

Not a cosmic killjoy
Registered Senior Member
Okay, so many people know there there are Muslim "extremists" ex. bombing innocent people. Are these the same as the "Christian Extremists" who bomb abortion clinics? (Technically not Christians at all). Do other Muslims reject these Muslim Extremists? Or do they support them?

Okay, I posted this a while ago. Please answer the questions, and dont get off topic.
Depends on their level of support in their respective communities and the proportion of attacks committed by either. The former is probably similar in both (or perhaps not); the latter, not.
Okay, so many people know there there are Muslim "extremists" ex. bombing innocent people. Are these the same as the "Christian Extremists" who bomb abortion clinics? (Technically not Christians at all). Do other Muslims reject these Muslim Extremists? Or do they support them?

Okay, I posted this a while ago. Please answer the questions, and dont get off topic.

Muslims who bomb innocent people are "technically" not Muslims in the same way Christians who kill innocent people "technically" aren't Christian. At least from an emic perspective.

From an etic perspective, however, the objective outsider evaluates that each bomber/killer has a personal belief that their religion (be they cults of Christianity or Cults of Islam) inform and motivate their justifications and desires to attain status within the cult. These personal beliefs are what lead to the eventual act of killing innocents (whom they see as either not innocent at all or as legitimate, collateral damage).

Whether these are Islamic fundamentalists trained in madrassas or Christian fundamentalists brainwashed "compounds" like Waco -they each believe they are doing the work of their god and Islamic and Christian dogma inform their actions.

Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols were influenced by the Christian Identity Movement when they bombed the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City. Some estimates put the number of acts of violence attributed to anti abortionists to 2500 in recent years -these range on the low scale to include vandalism but also include death threats, anthrax threats, assault and battery, bombings, murder, etc. These are acts of terror and their target, the abortion clinics, are terrorized into submission or oppression where the fundamentalists can't get the law to work for them. The fundamentalists, therefore, become terrorists.

It is true, however, that Christian extremists haven't approached the degree of violence that Muslim extremists have, but this is likely a societal response rather than a cultural one. The potential is clearly there but, perhaps, dulled by the democratic nature of our society and the belief that with god on their side, Christian fundamentalism will eventually become the hegemony and democracy will give way to theocracy.
Well obviously foreign occupation changes the degree of response to injustice. I think it would be the same for any people in the same conditions.
To that I would agree. I've often wondered what the psychological affects of being born and raised under occupation (in much the way modern generations of Palestinians have endured) has on society as a force for change. There are those that have no memory of what it means to live in an unoccupied land, thus the culture of occupation must be a part of society.

However, I think that the hegemony of a nation has much to do with the extremism that exists within it and the extremist responses. If the United States were to become a Christian theocracy, I have no doubt that things like "blasphemy" would once again become criminal, perhaps even punishable by death as it is in Afghanistan.

That's not to say that most people living in Afghanistan or the hypothetical theocracy of America would favor death for such a "crime," but that the hegemony in power has the ability to maintain the power through the use of extremism. An extreme response to minor issues effectively eliminates the probability for the existence of significant anti-hegemonic responses like revolution. Thus maintaining the status quo.
Well to be fair, Afghanistan has been in continuous invasion for almost 200 years. British, Russians, Sikhs, and now Americans, not to mention the civil wars. You can't really gauge worldwide Muslim actions using Afghanistans, its preposterous.
They did several scientific polls of Palestinians and 85% of them support terrorism against women and children.

What irony. An anti-science proponent speaking of "scientific polls." Out of curiosity, what was the scientific methodology employed by those conducting the polls? What were the populations and sample sizes? What were all of the specific questions employed in the poll? Who were the pollsters? What was the contexts of the polling (where they asked as the departed a mosque? Did a rally recently occur? Were the pollsters randomly calling on the phone?)?

You're the one who said "scientific," so I expect you'll be the one with these answers. Please enlighten us. The answer to one of these questions is 1270, so perhaps that will get you off on the right start.

Note: I'm not disputing the accuracy of the poll so much as your ability to recognize something as scientific based on your pseudoscientific nonsense spammed throughout the forum.

Well to be fair, Afghanistan has been in continuous invasion for almost 200 years. British, Russians, Sikhs, and now Americans, not to mention the civil wars. You can't really gauge worldwide Muslim actions using Afghanistans, its preposterous.

How are they different from the domestic, political religious outlook of Pakistan? Egypt? Saudi Arabia? Iran?
of course they're not, just look at the dress they are forced to wear


What i imagine you mean is that some ladies who are muslim who happensto have a husband who calls himself a muslim are forced to wear certian garments of clothing whcih restrict there liberty or rights etc...!! You know some girls actually like wearing them garments!!
As a muslim you have no understanding of your own Religion.

How do you come to that conclusion? LOL

Are you also Fundamentalist woman hater?

No, LOL I'm not.

Is a woman you equal?

of course they're not, just look at the dress they are forced to wear

Here is your fundamentalist women hater. This person does not want women to have a choice of what they choose to wear.
Here is your fundamentalist women hater. This person does not want women to have a choice of what they choose to wear.


i think LA just can not understand why a woman would chose to wear the full on gear and therefore she thinks that the woman is forced!!

But as you and i know a lot of women wear the entrie Niqab or whatever through their own choice and not cos they are forced, of course though there are some women who are forced to wear it!!
one or two lines if you would Wayne..

I am really sorry and forgive my ignoreance but please a little sumamry?!

thanks Man
hello wayne

sorry but your post is beyond my mental capacity, pls summarise

I doubt that it is beyond your mental capacity to understand.

I am not sure that I have the mental capacity to explain myself in greater detail though.

I will however make an effort.

Rather than respond directly to you post I will make a separate post.

Anything said not being directed at Islam but rather to Nomenclature, the number, Name, the Nature of the Beast, Man's exaggerated sense of Masculinity, Machismo, to the Pharaohs, the Pharisees, the Pharos, an person, or religion that is perceived to be a guiding light that is in truth a sanctimonious, self-righteous, or hypocritical person, any person who uses power or authority to oppress others.
thansk Wayne, i appreciate it.......... i will read again and think about it over the course fot he evening!!