Christianity/Judaisms Survival


Registered Senior Member
I think it is interesting to note that christianity (in the form of judaism) has been around since the birth of the egyptians and assyrians, before the romans. A small band of poor, downtrodden, sometimes slaves, people have outlasted all of the great empires so far, and as far as I know, it is the longest surviving religion.

Is it just me, or does anyone else think there must be something to a religion for it to survive this long? From the begginings of civilization to the present...not to shabby
One of the reasons Judaism has lasted so long is that they allow no room for variance when it comes to their scriptures. The fine points may be customizable (I have seen both serious and entertaining seders), but when it comes to the Talmud, I believe it has remained unchanged. On the flip side of the coin is the adaptability of the people who follow it. Although the Law is stated very clearly, I was told a story by someone who had survived the holocaust that a rabbi was forced to eat non-kosher foods due to the circumstances of survival. He dismissed it, saying that he was sure there was a provision in the Talmud for it, and that he would look for it after he had finished eating. Humor, I think, is the key to survival for this faith.

There are plenty of jokes that came out of the ghettos during World War 2. My favorite involves two Jews who were out to assassinate Hitler. They escaped from the ghetto and made their way to Berlin, in possession of two stolen pistols. They watched Hitler for days, observing his habits and noticing that he took a walk down a particular lane at a certain time, 12 noon. Without fail, for one week, Hitler followed this same routine. The Jews decided that they would ambush him as he turned the corner for this lane. They waited for him one day. As the noon hour drew close, they could taste the kill. Noon came, but there was no Hitler. They waited, and waited, and waited. One Jew turned to the other, a concerned expression on his face. "Gee," he said. "I hope he's all right."
Sorry posted this in the wrong forum :)

Inflexibility would not be the key to the survival of Judeo-Christianity, but its downfall. My point is simply that it is the only religion (correct me on this if buddhism or wicca have outlasted it) to have survived this long. A non-aggressive group of people, who had no skills in warfare or diplomacy, survived all this time. Doesnt anyone else think there must be something (even if that something isnt divine) to the whole religion?
Of course! It's because it's divinely inspired. If anyone wants to argue that, then go to the religious debate. :}

There is no such thing as subjective truth.
There is something lasting, that's for sure, but I wouldn't call it religion. It is God. The God who prepared the Jews and mankind for the coming of the Savior is the same God of Jesus Christ. The God who is was and always will be.

Or could it be controll of the masses?

My life could have been black and white, but I had to color it.