Cobweb residuals and "year of the humanoid?'

alex petrilak

Registered Member
Can anybody tell me what the cobweb-like residual found around CE2 sites is and what its commonly used ufology name is? ie common name?

What is the "year of the humanoid? When?
I think you mean cob-web "residue", not "residuals". Residuals are cash amounts an artist gets paid for their work. I've heard it called 'Angel Hair'. I'm skeptical of it, though (surprise surprise), as it never seems to stay around long enough for anybody with credibility to analyze it. When I was in third grade our school got coated with the stuff.

Here's where it gets strange.

I was in the MGM program. When it happened, we all ran out to see what it was. It was sticky, like spider webs. I remember everybody running around, laughing and playing with it. I thought it smelled funny, like rotten eggs, but sort of faint. I wasn't out there but a few minutes when our MGM instructor called us all inside (there were four of us in the MGM). Some men in "utility company" type clothes met us at the MGM room and asked us if we'd touched any of it. I was the only one with any luck in catching it, so they had me wash my hands with some clear liquid they had brought. I asked why we had to come inside when the other kids got to stay outside. He told me it was because they didn't know how dangerous the stuff was. He didn't answer any further questions except to say that the instructor would tell us the rest. For the next half-hour we read a book on the parachuting spiders who use a parachute-like web structure to travel shortly after they hatch. While the men in utility suits were outside gathering up the angel hair, a man and woman in business suits made sure that we understood about parachuting spiders. When we knew all the facts about these insects, they said that if we were asked by our friends to tell them about the spiders. One of my fellow MGM-ers, a kid named Sam, asked them what it was. They conferred with our instructor for a moment, then said quite flatly that a strange aircraft had been spotted and they didn't know what effect it would have. They brought us in to be safe, but wanted to see if anybody else got sick.

I guess they figured that nobody would buy the story if it came from a third-grader, especially a bunch of them who had just completed a unit on space flight. I don't know what Ms. Iams (the instructor)had to do with the explanation, but she seemed cool with it and we thought it was pretty cool to be let in on the secret.

Nobody got sick, but three student had "allergic reactions" in the form of slight burns on their arms.