Cohabitation Law


The Smoke that Thunders
Registered Senior Member
In North Carolina and a couple of more places in the USA it is illegal for two adults in a relationship to live together if they are not married and this goes for gays, lesbians and heterosexual. What are your thoughts on this and do you agree or not. :confused:
its a restriction of personal freedom?

i have an objection to marrage so my GF and i cant live together?

what if we have a child together? do we have to act like we are devorced because of some religious nuts rather than giving our child a loving singular home?
Those laws actually have to do with adultery and divorce. In fact, one of the accusations against Michael Schiavo in the recent dance of death was that he was unfit to be Terri Schiavo's guardian because he was an acknowledged lawbreaker. Florida, apparently, is one of those places where such laws exist: a married man should not live with another woman.

Strangely, I thought that was the custom in parts of Europe; Americans heard all sorts of strange things about Ireland in the 1990s, and some of them actually turned out to be true. One of them, though, was that Irish folks, prohibited divorces, customarily ditched their spouses when it came to it and shacked up with their truer, better love.
again although adultry is really MORALLY wrong it shouldnt be a court matter
Asguard said:
again although adultry is really MORALLY wrong it shouldnt be a court matter

That could be said of so many other things but eventually it becomes a judicial matter because almost always monetary issues arise.

Personally, the whole Terry Schiavo matter should have never crossed the airwaves, but unfortunetly it did and it became a matter of court and pathetic dance of left and right wing ideals going at it.
I'm only speaking of unmarried couples not married and seperated, just two regular people.
Sounds like a blue law to me. These are occasionally leveraged by mean people for profit; for example, by a grandstanding politician. Typically there's no profit in it.
sargentlard, yes but when we are talking about things like that they are genrally civil court actions. From the tone of this topic i thought we were talking about criminal laws ie the STATE vs someone rather than "you cheated on me so i want a divorce"
This is a good law. Every state should enact this law. Without this law many men take advantage of women, using them merely to fulfil their own lusts. women are made into slaves without marriage. The men, when they are finished, kick the woman out and get another, caring nothing for human dignity, because their lust has blinded them to the realities of true commitment (love). It is unjust for a state not to have this law.
Lawdog said:
Without this law many men take advantage of women, using them merely to fulfil their own lusts. women are made into slaves without marriage. The men, when they are finished, kick the woman out and get another, caring nothing for human dignity, because their lust has blinded them to the realities of true commitment (love).

Check into the rising phenomenon of stay-at-home dads. You'll find women behave no better. For instance, if a man brought a social disease to his family, and then lied and tried to hide it from his spouse? A woman up the street just did that to her husband.

Or my partner: if the roles were reversed, and I behaved as she did, I would have been in jail a long time ago. Smashing the walls, threatening to kill, add all that to the night she got drunk in order to tell me she was pregnant and then attacked me? Ah, but she is a woman; apparently, we owe her some deep and mystical understanding. After all, when it comes to her misbehavior, the last thing we should do to a woman is treat her equally to men, right?

You know how many times she's tried to kick me out of the house lately? And hey, at least if a guy wants to be dumb enough to threaten his woman, he'll do it himself. Rather unlike a woman promising that her daddy will take care of someone. Especially when you call daddy to ask him why he's threatening you.

Of course, it's not like things would go any better if we had gotten married. Ask her sometime. Or ask the husband she's left behind.

If married people respected their pledge to one another and kept it to themselves, I probably wouldn't find your proposal so near the ridiculous. But no, Lawdog. Marriage is no better an alternative until you get to the bean-counting. Tragically, people aren't willing to admit that's what marriage is about.

People are made into whores and slaves because of marriage, as well. Of course, I realize that the middle ground--leaving people to figure it out for themselves--is unacceptable to you. In the end, were marriage a truly strong institution, all those cohabiting couples would choose it.

Make marriage into something other than a tax shelter and the pride of bigotry, and perhaps it will be a worthy social institution.
Lawdog: 2 things are you a guy or a girl?
have you ever had anyone cheat on you because im sorry to say that i think (from my experiance and talking to friends both male and female) that women are MORE likly to cheat than guys are, so who would be being treated like a whore? she goes out sleeps around and comes home every night? HMMMM thats not what I want

2nd dont you think if a relationship is strong that the 2 people in it are capable of making it work with or WITHOUT a stupid piece of paper? i mean how long do you get to know someone before you marry them? 1 year? 2? 3? 5? whatever it is YOU have held the relationship together that long along with your partner so why all of a suden cant the relationship hold its own weight? if it cant then why are you even still in it? do you really want to be chained down in a relationship that cant work just because of a piece of paper? its sheer idiocy

Oh and one final point. I was reading a GIRLS mag (not some porn or male oriantated anything, girls mag, think it was either cleo or cosmo, god i was bored) and they had a list of things you SHOULD do BEFORE concidering marrage

1) sleep together because if the sex dont work then it wont work
2) LIVE togther because its one thing to have sex and another to live in someones pocket
3) have shared finances because if you cant handle how eachother handle money you will end up hating eachother

there were others but i cant rember them but the point is that females think that doing these 3 things BEFORE concidering marrage are important if you want it to last and this law would stop one of them. SO infact this law would probably REDUCE the sucess rate of marrages
Why should any state care who does and who does not live together? I should be able to cohabitate with any person of my choosing.

What if I'm not in a relationship but sleeping with my roomate, who happens to be female as well?

Maybe not a good example considering this country's insane view on homosexual relationships...but this whole idea is garbage. Who's business is it who I am in a realtionship with or who I live with. The state governments should pay more attention to such things as education and our country's incredible failure there. I would find such effort better better serving to a public need.

FieryKitten said:
Why should any state care who does and who does not live together? I should be able to cohabitate with any person of my choosing.

What if I'm not in a relationship but sleeping with my roomate, who happens to be female as well?

Maybe not a good example considering this country's insane view on homosexual relationships...but this whole idea is garbage. Who's business is it who I am in a realtionship with or who I live with. The state governments should pay more attention to such things as education and our country's incredible failure there. I would find such effort better better serving to a public need.


I agreed with you until you got to the part about how the government should pay more attention to education and serving a public need. The government doesn't have any business in our lives unless we are violating the rights of others.
ReighnStorm said:
In North Carolina and a couple of more places in the USA it is illegal for two adults in a relationship to live together if they are not married and this goes for gays, lesbians and heterosexual. What are your thoughts on this and do you agree or not. :confused:

I don't know how something like this hasn't been overturned by the courts.
Acid Cowboy said:
I agreed with you until you got to the part about how the government should pay more attention to education and serving a public need. The government doesn't have any business in our lives unless we are violating the rights of others.

We agree to be protected by a government by giving up some's the social contract. Besides, education is good. Where do you think 90% of today's kids would be if left to the education provided by their parents?

I shudder to think the results of that.

besides which parents dont know everything, My parents dont know anywhere near as much as i do about cooking (well mum does in different area's but her knowlage wouldnt help me at work)
ReighnStorm said:
In North Carolina and a couple of more places in the USA it is illegal for two adults in a relationship to live together if they are not married and this goes for gays, lesbians and heterosexual. What are your thoughts on this and do you agree or not. :confused:
What's funny about this law is that it's so easy to say you're not in a relationship, and move in with each other anyway.

Some people have weird little insecurites about how other people live their lives and will even make laws just to make them stop.
Why should any state care who does and who does not live together?


I heard there's a law that says that if a man and a woman live together for a certain time period they're considered husband and wife even if they do not marry. In what states is that true?