christianity vs islam...pepsi vs coke?


I drink therefore I am
Registered Senior Member
at the risk of offending anyone at all that might possibly take offence to my comparison of religions with something as trivial and blatantly commercial as carbonated cola drinks, does anyone see the similarities between the two religions?

The point i was making, is that they are both religions, but the packaging is different. Belief structures are of course a touchy subject, as they sit close to home, and people can feel threatened, when confronted by the fact that millions of people dont believe the same thing they do, and it seems that to compensate, they have to prove to themselves that their belief structure is closer to the truth than the other guys.

if the stakes are heaven and hell, you want to be on the winning team huh!

one thing ive noticed about religions, is that the bottom line message is pretty much the same for all of them.

But the real common denominator is FAITH. all religions have it,
this is a belief system that does not require proof, for proof denies faith and without faith, religions cant function

O.K. now I feel like Im talking s*#t

Anybody else got insights or comments?
Christianity and Islam, Coke and Pepsi? I just hope they too come out with a Christianity C2: 1/2 the Faith, 1/2 the Bullshit. (same for Islam, but it doesn't start with a C :p )

- N
Headache said:
The point i was making, is that they are both religions, but the packaging is different.

Just a little intellectual imagination would reveal to you substantial differences: Islam preaches concrete and invariable moral doctrines. But Christianity preaches the Forgiveness of Sins. So Islam is a Moral Religion while Christianity sees Morality as largely something they are exempted from. That would seem like a fairly large difference. You can understand why Muslims would be weary of Christians -- why should you trust people who believe that they think God doesn't care whether or not they lie, cheat, steal or murder. And Christians resent Islam for not believing in their Easy Salvation -- their refusal to go along with the moral exemption of Salvation Doctrine makes them nervous. They must realize in their hearts that the better Religion is one that offends God the least -- Not the one that has to ask forgiveness the most.
Leo Volont,

Actually, Christians do not believe that God does not care whether they lie, cheat, steal, ect. I mean, some "Christians" may, but I think they kind of belong to their own category seperate from fundamentalist Christians. The generalized statements that you made portray Christians as something akin to moral relativists, which isn't true. However, I totally agree with you that Christianity and Islam are not compatible. They differ on almost every basic religious subject such as : salvation, the death of Christ, afterlife, God, the nature of God, Christ's divinity (or lack of it), and so many more. People who claim that they are compatible exhibit a misunderstanding of the basic teachings of the two religions. I am not saying (at least not in this post :) ) which is the true religion. I am simply making the point that the two are not compatible.

Hope this helps!

historian2be said:
Leo Volont,

Actually, Christians do not believe that God does not care whether they lie, cheat, steal, ect. I mean, some "Christians" may, but I think they kind of belong to their own category seperate from fundamentalist Christians. The generalized statements that you made portray Christians as something akin to moral relativists, which isn't true. However, I totally agree with you that Christianity and Islam are not compatible. They differ on almost every basic religious subject such as : salvation, the death of Christ, afterlife, God, the nature of God, Christ's divinity (or lack of it), and so many more. People who claim that they are compatible exhibit a misunderstanding of the basic teachings of the two religions. I am not saying (at least not in this post :) ) which is the true religion. I am simply making the point that the two are not compatible.

Hope this helps!


The whole idea of Pauline Salvation, as especially interpretated outside the Catholic Church, insists that SINS ARE FORGIVEN. Some sects go so far as ONCE SAVED ALWAYS SAVED. This is why the entire Notion of Salvation is anathema to the Muslim -- because it is essentially Anti-Moral. The Automatic Forgiveness of Sins amounts to Licence to Sin. Protestant Intellectuals might not admit to it, but every Redneck South of the Mason/Dixon Line knows his Theology -- right on the back of those Pick Up Trucks which they park right in front of those Hoochy Coochy Houses, you can read the ubiquitous [deleted] Bumper Stickers: "I CAN SIN BECAUSE I'M FORGIVEN". That is why they are drunk all the time. That is why they steal cars. That is why they have intercourse with sisters and daughters. That is why they steal, and curse, and speak with an ugly twang and don't take their hats off when they go in doors. They are automatically forgiven and they know it and so they stopped caring. Christianity is the UN-Religion.
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Just a little intellectual imagination would reveal to you substantial differences: Islam preaches concrete and invariable moral doctrines. But Christianity preaches the Forgiveness of Sins. So Islam is a Moral Religion while Christianity sees Morality as largely something they are exempted from.

Perhaps you should go off and read the bible. Start with the New Testament. There's quite a lot in there about morality.

You can understand why Muslims would be weary of Christians -- why should you trust people who believe that they think God doesn't care whether or not they lie, cheat, steal or murder.

If you actually bothered to ask Christians, I think you would find that few of them believe what you say here.
Leo Volont said:
why should you trust people who believe that they think God doesn't care whether or not they lie, cheat, steal or murder.
And why should you trust or believe people who think that they are visited by angels in visions all the while making racist and derogatory comments about others?
Leo Volont,

The generalized claims that you are making show a lack of knowledge concerning Christianity's basic doctrines. I personally believe that the "Once saved, always saved" doctrine is not true, and I know many, many christians are in agreement with me. The bible says "IF we confess our sins, He [Christ] is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness". The bible also warns Christians not to use their liberty from guilt in Christ as an excuse to do evil. I really do not have time to explain every thing about redemption and salvation, but I hope that you will read more about this subject, or talk to a fundamentalist pastor.

Leo Volont said:
The whole idea of Pauline Salvation, as especially interpretated outside the Catholic Church, insists that SINS ARE FORGIVEN. Some sects go so far as ONCE SAVED ALWAYS SAVED. This is why the entire Notion of Salvation is anathema to the Muslim -- because it is essentially Anti-Moral. The Automatic Forgiveness of Sins amounts to Licence to Sin. Protestant Intellectuals might not admit to it, but every Redneck South of the Mason/Dixon Line knows his Theology -- right on the back of those Pick Up Trucks which they park right in front of those Hoochy Coochy Houses, you can read the ubiquitous [deleted] Bumper Stickers: "I CAN SIN BECAUSE I'M FORGIVEN". That is why they are drunk all the time. That is why they steal cars. That is why they have intercourse with sisters and daughters. That is why they steal, and curse, and speak with an ugly twang and don't take their hats off when they go in doors. They are automatically forgiven and they know it and so they stopped caring. Christianity is the UN-Religion.
Leo. You said,

”The Automatic Forgiveness of Sins amounts to Licence to Sin”.

So can you please explain this Hadith?

Sahih Bukhari Volume 2, Book 23, Number 329:
Narrated Abu Dhar:
Allah's Apostle said, "Someone came to me from my Lord and gave me the news (or good tidings) that if any of my followers dies worshipping none (in any way) along with Allah, he will enter Paradise." I asked, "Even if he committed illegal sexual intercourse (adultery) and theft?" He replied, "Even if he committed illegal sexual intercourse (adultery) and theft."