Clarifying Viewpoints and Terms

Barry Flannery

Registered Member
I think a sticky should be made clarifying precisely what things are so people will stop derailing threads with the same arguments and rebuttals.
For example one thing that keeps raising it's ugly head is the argument that science is a religion and atheists believe in science. This should be the first to be clarified that science is not a religion and the two are totally different.
Science is based on empirical evidence that can all be observed or proven by some means.
Theoretical science however is currently unproven science yet it has certain scientific basis.

Religion is belief and nothing more. There is no evidence and it is just a strong belief or ''faith''.

The two are totally different.

This is just one of many things that should be clarified.

I think a sticky should be made clarifying precisely what things are so people will stop derailing threads with the same arguments and rebuttals.

Once such things would be clarified, there would probably be nothing left to discuss.
i don't agree with you that religion is a belief or faith. people don't, or rather, shouldn't, believe in, or have faith in a religion, but rather, in a god. a religion is nothing more than a collection of doctrine, study, dogma, practice, club, cult, exercise, ceremony, rite that people choose to adhere to, engage in, or be a member of, whether they know and trust god or not. this is a serious problem. this is a misleading fallacy assumed by both sides.

religion does not equal god. and religion does not equal a belief, or a trust, in god either.