Churchgoers and/or Religious Adherents Live Longer/Healthier Lives


Registered Senior Member
Exactly. Their delusions override their need for evidence.

Like I said: delusions.

Woodys statement is correct. People who attend church regularly are healthier and live longer. The doctors in these studies attributed it on the fact that these same people were happier and more positive in their daily outlook.

BTW #348 is great post, Woody!:)
Please cite the data which support the hypothesis so that we may discuss it.

I deleted a batch of off-topic and meaningless posts. Either cite data and participate in discussion or don't. Further meaningless posts will earn an infraction. Posting "just google it" will earn an infraction for insulting other members.
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There were many studies under "churchgoers live longer," you are, once again, sadly mistaken, and your anti Christian bigotry is spilling over, a nasty sight.
I don't doubt that there were "many studies." And I don't believe I've actually made any assertions or contentions regarding the topic, so I fail to see how your comment above that I'm "sadly mistaken" applies. This is a discussion forum. Either participate in discussion, or don't. If you choose the latter, it would require that you not actually post meaningless comments here (in this thread or this forum).

Should you choose the former, you could begin by actually citing one of the "many studies" (the most significant one in the field would be wonderful) and briefly introducing the study's research hypothesis(es); their methods; their results; etc.

Or, you could simply wait for someone else to do likewise and comment on it. Your one-liner comments and meaningless posts are not welcome here. I will delete them where I can and issue infractions where appropriate.
What about Muslims, Hindus, other religions, do they all live longer too? Or is it just Christians?

M*W: That would depend on the socio-economics of the general population. If you're talking about christians in Sudan, for example, I wouldn't imagine they live for very long at all.
Any study like this is inconclusive. For example, is there a study done on the health of active atheists? There aren't many atheists in poor areas therefore does that not mean the standard of living for the atheist is higher? Are people in poor areas less likely to go to church than those in middle/upper class areas?

Any study like this says less about religion, and more about standards of living in the general area.
And I don't believe I've actually made any assertions or contentions regarding the topic, so I fail to see how your comment above that I'm "sadly mistaken" applies. .

Becuase you have abused your moderator status which allows you to delete posts to conviently shape the discussion to your approval.

You called Woody delusional when he stated Christians live longer and are happier, in the "Bible contradictions" thread, I called you on it.

Maybe it was off topic but I felt it neccessary to correct your innaccurate statement, calling Woody delusional.

BTW post #348 I was referring to is in the "Bible contradiction" thread, thus proving my accusations.
Becuase you have abused your moderator status which allows you to delete posts to conviently shape the discussion to your approval.

You called Woody delusional when he stated Christians live longer and are happier, in the "Bible contradictions" thread, I called you on it.

Maybe it was off topic but I felt it neccessary to correct your innaccurate statement, calling Woody delusional.

BTW post #348 I was referring to is in the "Bible contradiction" thread, thus proving my accusations.

This post is off-topic. The topic is Churchgoers and/or Religious Adherents Live Longer/Healthier Lives. Woody is delusional, which I've demonstrated. This is a fact. Should he find it insulting, I cannot help it. A cross-dresser might be insulted if you call him a male, but that doesn't remove his Y-Chromosome. If you want to discuss the new topic, please do so. If not, use the PM system or Site Feedback forum for meta-discussion about threads themselves. Off-topic posts will be deleted or infracted.
Moderators should not move posts from one thread, and use to start another thread under some newbs name that does not have the post count to back it up and then inform everyone it is an insult to ask someone to do a simple google search, oh the horror!

Sorry snake I don't want to insult you, so you can figure it out on your own.

I will promise you this, you will be rewarded for your effort!
IceAgeCivilizations should have been a fiction writer.

Oh, that's right, he already is!!! :bravo:
Sorry snake I don't want to insult you, so you can figure it out on your own.

And likewise I wouldn't want to insult you, but when a person makes a claim it is weakness of character to not back it up. I could look, you're right - but that is not the point.

However, I also appreciate that many people make claims that they cannot support because their claims are fictitious. As a result I did a google sweep and ended up reading over 50 websites that show that the claim you made is a bogus one. Kindly don't ask me to cite sources :bugeye:

I will promise you this, you will be rewarded for your effort!

Your promises are meaningless.
Studies show that people who have or make a lot of money live longer, healthier lives.

That seems to contradict the Bible's account of things, where the rich are not favored by God, but interpretations vary no doubt.