Christianity is the TRUTH!! Uncut & unedited! All RAW baby!

If someone going to give me directions, give me the quickest route! the link is down
That was priceless Prince. I especially loved the quote:

"It's not that I have been brainwashed into it... but in a way I have..."
Wasn't it, Crunchy Cat? It was very disturbing how quick he was to avoid all pretenses of rationality. He felt almost proud of being able to say "ha ha ha, you can't prove me wrong, and even if you did, I'd believe it, because I'd be right still!"

The absence of rationality is utterly dangerous. Sadly, this is all to common amongst Born Again Christians.
Same process hes displaying can be applied to virtually any paradigm really, its just with christianity you have much better odds of looking like a twart.
Quite correct. IMO it's partly due to a failure in the education system... all that knowledge and no training how to think about it.
What is this guy talking about, I can't even follow his logic.

All Im hearing is, " I am a Christian ... " every 2 minutes.
The mental side of life is a rationalization. Some people are capable of more rationality than others. Ultimately though, it's all still just people grabbing ahold of whatever it takes for them to get through the day. *shrug*
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Hmm. Was that simultaneously the epitome and antithesis of rational thought?
Christianity is the TRUTH!! Uncut & unedited! All RAW baby!

An interesting look into the psychology of a young male believer in Born-Again Christianity.

"I'm right. Christianity is the truth. Everything else is wrong."
This guy is either a total idiot or an idiot pretending to be an idiot just to give a bad name for real Christians.
I doubt he will get flamed by atheist, but by Christians.
I think all Christians should flame this bastard for being a complete dunce.
Listening to this idiot is like listening to George Bush talk about what a Christian he is.
This bastard is not a good representation of real Christians, but I know there are many Christians like him.

It might give me sympathy towards the atheists who hate Christians so much. Unfortunately, I have seen atheists on You Tube that are just as bad if not worse that this idiot. Not to mention the mass stupidity of certain atheists that believe in weak atheism, strong atheism, and other bullcrap memes that circulate the internet.
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This is slightly weird, I mean grrr. I concur with all you guys that anyone who's religious is simply un-rational. Rationally anyone with a brain would realize god is a human construct, and in the absence of any humans would cease to exist, therefore it cannot possibly exist. :-Z