Coca Cola or Religion

Jolly Rodger

Call me stupid for doing this although i was trying to make a point which maybe didnt work out exactly as i planned although you may get my point
since i joined this forum when ever a thred is posted about religion the person who posts it is normally saying that "my religion is the best" and if you try and reply, the person is, i dont know, offended that someone is questioning their beliefs, although what everyone has to work out for themselves that religion is what you believe.... YOU BELIEVE, noone has to share the same views as you.
My origanal post
I posted this at the end of my CoCa Cola Thread although it was fast becomming very unpopular!

I love coca cola if i had the money i would drink it for the rest of my life, what is your choice in Beverage
Coca Cola, Pepsi or other please list

Now try and follow what i am saying now, think if my thread what titiled Religion or something similar, and it read, i love christianity, if i had the time i would devote my whole life to it what is your religion, Christian, islam......

Within 10 minutes it would have been qoutes from the bible, people saying mines better than yours, mines more forgiving than yours, you will get killed if you leave yours so thats why you think yours is better!!

I mean really everyone i know this might sound silly but think of your religion as your favorite beverage!
Enlighten, tell people why you follow your faith, But DONT get so emotionally involved. Because without hearing what other people have to say, you are just narrow minded.

If you Dont Follow PLEASE let me know!!
Yes I follow and i must therefore retort that i like Coke more than Pepsi but I like diet Pepsi more than diet Coke, Which i drink more actually changes from year to year. But i live in Beer.
thats an interesting way to view could also say, who's the original? and add a whole new twist to it! also looking at all the different types of pop within just one (ie Pepsi also has diet pepsi, pepsi one, pepsi twist, ect kinda like there's Christians with baptists, lutherins, mennonite, etc)

Santa clause was made red by the coca cola company,they made children believe the lie of his red coat and got you hooked on it by putting cocaine in it to begin with,they got a lot of power,but us pepsinists will crush em.

So i rebel against this outrage and decided to be anti-coca cola,ive got upside down coca cola cans on my walls with "hail pepsi!!" written everywhere.
I like agnosticism, It lets you look at other religions subjectively, but it doesnt really live you much of a guideline for morality, or how to live your live.
*giggles* Pepsi Twist is TOTALLY the United Christian Church.

and I'd have to say Vanilla Coke is like Fundamentalist or something cus its kinda "old fashioned" But new (if ya know what I mean)

Diet Caffeine free Coke is Mormon
coca cola or religion?

why not both.

coca-jesus.....blessed can's of everybody's favourite soft drink.

i think i'm onto something.
hmmmpgh...the media-matrix spin machine shooo NUFf got ya man jolly roger dude

let me try and de-cult you then. one can only tryy
well that liquid they is callin 'coca-cola' is bascially sugar-saturated liquid crap........It's the sugar that keeps you wanting more

sugar is basically a totoally useless product--ie., the one they make--taking all the goodness from its original sguar cane beginnings. what is ended up with is a utterly useless substance that has not only no nutriments whatsoever, but also leeches nutrients from your body (i was a sugar addict)....the rush you get is the rise of your blood sugar level, but it dont last and can have you crashing down, which is why sugar becomes so habitual. you keep needing it to have energy

sugar also furs up the arteries. this dont just happen to old people. fit men have been seen to have it too. and it can lead to strokes etc

now. i am far from being fuddy duddy. i am only warnin you off having it like all the time.` drink mineral water. thaT IS m u c h MORE BENEFICIAL. WATER IS thE ONLY SUBSTANCE THAT REHYDRATES THE ORganism

i have cut out sugar. and you know what. when you do you really dig fruit ...with its natrual sugar.

yip coca-cola is the anti-christ....hah
I can't think of anything more sterile than people just using the religious forum to post what their religion or anti-religion is.
Jolly Rodger said:
since i joined this forum when ever a thred is posted about religion the person who posts it is normally saying that "my religion is the best" and if you try and reply, the person is, i dont know, offended that someone is questioning their beliefs, although what everyone has to work out for themselves that religion is what you believe.... YOU BELIEVE, noone has to share the same views as you.
In my experience this is not what happens. What happens is that the replies that people get to their religious-declaration posts fall into three categories: 1) (at best) requests for the person to justify their belief in rational terms, 2) ranting about "fairy stories" and other general denigrations of religion as a whole and (most often) Christianity in particular, or 3) members of opposing sects coming in with why the person is condemned to eternal hellfire because the people of X or Y sect are heretical Satanists. The originator's response then is not to be offended because other people don't believe what they believe, their response is to be offended at posts calculated to offend!