Civil Liberty and "NO Thanks"


Valued Senior Member
I find it interesting most Americans have absolutely no idea what their Civil Liberties are.
How is it, that following over a decade of Public Schooling, Americans are so ignorant of their basic rights?


"Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of Congress; but I repeat myself."
- Mark Twain
And speaking of ignorance of basic civil rights this Independence day weekend:

Jeffery Scudder's FOIA requests netted him nothing but harassment from his employer when he raised concerns about the catch-22 status of documents that should have been automatically declassified. Here's the catch: Neither the TITLES nor the SUBJECT MATTER of the archived documents need be indexed in a manner that is made generally available to the public under FOIA.

Someone needs to demand that by default, classified documents become unclassified on a timetable that is in accord with an informed public capable of aligning their voting rights with the prudent actions of their government, and that ALL such documents be cross indexed by both TITLE and SUBJECT matter and ALSO provide that the described index retain a status of IMMEDIATE AND PERMANENT DECLASSIFICATION from the time it is published.
Oh boy, countries check individuals as they cross borders. How terrible?

It's funny. On one hand these whackos want tight borders but they don't want to do anything to enforce immigration laws.
These checkpoints aren't on the border. One of them on the video was 30 miles from it. You're cool with having to show your papers?
These checkpoints aren't on the border. One of them on the video was 30 miles from it. You're cool with having to show your papers?
The police officers didn't ask for "papers". They asked individuals to identify themselves. And there is nothing unconstitutional about it...damn minor details again!
The police officers didn't ask for "papers". They asked individuals to identify themselves. And there is nothing unconstitutional about it...damn minor details again!
You know what I was referencing, and They are border patrol agents, not police officers smarty pants.
You know what I was referencing, and They are border patrol agents, not police officers smarty pants.

LOL, well if you didn't mean "papers" then you shouldn't have used the word. But I think it fairly obvious you were trying to draw comparisons to totalitarian states where travel papers are required. It, like most everything else in the right wing these days is over the top...way over the top. Border Patrol Agents are police of dem pesky minor details again.

Yeah it's a pain in the ass when the right wing has to confine themselves to truth and honesty. That is why right wing nut cases, which unfortunately is most of the American right wing these days, do not constrain themselves to truth and honesty. Further it doesn't matter if it was on the border or in the middle of Kansas - say KCMO Airport. Officers have the right and duty to enforce the law. "Stop and Identify" has been ruled constitutional and has been law for almost a half century. So it isn't new, and it isn't unconstitutional.

It's kind of funny and sad, right wing whackos want border patrol to enforce the borders one second and in the next they are all over their butts when they do. It's kind of like being married to a whacko wife or husband. I guess border patrol agents (i.e. police) are just supposed to know who is illegal and who isn't just by looking at them. And I guess border patrol agents are supposed to know that Americans wouldn't violate the law, especially border enforcement laws. I mean what American would smuggle stuff or people across the border? Sound absurd? It is and probably racist to boot.