Christianity cover ups


Registered Member
I am not well versed on the subject, but the rumor that the Catholic church covered up numerous books of the bible reached my ears, and I wanted to know if anyone out there knew anything about this, and whether or not Christianity suffered for it on a whole.
Arietta said:
I am not well versed on the subject, but the rumor that the Catholic church covered up numerous books of the bible reached my ears, and I wanted to know if anyone out there knew anything about this, and whether or not Christianity suffered for it on a whole.
M*W: It's no rumor. The early church fathers picked over which books they considered to be true and relevant to belong in the NT. The RCC has covered up more than just those books like the Gospel of Philip, Gospel of Thomas, Gospel of Mary Magdalene, etc. They also covered up the TRUTH about Jesus and his life as well as Christianity. The Christianity we know today was started by Paul of Tarsus and Rome. There were many evils that took place in the RCC. I would say that Christianity hasn't suffered, but the truth has been suppressed. Check-out a website called This website tells the whole truth about the evils of Christianity.
The gnostic heresy was great problem in the early church so many of their books were burned, although some were found in the Qumran caves. Most scholars, however, assign latter dates to these books way after the time of the apostles. Only the book of Thomas shows some promise of an early date. But it is gnostic and severely contradicts the four gospels.
Even in our relative modern times strong effort has managed to remove the Apocrypha from the King James Version here in the usa since the 1850’s. 2nd Esdras is a cool book if you haven’t read it. Unknown to most protestants are the extra books in the standard Catholic bibles. There you will find several interesting books also, like Sirach. Even between the bibles there are many differences, but through all the tampering, mud slinging, attempts at destruction, and the message still gets through to some.

Yes, Sirach is a great book, but because the prolog says, "You therefore are now invited to read in it a spirit of attentive good will, with indulgence for any apparent failure on our part, despite earnest efforts, in the interpretation of particular passages.", Martin Luther rejected the book. Remarkably, there's one point where Sirach basically says we have free will, the choice between fire and water, so if this book was left in the canon, Calvin's theology would have never taken hold.
Although I don't condone everything the Catholic church does, I believe that those "extra books of the Bible" aren't in our Bible today are because they really are bogus.

My two cents.

Medicine*Woman said:
M*W: It's no rumor. The early church fathers picked over which books they considered to be true and relevant to belong in the NT. The RCC has covered up more than just those books like the Gospel of Philip, Gospel of Thomas, Gospel of Mary Magdalene, etc. They also covered up the TRUTH about Jesus and his life as well as Christianity. The Christianity we know today was started by Paul of Tarsus and Rome. There were many evils that took place in the RCC. I would say that Christianity hasn't suffered, but the truth has been suppressed. Check-out a website called This website tells the whole truth about the evils of Christianity.
M*W: This is an interesting article by a former Christian minister.


Excerpts from a message by Craig Lyons, M.Div.1

Given a vision by God many years ago when resigning my pastorate I have endeavored to be faithful to the mission I accepted. Having studied in-depth over several years the Jewish Roots of my Christian faith as well as associated subject matters I reached a point “theologically” in which I was unable to continue in my current position as pastor of a 2,500 member church in the Dallas metropolis.

Along the way of my studies both during and after Seminary and during these eight yrs of my pastorate I became totally convinced of many things; one of which is that …Christianity…in fact had deviated so far …that our worship of God was little different from the example of Nadab and Abihu in the Hebrew Texts which show God's severe displeasure of such deviant worship. …

Over the years of dedicated study I have diligently provided the fruits of our studies in hopes that such information will benefit the interested Christian who desires to learn of his Jewish Roots and hopefully repent of the Replacement Religion [Christianity] that goes unnoticed by most today. Over this same time I have received countless e-mails from hundreds and hundreds of readers all these years saying things like: “Pastor Craig you have showed us the lies and deceptions behind our Christian Faith, you have showed us the falsifications of numerous texts in both our Christian OT and NT, you have showed us the truth about our Covenant with God (Noachide Laws), you have shown us the untruths connected with the Christian teaching of the Messiah; you have shown us the idolatry hidden in Christianity, you have showed us that Sun Worship is passed off for righteousness today, you have showed us what not to do…

I pray that God will open your eyes to see for yourself … how we as Non-Jews are to live in light of the truths gathered from unbiased and uncompromising study of the Jewish Roots of [mankind.] Shalom.


1. Pastor Craig Lyons, M.Div: 902 Cardigan, Garland, Texas 75040
Yep, that article is "interesting," but probably not the way you mean. Is it just me or does it make no sense at all?

Looks like a cult to me.

Aaron Rider said:
Yep, that article is "interesting," but probably not the way you mean. Is it just me or does it make no sense at all?

Looks like a cult to me.

M*W: Do you call Judaism a cult?
No, Judaism is not a cult. Some of my friends are Jewish. I don't even know if this guy is leading a cult or not, I just said it looked like he was. There isn't enough information here to tell what the whole thing is really about.

Christianity is the completion of Judaism; read the New Testament book of Hebrews; the author uses scripture from the Old Testament to show that Jesus was and is the Jews' long awaited Messiah.

Aaron Rider said:
No, Judaism is not a cult. Some of my friends are Jewish. I don't even know if this guy is leading a cult or not, I just said it looked like he was. There isn't enough information here to tell what the whole thing is really about.

Christianity is the completion of Judaism; read the New Testament book of Hebrews; the author uses scripture from the Old Testament to show that Jesus was and is the Jews' long awaited Messiah.

M*W: Aaron, I'm neither Jewish nor Christian nor Muslim, although I have close friends in all three faiths. When I need a Jewish perception, I contact a Rabbi. Since I was a devout Christian for many years, I feel I have researched the faith more than the average believer. I asked the Rabbi about "Christianity being the completion of Judaism," and he furiously stated that in no way is Christianity the completion of anything. He went on to say that there is no such thing as the term "Judeo-Christian." He said they are totally independent of each other. The timeline between Judaism and Christianity does not overlap, he said. Judaism is a religion complete within itself in that it hasn't changed in 5,000+ years and it still exists without change.
It's misrepresentation to say that Judaism has not changed. A case in point would be the temple sacrifices. No longer do most Jews offer blood sacrifices.
Aaron Rider said:
No, Judaism is not a cult. Some of my friends are Jewish. I don't even know if this guy is leading a cult or not, I just said it looked like he was. There isn't enough information here to tell what the whole thing is really about.

Christianity is the completion of Judaism; read the New Testament book of Hebrews; the author uses scripture from the Old Testament to show that Jesus was and is the Jews' long awaited Messiah.


As much as I hate to do it, I have to agree with M*W here.
Christianity is in no way a completion of Judaism. You compare the belief structure, the way of life, and then consider that Jesus was a jew, raised in that tradition. Do you honestly think that he would rally that far against the belief of his fathers and establish a church that is noting more than a bastardization of the original?
just not realistic.

As far as being the "Jews' long awaited Messiah", look into messianic jews.