Chupacabras captured by nasa???


Registered Senior Member
NASA captured 3 Chupacabras" Chilean Ufologist?
From: Scott Corrales

Dear Readers,

Many thanks to Gloria Coluchi for this latest update in the
ongoing Chupacabras saga. The scope of this latest outbreak is
truly staggering. By my count, 971 animals --ranging from dogs
to sheep to pigs -- have been brutally slain in Chile since
April of this year. This body count far exceeds the exploits of
the Puerto Rican incidents of 1995-96, and comes close to the
Moca Vampire's tally (1649 deaths?).

Scott Corrales
Director, Institute of Hispanic Ufology

From: VOX POPULI (newspaper) Tuesday, June 13, 2000

Three specimens of the Chupacabras, mythical creatures of
apelike characteristics who drink animal blood, were captured in
Northern Chile by an expedition spearheaded by NASA and were
taken back to the United States, according to researchers of the
subject in an interview with "La Cuarta" newspaper.

The president of the "Ovnivision Chile" research group, Cristian
Riffo, told the Santiago daily that these creatures were the
result of genetic research by NASA using terrestrial creatures
and space entities.

Several of the hybrid specimens escaped from a secret base and
propagated throughout the southern United States, Mexico and
Puerto Rico where they were given the name "Chupacabras" and
finally Chile, where up to a few months ago complaints of animal
attacks have been on the increase. The culprits are specimens
resembling mandrills.

Riffo maintains that in the Chilean case, the "Chupacabras" fled
from the Atacama Desert where the U.S. space agency is trying to
replicate the conditions of a voyage to the planet Mars.

He added that all descriptions conicide in that the specimen
measures 1.20 meters in height, has large, staring eyes, very
swift legs, has humanoid features, a mandrill-like body and a
way of walking that causes it to zig-zag. According to the
specialist, the capture effort took place in the town of
Chuquicamata to the north of Santiago, within the confines of
the "Radomiro Tomic" mine and included Chilean military men and
volunteer miners. During the course of this operation, a
conscripted soldier died after being attacked by one of the
three members of the "Chupacabras" family, he claims.

To clarify this situation and NASA's eventual responsibility in
bringing such creatures into the country, the UFO group shall
deliver a letter to Chile's Ministry of Defense and the Army
Chief of Staff.

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages.

-dexter (nimrod242 :aol sn)
Without photos and impartial analysis of these creatures, there is no way to tell for sure if it's real or a hoax. The site itself looks like a South of the Border version of Sightings, which I don't put too much stock in.
i know, i jsut wanted to see what everyone would say about it since my friend and i used to be obsessed with chucacabra's, though i doubt that they really captured chucarabbras... it would be better advertised........

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages.

-dexter (nimrod242 :aol sn)