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Why is there a greater chance of getting a cold after getting cold or wet?

Is there a greater chance of getting a cold in winter? why?

Or does it just seem that way

Thankyou in advance

People usually get more colds in winter not because they get cold but because people tend to be together more in winter. Viral and bacterial infections have no preference between cold and warm people. Only after long exposure to cold, can you damage and reduce your immune response thus making you more susceptible to infection.
it's the birds

y'know, when the birds fly south during the winter they carry the viruses and humans are very susceptible to that. They have researchers every year going to where the birds fly south to take samples of them and determining what kind of flu shots you could take.
People usually get more colds in winter not because they get cold but because people tend to be together more in winter. Viral and bacterial infections have no preference between cold and warm people.

True enough. Its a phenomenon of having the windows shut tight and poor venting during the cold months. The viral load usually floating in the air circulates out the window during the warmer months so you don't get sick. Its quirky logic to attribute colds to cold air when in fact its a protean virus behind it.

Another thing- don't mistaken a cold with a dry throat either. Folks tend to muddle the two. Run a mile with your mouth wide open. See what happens. You'll be coming home coughing your eyes out, but it goes away in a day or two. Influenza, catarrh (common cold), pneumonia, and bronchitis do not.
Xcuse me, but I think you're talking bout influenza, right, not the 'catchable' one?
But do tell me the symptoms, if they're mere nasal mucus problem plus some occasional shivers and headache (NO coughs), it may be the very common cold I'm familiar with.... something because of sudden prolonged exposure to cold environment.
the common cold you are describing sould like a common viral infection. again, not due to the tempurature. go get sterilized (ie remove bacterial/viral contamination, not the other kind of sterilized), then stand by yourself out in the woods in the middle of winter. you may die of exposure, but you won't get a cold. there no vector for the introduction of desease.

Such studies were conducted in the 20's-50's. people standing in a cold room barefoot, in 1" of standing water. by themselves, they wouldn't get a cold. when in a similar situation with other people, they'd tend to get allot more colds.

One other reason? School is in. The transmission of germs between children in school (and subsequently their families) is one of the major methods for the passing of colds/flu in many western cultures.

One more reason? The cold. I know I said above that the tempurature doesn't have anything to do with getting a cold, but that not entirely true. the Body has to put more reasources into keeping the core tempurature up high enough so that you don't get hypothermia while walking to your car. As such, there is less energy available for keeping the immune system up to snuff. I have not seen many studies along these lines, but IME, the human immune sytem is slightly supressed during the winter months. The lower levels of sunlight may also play a role in the weakening of the immune system.
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