CNN Memorial

That's okay. For every one lost on 911, we will take down a hundred in Afgahnistan and elsewhere.
Originally posted by Bowser
That's okay. For every one lost on 911, we will take down a hundred in Afgahnistan and elsewhere.

I've never understood the mindset of people who think that it makes things ok if you retaliate. (Understand that I'm not debating strategic reasons for killing, I'm refuting the value of the retalitation aspect.) You can kill a billion people and it won't bring anyone back to life... it just means there are a billion more dead. As an example, there was someone on another forum I post at ( who died on 9/11, a couple minutes after making a post. Nothing is going to make it ok for his family. The notion that you can make it ok is crazy.
The people responsible for that mess need to be dealt with. But killing should never be seen as a happy occasion.
That sort of mind set is why Irland has goon to hell. You kill me so someone killes you, so that person gets killed by someone else and it keeps going on till its just a habit because no-one rembers how it all started

That is whats most sad about all this:(
Originally posted by Bowser
That's okay. For every one lost on 911, we will take down a hundred in Afgahnistan and elsewhere.

i thought he was being sarcastic...
So what about the 6000 Americans that die of tobaco related disease EVERY WEEK?

The actions of terrorists are insignificant compared to the devastating and continuing actions of the tobaco companies.

There needs to be a sense of proportion.


Everything is relative.

The entire human race is insignificant when compared to the history of the universe. We represent a tiny fraction of an instant that is close to zero, on that scale.

My point is that if we are sad at people dying then terrorist attacks shouldn't be considered a particularly useful place to look.

Tobacco related deaths and road traffic accidents (usually from drunk driving) account for a massive number of deaths, around 2000 per day. And in comparison that is like WTC occurring every day.

No it is not the deaths that have upset most Americans, although that is the excuse, the real truth is that American pride has been hurt. How dare someone attack us? Americans are the greatest, right?

If the money spent on bombs used in the Afghan war was spent shutting down the tobacco companies then that would result in the saving of millions of lives and would far outweigh any likely gains from stopping a few terrorists. But the tobacco companies contribute quite a bit to Republican funds, so they won’t be touched.
