Christianity / Paranormal and the universe / Beliefs

What do you believe in?

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USS Athens

Very Special Senior Member
Valued Senior Member
Here is my list of beliefs:

-God exists

-Jesus Christ was the savior

-The bible was written by people whom never witnessed these events, so it cannot be an exact interpertation

-Ghosts exist

-Demons exist

-Satan exists

-Ghosts are not either angels nor demons and that they are trapped here on Earth because either that of a tragic death, or unfinished business

-Poltergeists are not demons either, only malevolent spirits of which their will is unknown

-Ghosts also give off EM readings (supposedly) and their energies can be recorded, via camera, camcorder, or cassette tape (see EVP)

-Science and Religion are actually in a harmony in the universe

Anyone else's beliefs?
I believe most of those things to be fantasy. In the most broad secular sense of the word, someone like Jesus could be a savior to someone. Also, some forms of religion may be compatible with science.
I think ghosts and poltergiests are just human spirits who were not accepted into heaven, but refuse to go to hell, or are just stuck here for some reason. I agree that religion and science go hand in hand, because I don't blindly follow religion, nor science. I don't think demons exist on the Earth, because God keeps them in Hell. Satan exists, but not on the Earth. He is the source of greed and such.
-The bible was written by people whom never witnessed these events, so it cannot be an exact interpertation

That one statement holds some credibility, although the witnessing of events is spurious. It can more easily be stated that "The bible was written by people."

As for the rest of it, complete nonsense.
I do believe in paranormal, things that cannot be explained by science.

Name one of these things?

For the majority of what's listed there can be given many 'Theories' into what they truly are, they are of course only 'theories' since most of the time the events that people portray as happening only seem to occur when scientists are out of the room. (Much like the statements made in regards to the Randi Challenge)

I know personally it's not about 'Belief' (After all you can wish on a star and believe it's doing something miraculous but in reality it is just a belief, after all it is just a star you gaze up at and you aren't really doing anything more than wasting energy on misconstrued reasoning.)

What it's really about however is 'Evidence' which for the majority of the time contradicts 'Belief'.

No Evidence = Belief
Belief != Evidence
Yes I believe in the immortality of Spirit and the existence of ghosts as described in the opening post.

I make a distinction however between believing and knowing. To 'know' would only be applicable if this paranormal activity was something I experienced directly and repeatedly.

Evidence? It has been accumulating since the widespread use of video surveillance.
Name one of these things?

For the majority of what's listed there can be given many 'Theories' into what they truly are, they are of course only 'theories' since most of the time the events that people portray as happening only seem to occur when scientists are out of the room. (Much like the statements made in regards to the Randi Challenge)

I know personally it's not about 'Belief' (After all you can wish on a star and believe it's doing something miraculous but in reality it is just a belief, after all it is just a star you gaze up at and you aren't really doing anything more than wasting energy on misconstrued reasoning.)

What it's really about however is 'Evidence' which for the majority of the time contradicts 'Belief'.

No Evidence = Belief
Belief != Evidence

By the way, a belief doesn't necessarily need evidence, it is more of a way of thought. What I mean by paranormal are, things that are not YET explained by science, such as dark matter, it may or may not be out there, but there is no way to explain it.......YET.