Cloud formation in So. Cali, 1980 or 81


Registered Senior Member
This is something very strange that I saw as a child, and I'm searching for anyone else that saw this, or something very similar!

I was riding in the family car on our way to stay in the mountains (Near Big Bear in So. Calif.) when we all - everyone in the car - noticed an odd cloud formation. The cloud looked like a woman with short curly hair looking down into a book. It was so detailed we could see her eyes, we could see the pages of the book, we could see her hand holding the book, each finger - just incredible. We pulled the car over and got out to look. I noticed other cars pulling over, there were people getting out of their cars all over the road, pointing and looking up at this cloud. The image changed, the book changed into a swaddled baby, the woman became an older woman with a bonnet on. We all interpreted it differently - my mom took it to mean the baby she was carrying would live (it did, she had lost the last 2 she carried), my grandmother took it to be the Virgin Mary checking up on her - I was only 5 or 6 so I didn't read anything into it. I am now wondering if this was documented anywhere, it is the most magical unexplained thing that has ever happened to me. If you have heard about this, please let me know!
Day or night? I was cutting across the Mojave toward the end of 1981 Arizona bound when we saw a reflection of the Aurora Borealis appear. It made the news and a lot of people got out of their cars to take a look at it. Might this be what you saw?
This was the morning, probably about 10 or earlier. (?) It was a long time ago, but we were heading out to spend the weekend in the mountains, so I'm sure it was pretty early in the day.

It was most definitely a cloud. White, and puffy. And it changed slowly, probably took about 5 minutes or so to shift.

I thought aurora borealis was only way up North? I've always wanted to see that.

Thanks for posting anyway, though! I was starting to feel invisible! :)
The Aurora Borealis rarely makes a show this far south. I've seen it twice. Both times it was at night, and both times only the red light waves (particles? waves?) got this far. The first time was when we were moving to Arizona, and the second time was three nights after my mother had died.

I've only seen white, fluffy clouds take on a clear image twice. Once was a skull with the jaw wide open (which I thought was pretty cool) and the other time was a huge foot that looked like it was about to step on downtown (I couldn't get the Monty Python theme out of my head...). Neither of these was animated. Too bad nobody took footage of it, hey?

[This message has been edited by Oxygen (edited October 31, 1999).]