Because you have repeatedly posted your assumption that in a deterministic universe "freedom" means freedom from universal causation. (As I quoted you doing, above - and I had my pick of dozens of quotes).
You have not escaped that by saying freedom is "generated" by self determination - according to you it must "generate" freedom from universal causation to generate freedom at all. That was the point of the three quotes I posted.
Maybe this is the sticking point: An ordinary word for "free from universal causation", "avoiding necessary causations", "freedom from that determinism", and similar phrases, in a deterministic world, is "supernatural". Is that news to you?
Not to me. It sounds very much like an equation whereby "free from universal causation" = "freedom from mathematical rigor", and if something is not mathematically permissible it simply will never see the light of day.
IMO, all this can be solved by substituting the term "supernatural" with the term "non-mathematical".
Determinism does not predict when a future event will happen, it predicts how a future event will happen; If<->Then, or; "necessity <-> sufficiency".
Think of natural change as a mathematical function, it becomes clear that there is no such thing as supernatural by any other name other than "non-mathematical". Supernatural is by definition outside of the natural universal geometry and natural environment (biology).
Determinism simply means that some probability contains the required mathematical values to be able to change from one state into another. This is not a random function but a "probabilistic deterministic function", i.e. no guarantee that a phenomenon will happen, but if it does happen it will be in accordance to a logical mathematically deterministic function.
Free Will is a term that only applies to humans. But how much Free Will does a prisoner have in jail? He still does what he would have needed to do on the outside, eat, drink, sleep, etc. but inside he has no choice where he can go when free from the walls of his prison, but still confined by the earth. We have the will but not the freedom to go deep into outer space.
IMO, this is not free will, but greater freedom in choice of equal valued superpositions.
It makes no (very little) difference if you eat strawberry or chocolate ice-cream. The decision for Preference is made subconsciously before you ordered. However, this situation does not apply to traffic lights, which do not allow for choice, they are coercive. A restrictive Stop or a permissive Go..
Both cases resolve into Determinism as the result of Implicate Order , no?
The choice itself would be deterministic as a product of your movement in the direction of greatest satisfaction. You're not going to ask for strawberry ice-cream which you do not like in favor of chocoloate ice-cream which you love.
That is not a choice, it is a mental coercive imperative. Greed is an extreme expression of such psychological determinism.