what you do - you go into a pseudoscience forum and copy/paste that statement over and over and over AND OVER again until your fingertips bleed from the repetition. Then you get a reach around from Oli and alphanumeric.

I bet you can't prove YOUR statement that his theory is "woo woo."
