Christians, Rewrite the Bible for God's Sake


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
My God fearing friends. Why don't one of you edit the Bible once and for all? Take out all the contradictions, references to God's violent tendencies, all fuzzy, paradoxical, and ridiculous passages that serve no purpose. Just write it the way you want.

I wonder if the Bible would be more believable or not if that was done?
One of the big arguments against the bible as it is now is that men wrote it, men have edited it, men have screwed up.
So some guys going thru and taking out all the stuff they don't like just subjects it further to this problem. Who gets to decide what's valid and what's not?
I say just junk it.
Could the bible have been shortened? I mean there is a lot of redundancy in there. The same thing, over and over again. I think the Bible could have been condensed to just a few lines. Save a tree, edit the friggin thing. My gut feeling is that organized religion would love to do it but they realized it would probably sound utterly ridiculous, even more than it does now.
PsychoticEpisode said:
My God fearing friends. Why don't one of you edit the Bible once and for all? Take out all the contradictions, references to God's violent tendencies, all fuzzy, paradoxical, and ridiculous passages that serve no purpose. Just write it the way you want.

I wonder if the Bible would be more believable or not if that was done?
As many contradictions as there are, that would be quite an undertaking. Its amazing how one can say its infallable and then use say the NIV one of the more recent rewrites imbued with a slant to further protestant agenda.