
Are you circumcised?

  • Yes (As a Baby or Adult?)

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • No (Medical or Religious Reasons?)

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • My Penis is none of your business -Get a life!!

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • I am just a Girl ( But would like to express my views on Male Penises)

    Votes: 2 14.3%

  • Total voters


Registered Senior Member
I recently became a dad and was asked by the doctors whether we would like to circumcise our baby. Of Course we refused, not on religious grounds but because it is inhumane practice. After that I read a lot on Circumcision and makes me feel disgusted that a family would do that to their own flesh and blood. I do not want to add the gory details.

There is no medical relevance for Circumcision. Not one national or International Medical Association recommends circumcision. I think this practice of child mutilation in name of religion should stop. I have not posted any links as I am sure you all can google well.

There are African Arabic tribes which practice female circumcision. I am sure there must be deaths in hundreds if not thousands by this unnecessary practice.

But seriously what are your thoughts on Baby Circumcision based on religion- would you do that to your baby? And, why?
None of your business.
Also, I think it's wrong to mutilate people- so, circumsision is bad.
I'm jewish by birth, but very much against the practice of circumcision. There is no part of a man's body that gets more attention. The religious purpose was that you aren't supposed to be sexual at all until marriage, so it was supposed to be neglected, sadly, and in that case, to be circumcised could be cleaner. Unless you think masterbation is a sin, don't get your child mutilated.
no, mines as nature intended.
theres a lot of sick fucks, in the world and most are religious.
Let me pose the question. Muslims claim Jihads and kill people not killing the people by their own will. Jews also claim religious beliefs beyond a persons decision to altar their body. Is there a diference?
There is no difference between most religions, only petty details.
The basis is the same.

I have nothing against people who are circumised, even tho I am not.
I do however resent those who would circumsise others, or their children.
I say Jews should leave circumcision till the child has the mind to decide. It's just like infant baptism....but without losing your foreskin.
Important information about Muslim Circumcision is that it is not even mentioned in Koran that you need to circumcise.

Religion vendors try to catch them young to put their brand of religion on them... Even if the person want to think otherwise he will always be reminded of his mutilated organ that he is a Jew or a Muslim or what ever sect ...

Jews Mutilate their new born because of couple of lines in Torah (assumption I have not read Torahs). Muslim do it because converted Jews during Mohammed time justified their circumcision by saying Abraham was also Muslim and God asked him to ..

The most ridiculous thing is that there are many well read, informed population who mutilate their new born but when then same kid gets a tattoo they get furious ..not that I am support permanently scarring your body..but you get the point