coincidence? You be the judge

Closet Philosopher

Off to Laurentian University
Registered Senior Member
First off, I'm not into all of that psychic stuff but I had an experience that makes me think that I have ESP or something.

Last year, two students in my old school died in a car crash (one of them was my friend). It was very difficult for everyone and I still think about it occasionally. I switched schools, no one knew about this accident at this school. Last weekend, I kept having thoughts that crept up telling me that someone will die in an accident. I figured I was just being stupid. We can all attest to having random silly thoughts that don't make sense. This thought that someone from my new school was going to die became so strong. I couldn't tell when it was going to happen but I kept having this feeling that something was going to happen during this school year to someone. It also kept reminding me of my friend at the other school who had died in the car crash. These thoughts of young people dying was bothering me for the last week, I heven had a hard time sleeping because of it. I was afraid that if I told someone then they would think I was crazy. I found out about two hours ago that a student from my school (that I didn't know) died in an accident. Could these feelings of death be premenitions or is it just a coincidence? Either way, it's strange that I was thinking of death in my school and in the same week, someone died.... It gives me the chills.
ILikeSalt said:
First off, I'm not into all of that psychic stuff but I had an experience that makes me think that I have ESP or something.

Last year, two students in my old school died in a car crash (one of them was my friend). It was very difficult for everyone and I still think about it occasionally. I switched schools, no one knew about this accident at this school. Last weekend, I kept having thoughts that crept up telling me that someone will die in an accident. I figured I was just being stupid. We can all attest to having random silly thoughts that don't make sense. This thought that someone from my new school was going to die became so strong. I couldn't tell when it was going to happen but I kept having this feeling that something was going to happen during this school year to someone. It also kept reminding me of my friend at the other school who had died in the car crash. These thoughts of young people dying was bothering me for the last week, I heven had a hard time sleeping because of it. I was afraid that if I told someone then they would think I was crazy. I found out about two hours ago that a student from my school (that I didn't know) died in an accident. Could these feelings of death be premenitions or is it just a coincidence? Either way, it's strange that I was thinking of death in my school and in the same week, someone died.... It gives me the chills.

Premonitions are very common. I have had two major car accidents and before both happened (some few hours before) I found myself begging God to 'not let this happen' - it was like some terror came upon me and taunted me with my own death causing me to pray conditionally against it. Both car accidents happened and thank God I survived both ( the fact that I survived one of them was a complete miracle given that I was hit whilst stationary by a police car travelling at just under 100 mph).
I wouldnt worry. It seems that you have a gift for prediction :) Nothing strange in that.


It sounds like you are a precog. I had a few experiences like this before. Once I had a dream where there was a car accident in the middle of an intersection where a white man busted up a car with two Imdian men, one woman and a baby, then the next day it happened as I was crossing the street. I also was riding horses with some people on a trail ride. Everything was going fine and then I just had a thought that one of the horses was going to fall or stumble. Less than a minute later the person in front of me had her horse's back leg get caught in a gopher hole and it stumbled. Everyone was OK in both situations. It's really nothing strange. It's probably just something subconscious that picks up on things around us that our conscious minds don't pay attention. (Just a theory.)
Sounds like a coincidence to me.
I do believe there is some valid basis for believing in precognition, but this just doesn't sound like anything special.
You didn't "see" anything, you had no idea who it would happen to, when it would happen... nothing.
People die in car accidents every day.
You would be likely to be thinking about such things since you were personally struck by it just last year.
If you glance at a newspaper that mentions a car accident, your mind (at least subconsciously) will think about the accident last year.

Think of all the times that you may have had "feelings" about this or that, but they didn't happen.
Those simply don't stick in your mind as ones that DO.

If you start to think about someone being shot every day, then eventually someone you don't know, but can vaguely be connected to you may be shot.
Does that mean you foresaw it?
It means the odds were in your favor that time.

It could have been more than just a coincidence, but it doesn't sound like it.
Without telling details, why assume it is anything more than just a coincidence?
Somebody died? No, that doesn't make you psychic. Car accidents are (over here anyway) the single largest killer of school age kids. About four kids per day get waxed in crashes.

So, let's do some maths. 4 kids per day, that's 1460 per year. There are 33,000 schools, so 4.5% chance per year a kid at any given school will die in a car crash. Now, this figure needs some weighting, as most crashes occur in built up areas, and less frequently in rural ones. (80% of the population here live in cities).

So a fair coincidence rate would be one kid every 20 years from the same school dies in a car crash (although you did't specify what sort of accident the second was, I was just using car crashes as I have figures for those, if it wasn't a car crash, that % rate increases). But, statistics aren't fair. So it happened a little faster than UK figures would estimate.

Get the figures for your area, and do the maths. You'll soon see it was just bad luck.
Maybe you are a Firestarter! Move to another school and see if someone dies in a crash there. :D

I hope you know I'm joking, but an ex of mine was cut-off on the highway once and she wished the wheel would fall of the car, and it did just a few seconds later.
No, I'm not kidding.
I swear.
Actually, it wasn't a car accident... she supposedy fell down the stairs. My frinend was killed in a car accident. I didn't see a car accident though, I had feelings of death, but not with a car. It's hard to explain.
ILikeSalt said:
Actually, it wasn't a car accident... she supposedy fell down the stairs. My frinend was killed in a car accident. I didn't see a car accident though, I had feelings of death, but not with a car. It's hard to explain.

So you have to add the % chances of dying through any means together, and work out the likelyhood of two kids from the same school falling victim within whatever timescale you think makes it more than a coincidence. Whatver timescale you pick, you just change the likelyhood, btw, so it still could happen, even within a fairly short timespan.

So you aren't psychic. Just morose!
Actually it was teo different schools.
ILikeSalt said that (s)he switched schools after the first accident.
one_raven said:
Actually it was teo different schools.
ILikeSalt said that (s)he switched schools after the first accident.

So she did. So the chances are far higher for a random coincidence, given that we have to encompass _all_ forms of death, and the population size is much larger.

She is still morose though.
ILikeSalt said:
First off, I'm not into all of that psychic stuff but I had an experience that makes me think that I have ESP or something.

Last year, two students in my old school died in a car crash (one of them was my friend). It was very difficult for everyone and I still think about it occasionally. I switched schools, no one knew about this accident at this school. Last weekend, I kept having thoughts that crept up telling me that someone will die in an accident. I figured I was just being stupid. We can all attest to having random silly thoughts that don't make sense. This thought that someone from my new school was going to die became so strong. I couldn't tell when it was going to happen but I kept having this feeling that something was going to happen during this school year to someone. It also kept reminding me of my friend at the other school who had died in the car crash. These thoughts of young people dying was bothering me for the last week, I heven had a hard time sleeping because of it. I was afraid that if I told someone then they would think I was crazy. I found out about two hours ago that a student from my school (that I didn't know) died in an accident. Could these feelings of death be premenitions or is it just a coincidence? Either way, it's strange that I was thinking of death in my school and in the same week, someone died.... It gives me the chills.

What do you think they were?
I truly doubt you have ESP. I have had many cases in which similar things have happened yet I doubt that I'm psychic. For instance, I remember about a year or 2 ago I was walkin home from school and I would have sworn I saw my dog out of the corner of my eye standing and staring at me. When I saw that "image" I was filled with grief and rather scared because of how vivid the image was, it actually made me jump. About 3 months ago we had to put our dog to sleep before it was simply the right thing to do, before my parents brought him to the hospital to get his shot he stood and stared at me from the same spot (or atleast near it) and I was again filled with dread. Now although this is rather specific, that image could have just as easily been produced subconciously a year before. The fact that he's always around the house and outside could have made me imagine he was there and the dread could have been due to the days activities (especially since Im not exactly the happiest child after school). It was coincidence and although there are quite a few more examples of these coicidences there's almost always a reason why these things happens, the subconcious is a very....complex thing, and can arrange information from the environment is such ways that it truly can seem as if you have esp.