My comment was with regard your dispute that causal determinism inevitably leads to predetermination
I never disputed that. There is no such "dispute" of mine. I have stipulated to predetermination from the beginning - finding your insistence on extra typing bemusing, but no issue for anything I post. As you were warned, it seems to confuse you, but you insist, so - - - -
Determination is a logical implication. You have said this goes against mathematical proof...
No, I have not.
I have said that your claim of exact prediction necessarily following from perfect knowledge of a deterministic system goes against mathematical proof. I advised you to check that claim - knowing what you will find, if you ever do. I also pointed out that the entire matter was irrelevant here, except as an illustration of the damage the supernatural assumption can do.
btw: Since that is the only thing here I have ever claimed goes against mathematical proof -
Where do you suppose you got your errant post from?
Sure, it's found in a thermostat. Doesn't have a bearing on whether it is predetermined or not.
I had already agreed that it's predetermined - stipulated to that, on this forum, long ago. It's part of the assumed context of every post I have ever made here and will ever make here.
My comment was with regard predetermination, so unless you want to actually respond in that context,
All my responses here are made in that context.
Any process that turns inputs to outputs can be said to calculate.
Not by anyone interested in making sense.
Disagreement with regard freedom has little bearing, if any, on one's estimation of the physical universe.
You have it backwards:
As with almost all naive materialists, your underestimation of the physical universe has a direct, obvious, and critical bearing on your assessment of nonsupernatural freedoms in that physical universe. It prevents you from considering them carefully - or at all, even.
That is the case with almost all naive materialists in discussions of this topic. Bricks, thermostats, sleeping vs dead dogs, human decisions, a pile of sand - all the same "nature" of freedom, all dismissed with the same wave of the hand and some label like "trivial".
And then: Somebody posts a simple example to clarify and focus - driver approaching a light, say - and they can't even register the key circumstances when paraphrasing. It's all sand. They screw up the timeline, change the subject, lose track of what is input and what is output, make a damn mess.
And these are not reductio ad absurdum arguments, not ludicrous meanderings designed to mock some especially incoherent "incompatibilist" approach - they mean them, sincerely.