Christianity: Best Redeeming Factor


Valued Senior Member
If you had to pick the best facet of Christianity, from your personal experience, what would you say it is?

While I'm atheist, I was raised Christian and it seems to me that the one thing about Christianity (and I'm not sure this act as the center peace of a religion even existed before Christianity and so may actually truly be something we can all "Christian") that I find the most appealing is the act of asking for forgiveness.

Asking for forgiveness of God or Jesus is, in my mind, really asking yourself to forgive yourself. If it's not warped and is something you really do need to move past in life, I think this is great way to utilize religion to do so.

Asking for forgiveness is the most endearing and psychologically powerful facet of Christianity. I'd say it's what makes Christianity a religion. IMO it's most redeeming quality.
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Wow- for a change you started a thread that isn't attacking religion :bravo:

I think asking for forgiveness is definitely a good quality but its definitely not unique to Christianity- Judaism and Islam too, have it... Hinduism has it in some ways as well I think although I'm not too familiar with how Hinduism is understood by its practitioners.

Another quality about Christianity that I personally like is self-assessment... Again this is present in other religions as well.. But the idea of self-assessing yourself instead of pointing fingers at others is a very lifting concept- the example of Jesus telling the people who haven't sinned to through the first stone comes to mind regarding this topic...

Peace be unto you ;)
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Originally Posted by Michael
If you had to pick the best facet if Christianity, from your personal experience, what would you say it is? While I'm atheist, I was raised Christian and it seems to me that the one thing about Christianity (...) that I find the most appealing is the act of asking for forgiveness.
To continue with this tone, I found that the most appealing facet's of Christianity are not exclusive to Christianity. They include the exercising of self-discipline and a sense of purpose. To know that you are not "in it" alone can change a persons outlook on life. From a theological standpoint, it would have to be the idea that we can be "born again" into a new kingdom, as if all we have done in the past were spiritually absolved with a prayer. To ask for forgiveness is like renewing your subscription or confirming your reservation even though I now know that the most important part of the act is being able to openly admit when your wrong.