Church Decorum


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
Going to church (or equivalent) means something to those that do. So while in church, what is the most important thing to do? What is the one thing you shouldn't do? Why to both answers.

When I went to church during my youth I can remember my mother refraining me from directing questions at the cleric. I didn't know why she wouldn't let me and at the time I assumed it was because it was not nice to do so. After that episode I always kept my mouth shut out of fear of breaking some rule or upsetting the preacher. In all the times I've been in church I have never seen anyone question any part of any sermon or quiz the guy preaching it. Has anyone ever had the pleasure of witnessing such an event? If so please fill us in.

I looked around a lot. You can't help but notice some people also looking around, a lot of squirming, lip syncing, whispering, note passing, yawning and sleeping. Judging by their actions, many people were not into the sermon and many appeared indifferent to the whole affair. Also couldn't help but feel an overriding sense of relief when it was over. Still there were those who sang their hearts out and did all the correct gestures and rituals (I guess). People who were truly into it.

So what is the most important thing one must do in church? Listen? Pray? Sing? Pay? Grovel? Pick up chicks? Go along just for your mother?
Going to church (or equivalent) means something to those that do. So while in church, what is the most important thing to do? What is the one thing you shouldn't do? Why to both answers.

When I went to church during my youth I can remember my mother refraining me from directing questions at the cleric. I didn't know why she wouldn't let me and at the time I assumed it was because it was not nice to do so. After that episode I always kept my mouth shut out of fear of breaking some rule or upsetting the preacher. In all the times I've been in church I have never seen anyone question any part of any sermon or quiz the guy preaching it. Has anyone ever had the pleasure of witnessing such an event? If so please fill us in.

I looked around a lot. You can't help but notice some people also looking around, a lot of squirming, lip syncing, whispering, note passing, yawning and sleeping. Judging by their actions, many people were not into the sermon and many appeared indifferent to the whole affair. Also couldn't help but feel an overriding sense of relief when it was over. Still there were those who sang their hearts out and did all the correct gestures and rituals (I guess). People who were truly into it.

So what is the most important thing one must do in church? Listen? Pray? Sing? Pay? Grovel? Pick up chicks? Go along just for your mother?
M*W: From a believer's perspective, one would assume it would be communing with god through any one or more of the reasons you listed. I just don't think that it is. It's more of a habit (the ritual of going to church) than it is anykind of spiritual or metaphysical experience. I came to realize that by participating in this ritual of showing up in church, but not feeling much of anything else, was just lying to myself. It was based on peer pressure. I wasn't raised in a church. My parents weren't religious people. I converted to catholicism as an adult who had children of my own. I found myself going through the churchy motions, not only for my children, but for wanting to be a part of a community (catholic parish). We basically lived within this structure. Everything we did socially was a church event. Our kids went to catholic schools, we attended bible studies using whatever bible we wanted to use. We all had dinner together every Friday night that included the priest and an occasional nun, and we didn't eat just fish.

But then in church, the rituals became monotonous and done without feeling. I began to think that it was only me going through the motions without meaning or fulfillment of purpose. I just find it hard to believe that everyone else but me was getting a spiritual connection with god. Then I had to ask myself why not me?

So, to answer your question, "what is the most important thing to do" in church? I would say it is to be true to yourself. No one else matters, because there's a room full of deceivers who lie to themselves. They are all little emperors with new clothes parading in front of each other and living a lie. I would rather be an honest atheist than live a lie as a religious phony.
Going to church (or equivalent) means something to those that do. So while in church, what is the most important thing to do? What is the one thing you shouldn't do? Why to both answers..So what is the most important thing one must do in church? Listen? Pray? Sing? Pay? Grovel? Pick up chicks? Go along just for your mother?
I go to church to fellowship with other born-again Christians, openly (loudly) worship Jesus, dance/sing/clap/jump around during the amazing praise and worship, get a really good/motivating/educational/entertaining/inspirational sermon, bring my tithe to the storehouse, get blessed, and get my fix for the day. Church is freakin awesome.
The most important thing to do in church is worship Jesus. The Bible says wherever two or more are gathered in His name, there He is also. I would say the things not to do in church are be obnoxious, dress like a skank, and disrupt.
You can ask questions afterwards. It's impolite to interrupt. Some churches have Bible study nights where you can ask all the questions you want.
The people who don't listen/get into it should stay home. They are annoying.
I go to church to fellowship with other born-again Christians, openly (loudly) worship Jesus, dance/sing/clap/jump around during the amazing praise and worship, get a really good/motivating/educational/entertaining/inspirational sermon, bring my tithe to the storehouse, get blessed, and get my fix for the day. Church is freakin awesome.

Based on personal experience, where has the stoicism of a bygone era gone? Christians seem to be partying in church these days, is it the same in other religion's churches? If not and you are a representative of a theist group other than Christian then do you approve of this innovative style? why or why not?
Going to church (or equivalent) means something to those that do. So while in church, what is the most important thing to do? What is the one thing you shouldn't do? Why to both answers...

what we were continually told to do was be respectful. It was God's house, not ours.
No swearing, screaming, or running. My Mom stressed asking questions. She worried we would end up in a cult if we didn't know the Bible. How ironic