Christian Rock


Secret double agent deer
Registered Senior Member
I really dont like Christian Rock bands. never found one i liked. Just not into their sound. In fact most of the bands i do like are probably going to end up in hell. They use satanic pictures on thier t-shirts and what not.

My question is, if i am a believer (hypotheticly) but i do so like the bands that are going to hell, can i still get into heaven? and if i can, can i still get the CD's i like, or are all the shops going to be selling christian rock?
If you were a christian, and had Jesus as your lord and saviour then it wouldnt matter what music you were into, you'd still go to Heaven (saved by faith, not by deeds). However, it would be more difficult to live a life that is pleasing to God if you were listening to satanic music!

One of the things that christians are commanded to do is to be careful of what we put into our minds.......going back to the 'our body is a living temple to God', we are not to soil it with things of this world (ie, premarital sex, drugs, porn, satanic music, etc) SOO, you can still listen to so-called 'secular' bands, just being careful about the contents of the song. Besides that, I've found that once I became a christian, that crap just didnt appeal to me anymore.
Ya know.... i always found that a rather bizarre thing....

I had sex on friday, got married on saturday, then had some more sex on sunday...

The friday sex and the sunday sex were exactly the same, so how can premarital sex be any worse than sex after marriage? :D
a music question

Let it be noted that I realise that my comments are generalizations and I do not claim to have knowledge of all songs. That being said, I don't particularly like what I've heard for two reasons. First off, it's as much a question about the music itself as the idea. The thing that turns me off of nearly all of it is that it appears the songwriters intend to write Christian rock songs as opposed to merely songs. Whenever a song clearly puts the message of a song before the musicality, the music has a great tendency to suck.

The thing which separates Christian rock from other genres of music is that it isn't differentiated on the basis of musical style. It's defined by its message. There is nothing musically unique to Christian rock. Therefore, the appeal must not have to do with musical tastes.

Now the impression that I've gotten is that the primary purpose of the genre is a tool of outreach instead of artistic expression. It's more the message than the music. It's this arrangement of priorities that leads to overly simplified and frankly mediocre music. Therefore, the choice between Christian and secular rock is most often a choice of quality, musically speaking.

The second problem I have is theological. I honestly don't agree with the messages as put forth in many of the songs. That turns me off.
Originally posted by SnakeLord
Ya know.... i always found that a rather bizarre thing....

I had sex on friday, got married on saturday, then had some more sex on sunday...

The friday sex and the sunday sex were exactly the same, so how can premarital sex be any worse than sex after marriage? :D

LOL I'm sure its not gonna FEEL any different, its more about the principle of it, keeping your body pure, not sleeping with a guy you might not marry, etc

congrates on the marriage btw