Church: Hurting Faith?

Cactus Jack

Death Knight of Northrend
Registered Senior Member
Does organized religion really help or hurt the way God is believed and worshipped? I mean with strict rules and moral codes and condemnation of other religious groups is it hurting the personal interaction with your Religion? Does it take away the truely personal thing religion should be?
Well I'm not part of any religion per se, but I'd say the best way of learning would be through self discovery rather than joining an organisation. When you get organisations like churches, with a chain of command and levels of authority, you invite human politics and fallacies. Different churches sprout up with conflicting religious goals. Rivalry and suspicion of people outside of the organisation appears. People in authority decide whats 'right' for their followers, blah blah blah, the rest writes itself. If churches were just places where fellow believers could congregate and share their belief, it would be honest and simple. Anyway heres the latest news report from Yahoo
God says 'I cannot prove I exist because proof destroys faith and without faith I am nothing."

But man says "The Babel fish couldn't have evolved by chance so it proves you exist so by your own logic you don't QED"

"Oh I never thought of that" and God vanishes in a puff of logic

Sorry, couldn't resist. ;)
But Neutrino

I've always wondered what that means in the real term. After all, I'd say marijuana fits well where the words "Babel fish" are.

In the meantime, I look to Franklin: Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.

Tiassa :cool:
I liked what Homer said in the frog-licking episode. It was something like...." I don´t know much about God, but we´ve certainly built a nice cage for him." Refering to the church they had just built.

Worshipping organisations are not good, they are very misleading and often end up in fanatism.


Ya know, thats probably the first thing I've read from you thats both rational, and isn't condenscending!

You have my appreciation :)
Ever noticed that our perception of a persons intelegence is based on how close there opinions match our own.

That is a quote from David Eddings book, Belgarth the scorcer

Now if I was to say churches are good because they give someone to guide a person if they need it and a lot of people need the rituals then you would have a low opinion of my intellegence
well the new problem with organized religion,
seems to be the Catholic Paritioneers who feel little boys,
but hey No Publicity, Is Bad Publicity!
There are evil people in scociaty the problem isn't with the fact that they exist but how there delt with. THAT is what i am ashamed of the church for. They are in schools and in the scouting movement and probably other places but the church has hamped investigations which is the CHURCHES only crime.

I hope they change now, that they are FORCED to change.
Tinker, I sincerely hope that you have come to that horrid conclusion from only reading my recent misunderstood humourous posts( I will never try to be funny again...) in the religion forum, because it would totally break my heart if you got the impression of me as condensending from reading ALL my posts. :(

Asguard, the building, the church in itself can hardly do any harm. Personally I find them both sooting and beautiful to visit, although that doesn´t happen very often. They would be great without a priest in them. :p Why can´t we just use them as meditation centers instead?
