Christian Website (With cartoons!)


Registered Senior Member
I've seen my fair share of kooky Christian websites. They're out there, and they have websites. On occasion you come about an odd one... And sometimes you find one that's completely off the chart.

The following is for your own entertainment purposes:

Hey, Habu...
How many gods do you have?

(Picture of an elephant in a buddha outfit)

Wouldn't you rather have just one God who loves you a bunch than a bunch of gods that don't love you at all?

Jesus loves everybody, even the unsaved like Habu! Remember to pray for Habu and others like him that they may find Jesus and accept Him into their hearts!

Isn't that nice. The Christians have decided to point out heathens in a nice and friendly manor.

Now, the next part that follows is my favorite.

What should you do if you find an Atheist?

If you find an Atheist in your neighborhood,

You may be moved to try and witness to
these poor lost souls yourself, however

Atheists are often very grumpy and bitter and will lash out at children or they may even try to trick you into neglecting God's Word.

Very advanced witnessing techniques are needed for these grouches. Let the adults handle them.
Creation Science Fun Facts!

This site is for kids! What the hell? Avoid talking to an atheist because they're evil and grumpy and mean and might try to do things to you.
I think this is a parody, although it's a little more subtle than the Landover Baptist site it supposedly wants to shut down. Check out their online store for this handy item:

Ruby Matrimony Thong
Originally posted by NonSequitur
It does look like a parody, but I have seen real sites that are just as bad. Look at the creation "science" page and compare it to Kent Hovind's site. There isn't much difference.

Unfortunately, nothing I try will let me go to Kent Hovind's page, although I was able to bring up an older page using the Google cache feature. Is there an updated link available? Or did he finally have to pay out that $250,000 reward (I really wish I knew what that was about - I'd like to try for it myself :D )?
Unfortunately, nothing I try will let me go to Kent Hovind's page, although I was able to bring up an older page using the Google cache feature. Is there an updated link available?

Sorry. I can't get to it either for some reason. If I find a way I will post it here.

Or did he finally have to pay out that $250,000 reward

I don't think he would pay if you put a gun to his head. Many people have tried and he simply refuses to pay.

(I really wish I knew what that was about - I'd like to try for it myself )?

It is a reward offered to anyone that can prove evolution. Of course it is completely rigged. He redefines evolution to include things that have NOTHING to do with evolution such as the big bang. He also says that everything must be recreated in a lab. When he was asked he said that you would have to reproduce the big bang in a lab and not just a model. If that weren't enough it is judged by a committee of judges that Hovind chooses himself.
Originally posted by NonSequitur
Yes, those things are hilarious. Hovind actually helped Chick on the "Big Daddy" tract. Chick even has a page for Hovind on his site.
Are Chick Publications authentic Christian? Sometimes I can't tell the spoof apart from the actual.
Regardless, it's funny stuff!
Are Chick Publications authentic Christian? Sometimes I can't tell the spoof apart from the actual.

I thought it was a parody too when I first read a chick tract, but unfortunately Chick is for real. It is hard to believe that anyone could be this deluded, but I know a few people like him. I know some people that actually think that Harry Potter books can teach children spells that can hurt people. The good thing is that these kinds of Christians are a minority and most Christians also think these people are whack jobs.