Christians - Jews - Muslims etc..


Slightly extreme
Registered Senior Member
If one of these religions turns out to be true and when we all die we end up in the respective after life of the true religion is the god going to cast out someone from the other religions. They all believe in god and all worship him, they celebrate different festivals and pray on different days but aren't they all actually the same religion?

I Think So?
Pi-Sudoku said:
They all believe in god and all worship him, they celebrate different festivals and pray on different days but aren't they all actually the same religion?

I think you've made the error of "connecting" belief and faith in god, to HOW people worship that god (religion). I.e., "religion" is the method people use to show their faith in god's a human-organized method of worship ...even if the god they worship is the same god.

Besides, I think if there actually is a god, then he probably won't care how people went about worshipping him long as they did so and had faith. Why would he?

I just hope, if there is a heaven, god won't forget to allow dogs there!! If not, I want to go to "the other" place!

Baron Max
I would say that the main difference between Christians and Muslims/Jews is that Muslims/Jews do not recognize Jesus as the son of God, but just a prophet (even though he is recorded claiming to be the Son of God sent to save mankind's souls) and hence do not pray the prayer of salvation.

It confuses me why people think that only part of what Jesus said was true. He was just a nut if he wasn't the son of God, and he was the son of God if he was the son of God, and the path to salvation.
It's not that they only believe part of what Jesus said, it's that you interpret that particular part differently. I think Jesus was saying that from a certain point of view, the one he was preaching, we can all be Sons of God. "Son of" meaning "of the same nature as". This is the Gnostic interpretation. In other words, we are all of the same nature, therefore treat your brother as yourself, it's all the same thing.

It was the early Christian bishops, in an attempt to solidify their power, that wrongly interpreted this to mean, there was only one person like this, and we are his sole representatives on Earth.