Christians mutually accusing eachother of being hypocrites and non-Christians


Valued Senior Member
One thing I've noticed that Christians have in common is that they like to accuse eachother of hypocrisy and of not being a Christian.

Talk to a Christian about your (not so stellar) experiences with Christians, and the present Christian will quickly accuse those others of "not being proper Christians" and "hypocrites".
Ah, so willing to think the worst of eachother!

But why do they do that?
Just switch Christians with people and you'll have your answer.
could it be that many christians don't act in accordance with their own doctrine? that's pretty fucking obvious.

people can also be religious and not know god. people get involved in religion for shady reasons just as well as good reasons, it just depends on the person's intent and desire. some people get involved in religion to make money. some people so they can point fingers and tell themselves they're "the good people". some people so they can go to war, justify killing people. some want control over others. some people think showing up in the pews every sunday or going to confession will get them to heaven. it just depends on the person.

why don't you know this? why isn't this obvious to you?
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religion doesn't change someone into something other than a person. duh.
What? A person's religion should be treated as if it were a triviality?

A brief survey of sciforums' Religion subforum should tell you that this characteristic is far from restricted to Christians.
A brief survey of sciforums' Religion subforum should tell you that this characteristic is far from restricted to Christians.

So? Does that make it okay for people who claim to know The Solution, God the Almighty Himself and personally, to behave like a bunch of spoiled brats?
You are a victim of your own hostile misinterpretations of what I, and some other people, say.


no i'm not. i've only elaborated on what sam has said, and what many people have told you many times in the past.

signal, you ask really stupid questions, and this thread is a great example of that. i don't really believe however, that you're this stupid. i think you're a troll. so, if you ask stupid questions, in order to be a troll, then expect some answers with attitude.