Cloning an extinct animal


OH JOY!!!!
Valued Senior Member
for some reason I always thought a wooly mammoth would be first.

Cloning Makes a Mountain Goat Un-Extinct, But the Newborn Kid Dies

An extinct mountain goat that was once common in the Pyrenees briefly became the first animal to be brought back from extinction, as researchers used frozen DNA to produce a clone. But the newborn kid died within minutes of birth due to breathing difficulties, signaling that the Jurassic Park dream of resurrecting extinct species is still some way off....

this really excites me

if they manage to bring the mammoth back in my lifetime, i will travel anywhere to see it - i used to dream about woolies all the time as a kid!
this really excites me

if they manage to bring the mammoth back in my lifetime, i will travel anywhere to see it - i used to dream about woolies all the time as a kid!

I never thought about that. I would travel anywhere to see it as well. I hope my kids realize what a big deal it would be.
i wanna see some dinosaurs :p "T-Rex rides" will be the new roller coaster rides :eek:

according to a documentary by pbs, we DO have some dinosaur DNAs!:bugeye:
dont they need to put the dna of the mammoth into a cell and than inject it into a surragate mother...and what animal will that be? An elephant?
Why spend all that time and money on such things as this? There are people dying from all sorts of diseases everywhere and money could be better spent on finding cures for them. Just to have an extinct animal cloned for nothing more that "look at what I can do now" type of attitude doesn't make sense to me at all. So many other problems to address but this is the one they want to do, pity they have no better way to spend all of their money and time.:mad:
cosmic...lets just assume for a bit, that all humans will go extinct. Now, have we gone and cloned those animals we would know how to clone with DNA of humans as well to revive the civilization.

Do you not agree? Are you like Enmos, who wishes total annihilation of human civilization?
Why spend all that time and money on such things as this? There are people dying from all sorts of diseases everywhere and money could be better spent on finding cures for them. Just to have an extinct animal cloned for nothing more that "look at what I can do now" type of attitude doesn't make sense to me at all. So many other problems to address but this is the one they want to do, pity they have no better way to spend all of their money and time.

Should everything in life be a direct cost benefit analysis on criteria you believe appropriate? For example, should governments sell the entire contents of national galleries to private collections to spend on public utilities?

if you do take this view, i must disagree.
While this is "cool". I don't think it's right. I'm not to comfortable with humans playing God in this respect. There is a reason that these animals no longer exist. Using up resources that we animals who are not extinct at the moment need. Why are we bringing them back? They had their run and it's over.
Like for example if I could clone CutsieMarie89, I than could take her clone and tell her that she is my sex slave...and since there are no memories...she would assume so. How evilish is that? So yes, cloning has potential dangers.
Like for example if I could clone CutsieMarie89, I than could take her clone and tell her that she is my sex slave...and since there are no memories...she would assume so. How evilish is that? So yes, cloning has potential dangers.

What? :bugeye:

It's not so much that it is really all that dangerous. It just doesn't sit right with me, a personal ethical call if you will.
cosmic...lets just assume for a bit, that all humans will go extinct. Now, have we gone and cloned those animals we would know how to clone with DNA of humans as well to revive the civilization.

Do you not agree? Are you like Enmos, who wishes total annihilation of human civilization?

Your words don't make sense. If all human life was gone from the Earth who would have the knowledge to "clone " anyone? :shrug:

Cloning must be done in a very exact way in order for it to work and if, as you say, all humans are "extinct" then who's going to do the procedure? :rolleyes:
I agree with animals that nature made go extinct. I have no problem bringing back animals that we wiped out.

But the food they ate and the environment they were use to have vanished for the most part making them reliant upon humans. That's not very smart.:mad:
I think they should be brought back for scientific purposes if it doesn't cost too much. We could learn a lot from watching a living dinosaur as opposed to its fossilized bones. Did birds come from dinosaurs? Did dinosaurs have feathers? How did they communicate? etc.

We try to cure all the diseases we can but the reality is that many of the diseases will never be cured. How long have we been fighting against cancer, HIV and what progress have we made? It doesn't mean that we have to give up but I also don't think we should stop doing everything else before we can get rid of all the diseases in the world.
A great deal of progress has been made against both HIV and cancer. No, they are not completely eradicated, but treatments improve all the time and life expectancy with such illnesses has greatly increased, as has quality of life for those unfortunate enough to be affected.

Research into current threats and challenges would go a lot further than studying organisms that lived millions of years ago. The Earth was different then, and those organisms may not be sustainable any more.
so maybe we should get rid of anthropology all together? what's the point?
why do spend millions on Mar missions?

i meant physical anthropology. what's the point of digging and studying up bones buried millions of years ago?

we are already spending a lot of money on things that are just as "silly" as cloning a dinosaur. we do it because want to know more about the world. and to say that we should stop doing everything else until all diseases are eradicated is dangerously unhealthy for the progress of our civilization as all the branches of science are connected to each other. medicine is just one of them.

can you confidently say that would have cured cancer and HIV by now if we hadn't spend money on space program and the like?