christianity is an excuse to Sin !!


Registered Senior Member
christianity: You SIN, Jesus Loves you, Satan is pleased with you
christianity is a sin machine,christians use every excuse in the book to excuse there sinning, sex before marriage ? oh its ok as long as ur gona marry the person.... gay sex ? its ok god made um that way... and so on....
Your lack of knowledge is showing, your arrogance is showing.
johnahmed said:
christianity: You SIN, Jesus Loves you, Satan is pleased with you
christianity is a sin machine,christians use every excuse in the book to excuse there sinning, sex before marriage ? oh its ok as long as ur gona marry the person.... gay sex ? its ok god made um that way... and so on....
You sort of have your facts backwards there, mate.

Christians don't think it's okay to before marriage, no matter the couple's future together.

And Christians also don't believe that homosexuality is natural. They don't believe that God made any person gay, but that that person made themselves gay.

And if you know this but are just seeing our reactions: :mad:
johnahmed said:
christianity: You SIN, Jesus Loves you, Satan is pleased with you
christianity is a sin machine,christians use every excuse in the book to excuse there sinning, sex before marriage ? oh its ok as long as ur gona marry the person.... gay sex ? its ok god made um that way... and so on....

You do not know what Christianity is.

Sin is wrong. Jesus loves us not because we sin but because we are repentant for our sins and believe in Him for forgiveness for our sins.

Sex before marriage is fornication and it is against the teachings of Jesus.

Homosexuality is also an abomination to God. Christians stand against that also.

I hope i have help clear some misconceptions you have about Christianity

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I don't see why the use of your genitals should have any spiritual significance whatsoever...
"I don't see why the use of your genitals should have any spiritual significance whatsoever... "

* Read the Karma Sutra dude.
Sex before marriage is generally not allowable in Christianity.
Homosexuality is not allowed. It is a sin, similar to beastiality. There is a verse in the Bible [Can't remember the exact one, I'll look it up later and post a link if you are interested], which says by laying with mankind instead of womankind is wrong [And a different Bible words it by saying Sodomisation is wrong].
Diesel said:
I don't see why the use of your genitals should have any spiritual significance whatsoever...
Because Christians believe we are Gods greatest creation, and we were made in His image, and we should treat our Body as a temple. Just as you may say "Our body should have no spiritual significance whatsoever", Christians are not allowed to mutilate their body, as it is being disrespectful towards the Lord, and destroying the gift which he gave you [Which is why Suicide is a Sin]
WMA said:
Sex before marriage is generally not allowable in Christianity.
Homosexuality is not allowed. It is a sin, similar to beastiality. There is a verse in the Bible [Can't remember the exact one, I'll look it up later and post a link if you are interested], which says by laying with mankind instead of womankind is wrong [And a different Bible words it by saying Sodomisation is wrong].
Leviticus 20:13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

If you want some good old fashioned sex and killing in the bible, just read all of Leviticus 20. You won't be disappointed (unless of course you're gay or and inbred or a beast or w/e).

Jinoda said:
You sort of have your facts backwards there, mate.

Christians don't think it's okay to before marriage, no matter the couple's future together.

It is not sin to have relations before marriage. It is sin to commit adultery, and when you have relations with another person, you are one and are, for all intent and purposes, joined together.

Jinoda said:
And Christians also don't believe that homosexuality is natural. They don't believe that God made any person gay, but that that person made themselves gay.

And if you know this but are just seeing our reactions: :mad:

For the most part, but there is scientific studies that show a difference in heterosexual females and homosexual females. I don't know the control of the study, but it has to do with the hairs in the ear.

Homosexuality is no different than any sin. I was born a thief and a liar. Do I seek for excuses and a way to pilfer and lie? No, I go against my nature to honor God. Does that mean I don't have the urge to steal and lie? No, I am tempted by (at least lying) everytime I am scared. Homosexuality involves real urges. They feel unnatural doing anything else, so in their relative moral minds, it is okay.
WMA said:
Sex before marriage is generally not allowable in Christianity.
Homosexuality is not allowed. It is a sin, similar to beastiality. There is a verse in the Bible [Can't remember the exact one, I'll look it up later and post a link if you are interested], which says by laying with mankind instead of womankind is wrong [And a different Bible words it by saying Sodomisation is wrong].

There is more than just one verse. Corinthians and Romans talks about homosexuality as well. Paul hears of what is going on in these places, and sets them straight.

Romans Chapter 1:
25 because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed for ever! Amen. 26 For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. Their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural, 27 and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in their own persons the due penalty for their error. 28 And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a base mind and to improper conduct.

There are about four or five other references that I have come across in my studies. Leviticus is really direct as well. Someone posted in the thread the verse you were thinking of.