

Teach the americans!!
Registered Senior Member
How does cocaine affect the body physically and mentally? Pros and Cons please.
Form my limited experiance:

Mentally, you feel extremely motivated, it makes you quite arrogant (and more easily annoyed) , it makes you very confident and talkative. Although I did notice some mild retardedness, but it was mostly unnoticable.

Physically, I felt as if I had a lot of energy, but felt a little drained afterwards.

I imagine long-term use would wreck you brain and although it is easy to blag at parties, it costs about five times what it's worth if you buy it yourself.

I read in Scientific American last year that it has quite bad effects on reward pathways in the brain. The details were not straight forward and I don't remember them, but I do recall the effects were rather long-term. The short of it was that for heavy users more of the drug would be needed to get the same effect (not to do with just an abundance of breakdown enzymes actually, as you might guess) and would affect how they get pleasure from other activites. My advice, keep it to a once a year thing. And not for that many years.

Crack-cocaine delivers an intensity of pleasure completely outside the normal range of human experience. It offers the most wonderful state of consciousness, and the most intense sense of being alive, the user will ever enjoy. (S)he will access heightened states of being whose modes are unknown to chemically-naïve contemporaries. Groping for adequate words, crack-takers sometimes speak of the rush in terms of a "whole-body orgasm". Drug-naive virgins - slightly shop-soiled or otherwise - cannot be confident (unless in thrall to ill-conceived logical behaviorist theories of meaning) that they have grasped the significance of such an expression. For to do so, it would be necessary to take the drug via its distinctive delivery-mechanism oneself. This is at best very imprudent.

the cons

As a rule of thumb, it is profoundly unwise to take crack-cocaine. The brain has evolved a truly vicious set of negative feedback mechanisms. Their functional effect is to stop us from being truly happy for long. Nature is cruelly parsimonious with pleasure. The initial short-lived euphoria of a reinforcer as uniquely powerful as crack will be followed by a "crash". This involves anxiety, depression, irritability, extreme fatigue and possibly paranoia. Physical health may deteriorate. An intense craving for more cocaine develops. In heavy users, stereotyped compulsive and repetitive patterns of behaviour may occur. So may tactile hallucinations of insects crawling underneath the skin ("formication"). Severe depressive conditions may follow; agitated delirium; and also a syndrome sometimes known as toxic paranoid psychosis. The neural aftereffects of chronic cocaine use include changes in monoamine metabolites and uptake transporters. There is down-regulation of dopamine D2 receptors to compensate for their drug-induced overstimulation. Thus the brain's capacity to experience pleasure is diminished.
...the most intense sense of being alive, the user will ever enjoy
I'd say MDMA is the best experiance. But I'd never recommend it, what with the long term issues and everyday life getting boring in comparasen.
Calvin said:
How does cocaine affect the body physically and mentally?
Physically? Badly. Mentally? It helps stupid people dull the pain and make weak people feel powerful. After a while, it kills you.
Calvin, if ya need specific info, ya can get ideas for specific questions from [Thread=42589]this thread[/Thread]. It won't give ya any info on cocaïne, though.