Collapse/Revealment of an Energy Wave


The illusion is you, let go.
Registered Senior Member
After thinking about it for a while I had an insight into what the zero point moment where an energy wave collapses would mean (consciously).
I suspect it is a spectacular event specifically because it 'appears' to a single consciousness.

Our problem (or feeling of being disconnected) seems to be due to a lack of exposure to these revealed energy waves which very probably links us to the multiverse. The reason we don't experience exposure to collapsed energy waves is because our most perceptive energy wave 'solar' cannot collapse to a single consciousness/individual logically speaking because others would instantly perceive darkness.

I also suspect and as a mystic have experienced that such waves caryy with them not only intelligence and awareness of the multiverse at large but also information relevant to the observer.

In my opinion the best experiences are those that involve a high exchange of energywaves.
You know, as the theory goes, there maybe a single collapse in the wave function for a single thought. The mind itself might be made up of the collection of natural collapses inside your head!
I love the way the hardcore physicists relegate things here.
You know, as the theory goes, there maybe a single collapse in the wave function for a single thought. The mind itself might be made up of the collection of natural collapses inside your head!

I agree and sometimes this is on a small scale or sometimes a masive. For example I recall a packet of information/memory I sent back some 20 years after I lived a day I dreamt as a kid aged 9. At the time as an adult I had some very strong energies that were flowing around me and through me.

In fact i am sure in corridors of power and during key events in history a kind of energy flows very strongly sometimes this may be like chi energy or literally energy that is collapsing its wave form. Unfortunatly it is very non-scientific at the moment and is more at the hunch/instinct stage.

Perhaps natural wave collapse within the brain is key in trigering the firing of neorons ? In other words energy moves around the brain as a wave then collapses to form a thought, just as you suspect. This would tie in with the observer collapsing the wave function of light through observation. The difference being that we observe our 'thought waves'.
When i am able to mathematically determine a model for consciousness, which i will do before i die, (and hopefully one that is universally excepted...), i am going to integrate a new principle based on three assumptions:

1) That somehow billions of billions of billions of particles that arise seemingly from random laws that give rise to consciousness

2) That these random laws are not so random at all, and somehow take on the same role at the fundamental level

3) Such laws already exist with Bose-Einstein Statistics having a large collection of particles fall into the same roles and states...

The principle will be fundamental for the mind, and how it operates, but it will take on the same characteristics as what we would expect from a mathematical model of a large collection of photons obeying Bose-Einstein Statistics... inasmuch that the particles in my head fall into the same state so that consciousness can arise.

Of course, its only an analogy using the Bose-Einstein states, but it tackles the same general idea... how do such a large collection of particle give rise to a function that is ruled by no detereministic law? It begs to reason that there is certainly some kind of law that we is determining them on their paths and states... so that a collapse in the head cannot be random like we thought.

In other words, when one atom collapses, or electron, or even a photon inside my head, it triggers a collection of other fundamental properties to follow the same rule, and continues to do so, without us even getting involved.
In fact, i'm going to start a thread on this problem of determinism, matter and consciousness.
Excellent, i think it will take someone with you qualities to connect the dots in QM. Unfortunatly I am not from a scientific background but I understand enough about the mind to know that it is not a separate entity but rather is connected. I am also convinced consciousness is not a new phenomenon and that it was about pre-big bang. In fact I'd go as far as to say atomic movement cannot occur unconsciously and as a minimum there are deterministic guiding forces or waves. If we were all once merged within a singularity then it stands to reason that our energy and consciousness would also have been merged. IMO the big bang was no accident, we willed it to happen.