Christian - Stories Of Help


Valued Senior Member
It was a hot summer day, Babu was lying in the fields of Africa, he'd just finished a hard days work and now was very tired. He sat staring up into the sky "I wonder" he thought, "will we survive the coming season, there's no more money and we haven't enough food to feed the 10 others in our family." Babu has been concerned about a few of his friends as well, there was Chalondra who had helped him along in school, Layla who'd given him lunch of hers when he'd had none, Kamau his best friend, and Hasani. These were people he knew intimately, and while he always hoped for the best recently things had taken a turn.

It had been a hot day when the water filtering machine burned out, Babu's father Jaja had told his sons it would cost 400 USD to repair, he knew they didn't have the money, they barely had enough to live on as it was. Babu began feeling ashamed he wanted to help his father but wasn't able :shrug: Eventually Babu remembered a new church had opened up down the road, it was pristine and beautiful, the kind anyone would gladly live in, even more elegant than their home. Babu decided he would like to go visit this church and ask for help, any they might give would be better than none.

All his life Jaja had told his sons to be their own men, not follow anyones orders, to be independant even when they were broke and without hope. He said "Babu, etc. don't ever let anyone force you into believing their lies when you know in your heart the truth." Jaja had been very proud of his sons for never backing down from their ideals. Babu was amoung his most respected children, constantly arguing and demanding proof, evidence, etc. if anyone was accused of a crime. As time grew Babu only got more braison.

Raha was Jaja's wife, she was always a good girl and had marked her man Jaja from her early childhood. When they were 17 they married, Jaja had promised his female many babies to run around and take care of, Raha had been quite pleased to hear this.

As time passed and around 10 years had gone by their kids had grown, they became mature and wise. Raha was always telling her babies that she loved them more than anyone else in the world, they knew it was true. During the last few months there'd been talk of a new person coming to the village, a wanderer from America. Hardly any of the people really knew alot about the USA, to them it was a myth surrounded by fantastic stories and odd beliefs.

It just so happened on the few days after this man had come the village elder came to speak in front of the entire community. Malik spoke the words only a wise man is able to, "my family, my friends, my brothers and sisters, today we have news of a different kind. Yesterday I spoke with a man, he is a priest from America and had a story to tell. His people plan to come here and build what they call a congregation, they seek to help our village grow and prosper." At this there was awe and stunned silence, the people were not sure whether they could believe the stranger... someone asked "and what can he do, he's from another world." The elder said "now, now, let us give this priest a chance and perhaps with his followers there can be a lasting change here for the better?" Those in the crowd nodded, they usually trusted those coming to offer advice, so it was they agreed to give him a chance.

Brain arrived the following day with a huge amount of supplies and food, he yelled "hello everyone" towards the village. Those that were awake looked confused and weary, tired from the long days of work in the fields. Brian was dressed in his priest uniform, he had 5 others with him each wearing colorful wardrobe and watches. Brian spoke to one of his companions, "Sara, is everything ready, do we have the crosses?" Sara said, "oh yes, we have everything we need.. god provides." Justin was smiling, he said "gods given us a miracle again, an entire village that needs his help and ours, what a wonderful chance." Sara laughed, "you bet, ohh damn I forgot my iPod." Brain said "you won't need it, we're about to do gods work and he'll bring us through this with a much greater prize."

Jaja had just gotten home from work, he heard his wifes cries... "Raha what's the matter, what's wrong?" She spoke... "Babu has run off, he's gone to see the new visitors from America, he said he's going to ask them to help us with some of our troubles." Jaja thought for a moment, then said... "what's so bad about that, they are coming to help our people, to bring back our prosperity." Raha looked down, looked up, then said "they don't want to bring anything, they only care about themselves." Jaja couldn't really understand his wife, he said "what's the problem, they are good men, they ask for nothing in return."

At this moment Raha stared her husband in the eyes, she said "I neglected to tell you more about them... they're Christians!" Jaja was stunned, he was horrified... "chr chri christians!" he said aloud. Raha "yes my husband, they've come here not to help but to offer us their religion in exchange for our faiths." Jaja had heard of this from other villagers.. they come when there is a great need, but instead of merely helping they begin tormenting us with their beliefs." Jaja stared up into the sky, he knew his boy would be tested, but could he pass such a monumental one....

Meanwhile... Babu gleefully made his way into the new area of this church, he'd heard of Americans coming to help before. The stories were plentiful and almost always good. They would bring candy, medicines, and other wonderful things the people needed, they never asked for anything except peace in the villages. Babu stopped as he neared the church frame... Brian was near the doorway "hey there, how are you." Babu was afraid, he stopped alittle.. "um um hi there, so you're the Americans huh." Brian smiled and spoke welcomingly.. "yes we are, we're here to help you with your village." Babu said "oh thank goodness, we need a new watertank because ours broke and it's to expensive to fix, if we can't get it working again the village will die." Brian looked at Lisa one of his friends, he looked back at Babu "we didn't bring a water tank, we do have this for you though." Brian handed Babu a cross made of wood, molded into a fancy decoration.

Now Babu, this is a cross, with it god will help protect you, as long as you believe in him and trust his power. Baby stared, he said "ga god?" Brian winced... "yes god, the all knowing creator of heaven and earth." Babu said.. "only god I know is the watertank." Brian looked angry.. he said "here, read this it will tell you everything you must know." Babu took the book from Brian, he held it in his hands... it felt strong and sturdy.. Brian said "if you can read this and really make an effort to accept god then we can help you, and maybe that watertank will get working again too." Brian smiled and walked away.. Babu was left holding the book along with the cross.

Brian said to Sara "Well that went well, the first contact with these natives and already we have a convert, soon he'll see all the good god can do." Sara laughed, "yea, so let's go eat, FEMA sent us these rations for the village, they should hold out for awhile. Brian said "yea, let's eat."

Meanwhile Babu was sitting on a rock, he put down the cross and held the book tight.. he cried... "wha what, they won't fix the watertank if I don't read this thing?!" Babu then thought... "for my mother and father, yes, yes I will."

Sometime later Babu becomes the priest of his village, his father is dissapointed in him for ignoring the things he was taught. Babu eats well every day though and has the support from the Americans, he supplies the village with needed things and in return they regularly attend mass + worship god.

All in all a good one for the Christian bastards who do this everywhere in the world, they find people in need and torment them with words or lack of help, unless of course you convert to Christianity. Well done you Christian devils, I hope you see Satan very soon...

PS This is a story to help illustrate my point.