Christianity is incestous?


Registered Senior Member
I was in one of my contemplative moods a while back. I had just tried reading The Bible and failed miserably. Boredom overcame me. Anyway.. a thought came to my head about the legend of Adam and Eve. According to The Bible, god created Adam and Eve for the purposes of procreation. Eve gave birth to two sons, Kane and Abel. So, according to christians, humanity is descended from Adam and Eve. What came to my head was, if Adam and Eve produced only Kane and Abel, how did Kane and Abel perpetuate themselves? There was no other woman apart from Eve.

What is the conclusion that can be drawn here? Incest was practised. Eve was obviously the mother of the children of Kane and Abel as well. One of the ten commandments forbids incest, but incest was practised among these four people. So here we have christianity contradicting itself. So, coming back to my question -- is christianity thus incestous?
Adam and Eve were the FIRST humans he created, but he
didnt stop there.
In the bible it says that Adam had more sons and daughters. Also,Incest was offically banned from Israel when God gave the rules to Isreal. In ADam and EVe's time, incest wasnt outlawed by God, so......................
What came to my head was, if Adam and Eve produced only Kane and Abel, how did Kane and Abel perpetuate themselves?
Did not Kane & Abel take their wives from men?
Adam and Eve were the FIRST humans he created, but he didnt stop there.
And they are?
In the bible it says that Adam had more sons and daughters. Also,Incest was offically banned from Israel when God gave the rules to Isreal. In ADam and EVe's time, incest wasnt outlawed by God, so......................
oh the double standards. anything to perpetuate god, even the total denial of completely polar statements.:m:
What makes incest "wrong"? I.e. consider what causes it to be "negative"...

oh the double standards. anything to perpetuate god, even the total denial of completely polar statements.
So, Atheroy. Did the first human ancestors on earth (who or whatever you believe they were) interbreed or not?
Did the first human ancestors on earth (who or whatever you believe they were) interbreed or not?

That's not the point Jenyar. What is being talked about here is the contradictions in christianity. The religion forbids incest, but god's first children did practice it.

Also,Incest was offically banned from Israel when God gave the rules to Isreal. In ADam and EVe's time, incest wasnt outlawed by God, so......................

So if god says incest is bad it's wrong and if he says incest is cool; it's ok? Religion :rolleyes:
Then I'll point out the small but significant mistake you are making:

Let's say in 2010 a law will be passed that you should wear two seatbelts, or you could go to jail for 5 years.

You are obviously guilty of that law now. Should I phone the authorities?
Jenyar - that's a daft example.

I base this on the fact that cars and seatbelts are real life things, whereas Adam and Eve are clearly fictional characters. The links between road safety and fictional incest are beyond me.

It's amazing really, quite how bad a story Genesis is.
Sons of gods/daughters of men, etc.

Originally posted by croper

Like I said, Jenyar dances around the issues. Let us not forget the sons of gods came down and mated with the daughters of men. So the daughters of men were already there in Genesis. Since its a patriarchal account, of course the women were not characterized in the limelight but in the background with other unknown women.

About incest, what about Lot and his daughters? They got Lot drunk and each had sex with him. Both gave birth to a son, Moab and Ammun, and they became great nations. So where's the disgust in this recorded?
What makes incest "wrong"? I.e. consider what causes it to be "negative"...
gee, i don't know, could it be the fact that in about three generations, babies will be so deformed that they won't survive?

So, Atheroy. Did the first human ancestors on earth (who or whatever you believe they were) interbreed or not?
instinctivly mammals seek out mates that they are genetically compatible i.e. not your parents. early human ancestors probably did a bit of incest- much like is done today as cousins can marry (because their is enough genetic variance). BUT, not to the complete degree where adam and eve must have been reproducing with their offspring. do people not understand that this results in birth defects? and isn't it against god's laws to kill life? because that sort of inbreeding is practically murder.

Let's say in 2010 a law will be passed that you should wear two seatbelts, or you could go to jail for 5 years.
You are obviously guilty of that law now. Should I phone the authorities?
the hoops you jump through to keep believing:m:
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Inbreeding & birth defects

Originally posted by atheroy
gee, i don't know, could it be the fact that in about three generations, babies will be so deformed that they won't survive?

instinctivly mammals seek out mates that they are genetically compatible. early human ancestors probably did but a bit of it- much like is done today as cousins can marry. BUT, not to the complete degree where adam and eve must have been reproducing with their offspring. do people not understand that this results in birth defects?

Maybe that's where all our present diseases stem from--Biblical inbreeding!
say that God did ban incest when adam and eve were created............adam and eve disobeyed God earlier so....doesnt mean they couldnt do it later. BUt the fact is GOD DIDNT BAN INCEST WHEN THEY WERE AROUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OKAY! That was much LATER, in the times of MOSES!!
say that God did ban incest when adam and eve were created............adam and eve disobeyed God earlier so....doesnt mean they couldnt do it later. BUt the fact is GOD DIDNT BAN INCEST WHEN THEY WERE AROUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OKAY! That was much LATER, in the times of MOSES!!
god is so inconsistent he may as well be a human creation. oh, wait a minute..........
You guys are being deliberately obstinate, but I'll press on.

originally posted by Atheroy
because their is enough genetic variance
Where did this genetic variance come from?

There was no negative side-effects to interbreeding; technically and genetically it wasn't interbreeding, morally it wasn't interbreeding, and legally it wasn't interbreeding.

If it was as bad as you seem to think it was, then why don't we all see the effects?

You haven't answered my question. If you think people developed from apes, then why isn't it wrong for apes to interbreed but it is for us? And who did the first apes breed with? Did a few male and female apes evolve simultaneousy (for the sake of argument) from different genetic material, or from the same genetic material?
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Originally posted by Jenyar
If it was as bad as you seem to think it was, then why don't we all see the effects?


This is the most proposterous question I've ever seen. There is a very good reason why we don't see the effects of Adam and Eve's inbreeding. I don't think any of you need me to spell it out.;)
Originally posted by Jenyar

If you think people developed from apes, then why isn't it wrong for apes to interbreed but it is for us? And who did the first apes breed with? Did a few male and female apes evolve simultaneousy (for the sake of argument) from different genetic material, or from the same genetic material?

Jenyar, it's no wonder you don't believe in evolution - you don't even understand its basic principles.
Don't blame me - I've heard so many theories I have a hard time remembering which one is supposed to be scientific.

Why don't you give me your version? Don't bother with the details just yet - just give me the short form, like "primordial soup - procaryotes - bacteria, etc." and make sure you put in there how male and female evolved.
Originally posted by Jenyar
Don't blame me - I've heard so many theories I have a hard time remembering which one is supposed to be scientific.

Why don't you give me your version? Don't bother with the details just yet - just give me the short form, like "primordial soup - procaryotes - bacteria, etc." and make sure you put in there how male and female evolved.

Fair enough, but you were implying that species evolve suddenly in small numbers - hence your ape interbreeding problem. The first 'real ape' would have been able to breed with all the other 'nearly apes' that were slightly fiurther back on the evolutionary scale, furthering this new breed, etc. Evolution does not require inbreeding.