Christianity's similarities with other religions


Valued Senior Member
They all pre-date Christ's Story. Do you think jesus actually existed? Discuss.

Christ and Krishna.

Jesus and Mithra.

The god who wasn't there.

The son (sun) of god.

Sun god ‘Horus’ Egyptian 3000 BC

He is anthropomorphised as the sun

He’s life is about the suns movements in the sky

Horus also means light, day

‘Set’ (god of the underworld) darkness, night

Born on December 25 of the virgin Isis meri and was accompanied be the star on the east, followed and located by the 3 kings, age of 12, was a prodicle child teacher, age of 30 he was baptised by a figure known as Anup, and had 12 disciples he travelled about with. Preformed miracles, healing the sick, and walking on water.
The truth, the light, gods anointed son, the good Shepard, the lamp of god,
After being betrayed by typhoon, he was crucified, berried and dead for 3 days and then resurrected.

Attics, of fledgier Greece 1200 BC, Born of the virgin Nanun, born on December 25 crucified placed in a tomb and after three days resurrected

Krishna India 900 BC born of the virgin Devaki ("Divine One"), royal descent star in the east signalling his coming, birth was attended by wise men, preformed miracles with his disciples, disciples bestowed upon him the title "Jezeus," "pure essence," and upon is death was resurrected

Dionysus of Greece, 500 BC, born of a virgin, born on December 25, was a travelling teacher who preformed miracles, such as turning water into wine, Referred to as the king of kings, gods only begotten sun the alpha and omega upon his death was resurrected

Mithra Persia 1200 BC, born as a virgin on December 25, he had twelve disciples, preformed miracles, upon his death was berried for 3 days and then resurrected, also referred to as the truth the light, the day of worship was Sunday, bread and wine, of which the Mithraic initiates partook. The bread consisted of tiny leaves, each distinctively marked with a cross. The participants ate the bread and then drank the wine from a cup. The Christians of the day, noting the likeness, accused the demons of thievery. Both ceremonies, Christian and Mithraic, were believed to have been memorial services celebrating the divine, and it is known that Mithra, at the close of his redemptive career and just before his ascension to heaven, partook of a last supper with his companions.

Contrary to popular belief, there was no single man at the genesis of Christianity but many characters rolled into one, the majority of whom were personifications of the ubiquitous solar myth, whose exploits were well known, as reflected by such popular deities as Mithra, Heracles/Hercules, Dionysus and many others throughout the Roman Empire and beyond.

The story of Jesus as portrayed in the Gospels is revealed to be nearly identical in detail to that of the earlier savior-gods Krishna and Horus, who for millennia preceding Christianity held great favor with the people in much the same way as Jesus does today.

Thus, the Jesus character is not unique or original, not "divine revelation." These redeemer tales are similar not because they reflect the actual exploits of a variety of men who did and said the identical things, but because they are representations of the same extremely ancient body of knowledge that revolved around the celestial bodies and natural forces. The result of this mythmaking has been The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold.

In this highly controversial and explosive book, archaeologist, historian, mythologist and linguist Acharya S marshals an enormous amount of startling evidence to demonstrate that Christianity and the story of Jesus Christ were created by members of various secret societies, mystery schools and religions in order to unify the Roman Empire under one state religion. In making such a fabrication, this multinational cabal drew upon a multitude of myths and rituals that already existed long before the Christian era, and reworked them for centuries into the story and religion passed down today.

The Jesus story is identical in all but the fine detail as:

Chrishna of Hundostan
Budha sakia of India
Salivahana of Bermuda
Zyulis, or SHule, alos Osiris and Orus of Egypt
Odin of the Scandinavians
Crite of Chaldea
Zoroaster and Mithra of Persia
Baal and Taut "The only Begotton of God" of Phoeneica,
indra of Tibet
Bali of Afghanistan
Jao of Nepal
Wittoba of the Bilingonese

Thammiz of Syria
Atys of Phrygia
Xamolxis of Thrace
Zoar of the Boanzes
Adad of Assyria
Deva Ta, and Sammanocadan of Siam
Aklcides of Thebes
Mikado of the Sintroos
Beddru of Japan
Hesus or Eros, and Bremrillah, and the Druids
Thor, son of Odin, af the Gauls
Cadmus of Greece

Hil and Feta of the Mandaites
Gentaut and Quexalcote of Mexico,
Universal Monarch of the SIbyls,
Ishcy of the Island of Formosa
Divine teracher of Plato
Homy One of Xaca,
Fohi and Tien of China
Adonis, son of the virgin lo of Greece,
Ixion and Quirinus of Rome.
Prometheus of Caucasus
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I'm aware of this information, but mere facts are not enough to sway the opinions of Christians. I don't think it's a coincidence when the bible says Jesus is, "the way", "the light", etc...
birch seems to think it appropriate to post such information, as if it's just been discovered.
This isn't a legitimate post, and should be deleted.
wow, it's almost as if the same story been told over and over and over again a million different ways and people still don't want to get it. imagine that.
birch seems to think it appropriate to post such information, as if it's just been discovered.
This isn't a legitimate post, and should be deleted.

it's a legitimate post. you've got to be the moderator here with the worst judgement. there is nothing new about the other religion threads.

if you don't like the post, better tell me why it's not appropriate so i can change it.
wow, it's almost as if the same story been told over and over and over again a million different ways and people still don't want to get it. imagine that.

lol. SO you're admitting jesus was never real and it's a made-up story that's an amalgamation of previous myths, religions and stories?? btw, what is it they aren't getting? because they are not specifically christian? that's your christian supremacism talking.

So, you admit that jesus is not the only son of god or that he's the world's savior?

was confucious the world's savior? was socrates the world's savior? was ghandi the world's savior? was muhammed the world's savior?
it's a legitimate post. you've got to be the moderator here with the worst judgement. there is nothing new about the other religion threads.

if you don't like the post, better tell me why it's not appropriate so i can change it.

Apparently you can't even read at this point.

All you did in your OP was post material that is either already known by most of those who visit here, and in any case, is readily available to be found by such.

There was no original content in your OP. That is why it is illegitimate. This is a forum for discussion, not for opining or oratory.

If you'd like to modify it so that it's actually of some value, take the material you have and formulate some sort of argument. Without such, a discussion can hardly take place.

What's your next discovery going to be, a comparative listing of the rise of the various monotheistic religions??


Like we all couldn't do that for ourselves....

This isn't a dumping ground for data or links.
Time to study up.
What's your next discovery going to be, a comparative listing of the rise of the various monotheistic religions??


Like we all couldn't do that for ourselves....

like anyone can't look up anything here for themselves on the internet on any subject. besides, the topic was pretty self-explanatory.

it seems YOU can't think at this point. as a matter of fact, you are the most hypocritical and biased moderator here. i don't think you should be a moderator.

are you even the moderator of the religion forum? i thought james r was.

Time to study up.

really? so anytime anyone posts links, it has to be something that has never been posted or discussed here ever before?

THEN why do i see repeated threads with regurgitated topics? who isn't thinking now? your condescension is also noted.

what are you? the nazi administrator of the forum?
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it seems YOU can't think at this point. as a matter of fact, you are the most hypocritical and biased moderator here. i don't think you should be a moderator.

yea..thats a way to get points with someone who can ban you...

Birch i suggest you talk with MW (Medicine Woman) she has alot of the same things to say as you, complete with data also..she would agree with you and pry give you more data to back up your own opinions..

as far as jesus being the ONLY the cannonization of the bible, why some books made it into the bible and some did not..

the contention of the ONLY way to heaven is through christ is man made..
that being said all those others you mentioned were also prophets said to have been sent by god (without actually knowing all those ppl)

If your purpose is to destroy belief in god..your effort will be futile and filled with frustration..
if your purpose is to destroy religion, again study up..there are LOADS of arguments here that ppl try to present,(i have even agreed with a bunch of them) but again it ends up with a person CHOOSING what they want to believe amount of argueing against what they have chosen to believe in will convince them otherwise..the best you can hope for is to learn how to respect those who do not believe the same way as you do..
my purpose is not to change people's beliefs as it appears. i really don't care what people believe as a religion (with some obvious exceptions such as beliefs or acts that would be considered harmful to society) if they admit it's a faith and not subject their beliefs as facts. my purpose is for several reasons: 1) fundamental religions condemn other religions as false and "pagan." christianity is from pagan myths. 2) they should not gain more power or override other religions or philosophies 3) because the religion's precepts are that it the only way just as judaism and islam.

i also see that the bible is a mixture of the positive as well as negative spins that were written or compiled for an agenda with the name 'god' attached to give unquestioning authority such as killing supposed witches or homosexuals etc.

i also see the value of moral allegory in some of the scriptures but it's like any book, it has to be ascertained and discerned as to what is valuable and of worth and what is not and should not be condoned. the problem is when one is of an indoctrinated religion, the requirement is to believe or agree with the entire bible as the unerring word of god. this does not mean errors in translation or interpretation as much of it is blatant. instead of christians calling out or admitting what is wrong or immoral, they excuse that it's a matter of "interpretation" when it's simply just not true in all cases.

that shows a dangerous mentality that would believe anything or condone anything to save their beliefs.

that said, i even suspect and do not outrightly dismiss that a person named jesus did not exist. there might have been BUT it's obvious that a lot of other stories and myths have been attributed to this character. some of what was written as to what this person supposedly said may have been true or some other prophets/teachers at the time as well as additional add-ons from other stories or sayings that previously existed. conclusion is that the story of jesus is culmination of many different allegories applied to probably some poor soul of the past who may have been martyred in some way but not exactly like the previous stories but enough to use him as an example to add the additional myths or supernatural reasons to further the story.

i also don't think the value of the story is lost because of it or it's inherent message and meaning. that is most definitely real as people can relate to it as well as the possible promise of the unknown representing hope.

i just think it's really important that religionists especially are aware that christianity is not the only one that has valid meaning nor is any other religion. it's just one among many enlightening sources or stories.
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This is all offtopic (not that there really is one here...) so, I'll keep my comments brief, and be done with you.

like anyone can't look up anything here for themselves on the internet on any subject.

Precisely my point.
Ergo, your OP was useless.

besides, the topic was pretty self-explanatory.

Actually, there was no topic apparent.

it seems YOU can't think at this point. as a matter of fact, you are the most hypocritical and biased moderator here. i don't think you should be a moderator.

All offtopic whining.
Regardless, I'm posting here as a member, not a Mod.
Do try and learn to pay attention.

are you even the moderator of the religion forum? i thought james r was.

Oh look, you managed to wake up.

really? so anytime anyone posts links, it has to be something that has never been posted or discussed here ever before?

Again, learn to read.
I would suggest you begin with the Site Rules and Regulations.

A link, or even simple information is completely fine content for a post, as long as it is part of an argument.
Note how the word "part" is bolded. This is to bring your attention to the fact that such content cannot form the entirety of a post.

what are you? the nazi administrator of the forum?

While I'm quite within my rights as a member to report you to the administration for such a libelous characterization, I'll refrain this time, hoping that you have the ability to learn from your mistake. The next time, you won't be so lucky.

How's that for condescension?

While I'm quite within my rights as a member to report you to the administration for such a libelous characterization, I'll refrain this time, hoping that you have the ability to learn from your mistake. The next time, you won't be so lucky.

i think you abuse your mod priviledges and get quite touchy.
Do you think jesus actually existed?
Me personally, no, I see no evidence for Jesus. It's generally accepted that Jesus was an allegory.

There's also no contemporary evidence for Mosses. Mosses was probably pure fiction. There's no contemporary evidence for Mohammad either. There's IS some new evidence that suggests the word "Mohammad" could have been a title for Jesus and this was later made into a protagonist as Arab Christian literature was codified into the Qur'an. I also don't think Buddha existed, although a recently discovered tombstone suggests maybe he did exist. Not that it matters one way or the other to me.

For me, the existence or non-existence of these protagonists is really a minor point. What IS important is the message purported in these various life-philosophies. Do the core values and fundamental principals make us a more open and promote a better understanding of the human condition or does it drag us back to the Bronze Age when people were violent superstitious mindless bots being led around by the ends of their noses? Is it about personal introspection or outward subjugation? Respect for the many different people who inhabit this rock called earth or intolerance? Equality or Supremacy? Which is it going to be?
i think it's constricting to put definitive attributes to the concept of god. it's better to leave it to mystery, open to all possibilities and open-ended.
i think you abuse your mod priviledges and get quite touchy.

i think he is being reasonable..
so far i do not see any point you have to make..

all your posts are so constructed as to not encourage any discussion..

IOW.. i don't have anything to disagree with so far except maybe your use of the word 'religionists' as most would associate that with ALL christians..
not all christians are religious..not all religionist are christian..
so far i do not see any point you have to make..

all your posts are so constructed as to not encourage any discussion..

oh really? then you don't have to be in this thread.

so you are here to just make snippet remarks about something that has nothing to do with you. the post was not even directed at you but you are making it your business.

btw, anyone reading my post vs your post on this thread can see it has more thoughtful content. yours seems to be from the standpoint that it's an attempt to destroy religion. i'm just making it clear it has much in common with other religions. is the preminence of christianity somehow more important?

i really don't get the constant coddling that the christian religion gets as they call everything outside of their faith or other faiths heathens or pagans
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oh really? then you don't have to be in this thread.

so you are here to just make snippet remarks about something that has nothing to do with you. the post was not even directed at you but you are making it your business.

um..that is the purpose of forums..if you want this to be a private party then do it PM....

there is no need to insult me when i was just giving some advice..if you are gonna be like that..then

MOD Please close this thread..
um..that is the purpose of forums..if you want this to be a private party then do it PM....

there is no need to insult me when i was just giving some advice..if you are gonna be like that..then

MOD Please close this thread..

i think you are really out of line. you said you don't see any point i have to make which translates to mean that you don't see the point of this thread. then it's valid for me to say you don't have to participate.

now you are pretending to be the victim to get the thread shut down.

it's obvious you are upset that i even posted this thread. you think it's an attempt to destroy your religion, it's hinted in the former post. i can tell but you are trying to not show it as much as possible by saying it's pointless.

i can tell you are insulted but the truth is the truth. there is nothing i've posted that is not true as far as the religion goes.

furthermore, your accusations the posts are not encouraging discussion. i even conceded that a person named jesus may have existed which even most atheists here don't agree with.

i think you just don't like this thread because it makes it very clear that christianity is not what it believes to be but i also mentioned islam and judaism. sciforums is not a place for coddling religion just to save people's feelings or beliefs either.
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i think you are really out of line. you said you don't see any point i have to make which translates to mean that you don't see the point of this thread. then it's valid for me to say you don't have to participate.
you must be young...
if i started a thread that said 'fire is hot' would there be a point to it?
everything you have said is the same..most everyone knows that stuff..MW has posted such..

it's obvious you are upset that i even posted this thread. you think it's an attempt to destroy your religion, it's hinted in the former post. i can tell but you are trying to not show it as much as possible by saying it's pointless.
reading WAY too much into what i said..
i am upset cause i gave you some good advice and you had come back with a slam instead of asking me to clarify..

there is nothing i've posted that is not true as far as the religion goes.
yes..that is why any point is lost..(see above about fire being hot)

furthermore, your accusations the posts are not encouraging discussion. i even conceded that a person named jesus may have existed which even most atheists here don't agree with.
not encouraging discussion..
IE.. fire is hot..does not encourage discussion..(everyone knows this)
fire is 100 degrees... pry wrong, which encourages someone else to post what is true..
Fire is pretty.. subjective, encourages someone else to post what they think of fire..

your post here falls into the 'fire is hot' category..everyone knows this,there is no point in a discussion where everyone agrees...

do not assume you understand what you think you understand..ask before you get defensive to be sure you are getting defensive for the right reasons..

i think you just don't like this thread because it makes it very clear that christianity is not what it believes to be but i also mentioned islam and judaism. sciforums is not a place for coddling religion just to save people's feelings or beliefs either.
there ya go thinking again...
I never said you were wrong....
clarify what you think someone is saying before going off..this is written words, not spoken words there is ALOT more opportunity for misinterpretation..

check this thread..(MW's attempt to do what you are doing..)

do not take what i am saying as a personal attack,the only time i tend to go on the attack is when i see a users consistently insulting other users..
it is just advice as a user who has been here for awhile..

and i agreed with glaucon to show you he is NOT out of line with his opinion..
just cause you do not like it doesn't mean he is wrong.