

i dont
Registered Senior Member
Lately, I've been having about 5 VERY weird coincidences per day, just starting lately. The lastest one, I turned on my computer and got a pop-up add and right when i saw the title of the product, that same thing came up on TV...Anwyays, what do you guys think about coincidences? Do you think they mean anything?
The concept of synchronicity

Have you guys ever read "Synchronicity: An acausal connecting principle" by Carl Jung?

Here is a quote by him regarding synchronicity that I thought might to be of interest. It's from the glossary of The Essential Jung.

"Synchronicity is no more baffling or mysterious than the discontinuities of physics. It is only the ingrained belief in the sovereign power of causality that creates intellectual difficulties and makes it appear unthinkable that causeless events exist or could even occur . . . Meaningful coincidences are thinkable as pure chance. But the more they multiply and the greater and more exact the correspondance is, the more their probability sinks and their unthinkability increases, until they can no longer be regarded as pure chance, but, for lack of causal explanation, have to be thought of as meaningful arrangements . . . Their 'inexplicability' is not due to the fact that the cause is unknown, but to the fact that a cause is not even thinkable in intellectual terms." (CW 8, par. 967.)

"Messages from unconsciousness"

Do you mean like this?
Imagine a world, a dimension where everything possible is happening at the same time, all scenarios all being played at once. Say, it's Sunday afternoon and you go to the movies, but there is also another version - you choose to stay at home. And yet another - you get visitors, or someone gives you a puppy named Sunday. And so on. I'm sure, you get the point.
You, of course, get to pick only one option at a time, and that's how your life goes.

Now, imagine that somehow you manage to tap into this hidden, unknown dimension, this matrix and therefore are able to gain more control over your life. Knowing all options, you get to materialize the sequence that you choose. All others will not materialize and will be absent from your life, for example the visitors don't show up that sunday or you don't get the puppy.

Now, nobody or at least, not many of us have the ability to tap into this unknown grid of events. But perhaps, some of those events that we would call meaningful (like being given a puppy named Sunday on a Sunday) somehow "get through" to our physical world and become visible. The mechanism behind them, the world where they come from is hidden from us and that's why we, not being privy to it, call such events coincidence.

No need to take this post seriously