christians who pass judgement.


in the bible does it not say that only the lord shall pass judgement?,

so if you follow the bible why would you judge anybody on earth?, and the christian governments, why would they have law if gods law was told to be the only judgement passed,

if its a sin to kill then why death penalty for christians?,

im asking this to christians.

thankyou peace.
EmptyForceOfChi said:
in the bible does it not say that only the lord shall pass judgement?,

so if you follow the bible why would you judge anybody on earth?, and the christian governments, why would they have law if gods law was told to be the only judgement passed,

if its a sin to kill then why death penalty for christians?,

im asking this to christians.

thankyou peace.
No, Chi, you misunderstand what the Bible says. I'm pretty convinced that you've never read it yourself - at least not to any depth - and are simply taking someone else's word for what it says.

First, the business about judging. It quite clearly TELLS you to judge. But to do so cautiously because with the same judgment you use, so shall you be judged. That means if you judge arbitrarily without basis in fact but rather, for example, on appearance, hearsay, or skin color or the like, then you will be judged in the same way.

It also clearly establishes the governments and the law of man.

I suggest that you might actually want to set down and study it for yourself. You'll be surprised at what you find.
EmptyForceOfChi said:
in the bible does it not say that only the lord shall pass judgement?,

The bible tells Christians not to judge. We pass all judgement over to the infallible Judge God.

so if you follow the bible why would you judge anybody on earth?, and the christian governments, why would they have law if gods law was told to be the only judgement passed,

1) i don't judge as in pass sentence but we warn others whom we believe are headed for Judgement.

2) There are no Christian governments. They can pass laws and decide judgements whatever they please.

3)Laws of state are up to the powers that be to implement. But what God declares evil is still evil and is to be resisted by Christians.

if its a sin to kill then why death penalty for christians?,

If the state decides that a death penalty is appropriate then so be it. But as a Christian i will not take part in the stages of the implementation of that penalty. So i will not be a law enforcer a judge or a juror or a prison guard or an executioner, neither will i vote in elections that put people into power who install these laws.

im asking this to christians.

i am a Christian.

thankyou peace.


All Praise The Ancient Of Days
EmptyForceOfChi said:
in the bible does it not say that only the lord shall pass judgement? QUOTE]

Maybe Lord will be born on earth again and God will give him evil faith so he will pass a judgment for all people. When he passes, he (JC) will judge to people. Just a thought.

The Bible is FULL of contradictions and not only that, it has plently of translation erorrs and different interpretations. Unfortunetly, many people supspend thier reasoning skills when it comes to religion and just except everything they read as fact coming straight from God.

You are on the path to true enlightenment which starts with an open mind and solid reasoning skills. Continue to examine the "Holy" Bible with a cautious eye and you'll be surprised all of he other discrepancies that wil pop up.
Not only that, they are forced to believe inherently contradictory things, leading to mental illness.
not being a christian - sorry - but having read a couple of versions of the Old Testament in some depth, I would argue that the task of believers is to implement the laws of God...which are in many cases laid out very strictly, like i think a cow is worth five sheep or something like that....therefore surely the same applies, that when a christian judges someone through God's criteria, they're implementiing the will of God.

The bible of rather full of contradictions,discrepancies etc etc though, in my opinion....