Christians - who is...

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your favourite preacher if you partake in the rituals of preaching?

Mine has to be the blast from the past:

Is there not historical evidence for Santa Claus?

That is an interesting question but I have no idea why you would ask me...does your question have anything to do with my account of my encounter with the kids at Maccas recently?

You do realise there is no "real" Santa and that the various myths surrounding Santa have a very nebulous link to a real person who certainly did not do much in the way of what is attributed to our current mythical Santa...sortta similar to JC...maybe someone by that name may have existed, which is entitely speculative, but certainly even if someone existed with the same name we can rest assured that there is so much myth associated with that possibility that the only conclusion we can draw is our current version is a unsupported myth.

These preachers types play on folks ignorance for personal profit and can be called no more than con artists.
Few could sucessfully defend a criminal charge of "obtaining money by false pretences" as in all cases all the ingredients of such a crime is present.
Thats one of those inconvenient things we call "a fact".

Many people suffer from low self esteem, particulary those who have been told all their life that they are worthless sinners, and so these folk are most susceptible to con artist who use their low self esteem to manipulte them out of their cash.

One wonders if folk were not told they were worthless sinners from the start if they would need anyone giving them god driven pep talks.

Not a huge fan.

Me neither.

I thought the point that the idea of not having wealth has been ignored was rather telling of the hypocracy associated with preachers.

Its all a con, based on lies, with no other purpose than to control the thoughts of others and to extract their money.

Tell me why this is not the only conclusion one can draw.

I am starting to think that if there is a god that he allows religion to exist so he can see at a glance who is a con artist and or who is gullible...and that the final irony will be that the only folk who pass final judgement will be the atheists who were never fooled and never sort to define a god they knew nothing about and held honesty as a key value.

Further if one could hope that a god would find strong moral codes important, such as honesty and lack of greed and excessive indulgence, then perhaps he could find the conduct of atheists as preferable to the many dishonest theists.

You do realise there is no "real" Santa and that the various myths surrounding Santa have a very nebulous link to a real person who certainly did not do much in the way of what is attributed to our current mythical Santa...sortta similar to JC...maybe someone by that name may have existed, which is entitely speculative, but certainly even if someone existed with the same name we can rest assured that there is so much myth associated with that possibility that the only conclusion we can draw is our current version is a unsupported myth.

We can be pretty sure St. Nick lived and gave poor kids gifts. This is just one possible link to how the Santa myth was created. I find the why heart warming. Christmas is all about the kids, and their imaginations should not be interfered with, let them figure things out for themselves so they can create there own reality, if they question existence, then they/you should keep an open mind, and agree with no one if possible!

After all your wise words Alex, I still would choose Santa(but that's another thread!)!
Its all a con, based on lies, with no other purpose than to control the thoughts of others and to extract their money.

Tell me why this is not the only conclusion one can draw.

I agree, with your second sentence, but your first.

The Christian package is full of deceit, hypocrisy, charlatans, incompetence, really, the list is endless.

Billy Graham is only 1 of 2 Christian's that I listen to. I'm convinced that Billy Graham believes what he is saying is true otherwise Al Pacino hasn't got a look in.

I am starting to think that if there is a god that he allows religion to exist so he can see at a glance who is a con artist and or who is gullible...and that the final irony will be that the only folk who pass final judgement will be the atheists who were never fooled and never sort to define a god they knew nothing about and held honesty as a key value.

Not sure about the, God can find out who is a con artist because of religion, but it is a great line!

The rest I agree with 100%

Further if one could hope that a god would find strong moral codes important, such as honesty and lack of greed and excessive indulgence, then perhaps he could find the conduct of atheists as preferable to the many dishonest theists.

God judges by someone's heart, possibly literally if you believe the RA religion.
I still would choose Santa
I told you of my encounter with some kids the other day and being Santa for them.
I may have mentioned this but years ago I was Santa at the towns xmas party.
All dressed up and rode into town on the local fire truck (a neat experience by itself) and I must say it was a wonderful experience to be the absolute center of attention with everyone I passed all waving...adults as well as kids.

Then the parade of little kids most all believing me to be the real Santa...of course U would pull down my fake beard and say..its all a lie there is no no no I just joke☺
And I told them they would get whatever they asked for..if they had been good...and I would think...this must be how the pope feels...riding around the center of attention and making promises that would be fulfilled if folk were good...what you did not get your new house?... well you must have been sinning tell me all the juicy details.

And I thought maybe this is what its like to be a politician...tell them what they want to hear...anything to keep them happy...but finally I realised i did it for the community without pay...and then it all became so clear.

As a youth, I was fortunate to come under the tutelage of the honorable reverend Zinn.
He was a very intelligent man of faith who cared for his flock.
Christmas is all about the kids, and their imaginations should not be interfered with, let them figure things out for themselves so they can create there own reality,
This is some daisy.
If only the same could be said about adults pushing religion on kids.
I told you of my encounter with some kids the other day and being Santa for them.
I may have mentioned this but years ago I was Santa at the towns xmas party.
All dressed up and rode into town on the local fire truck (a neat experience by itself) and I must say it was a wonderful experience to be the absolute center of attention with everyone I passed all waving...adults as well as kids.
You have one up on me. Sounds mental!

Then the parade of little kids most all believing me to be the real Santa...of course U would pull down my fake beard and say..its all a lie there is no no no I just joke☺
And I told them they would get whatever they asked for..if they had been good...and I would think...this must be how the pope feels...riding around the center of attention and making promises that would be fulfilled if folk were good...what you did not get your new house?... well you must have been sinning tell me all the juicy details.

What a great analogy :) yeah, the world's a stage and we each must play a part, I wouldn't like the popes role!

And I thought maybe this is what its like to be a politician...tell them what they want to hear...anything to keep them happy...but finally I realised i did it for the community without pay...and then it all became so clear.

Yep, you could be a politician, if you didn't have a heart.
This is some daisy.
If only the same could be said about adults pushing religion on kids.
I cam only use me as an example. I know many parents in the USA shove their flavour of religion down the kids throats, and in their millions the kids grow up to be atheists! Crazy isn't it. When will people learn.
So, this thread hopelessly disintegrated from post #2 onwards.

I'm going to close this one.

davewhite04: if you want to try again with a roll-call of favorite preachers, you can do so. Next time, I'll hand out some official warnings to off-topic atheist posters. If one of them wants to start a fan-boy thread of his own, they are welcome to do so.
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