Christian getting death penalty in afghanistan


charles cure

did anyone hear about this?

actually i'm sure everyone has, but what do you think? does it make any sense that Muslims in afghanistan will tolerate people who are born christian or who convert to christianity from any other faith, but punish Ex-Muslims with death if they will not renounce their conversions?
It's been part of their culture for thousands of years, most of their Government power still has very deep roots in Muslim law, which states Muslim only, pretty much. Their new constitution, (NEW) states freedom of religion, but the laws they've lived with for thousands of years don't accomodate that idea. Seems sort of rudimentary to me.
as long as religion remains in the modern world stupid events like these will always occur. without wishing to come too off topic religion should not be allowed to play a part in law across the world. if it did people in countries like america and england would be killed if they argued against the teachings of christianity.
They're all crazy.
We need to invade Afganistan.
Inside of a couple of years we could have the place civilised.

Freedom marches on...
Dee Cee
jax0509 said:
as long as religion remains in the modern world stupid events like these will always occur. without wishing to come too off topic religion should not be allowed to play a part in law across the world. if it did people in countries like america and england would be killed if they argued against the teachings of christianity.

I agree, but Religion will always be an influence in nearly everyone's lives, which means you can't really rid law or government of religion. So who will run everything?
jax0509 said:
as long as religion remains in the modern world stupid events like these will always occur. without wishing to come too off topic religion should not be allowed to play a part in law across the world. if it did people in countries like america and england would be killed if they argued against the teachings of christianity.
That's a rather ill-informed opinion. Christianity doesn't condone killing. (Looks like you never made it past the Old Testament.)
Light said:
That's a rather ill-informed opinion. Christianity doesn't condone killing. (Looks like you never made it past the Old Testament.)

Christianity, as was demonstrated by Jesus, certainly.

But, Christianity, as practiced by a great many people alive today, not only condones killing, it actively seeks it out.

Example: the Judges in Dover, PA who presided over the ID flap, have received death threats and such. You may safely assume it was NOT from the reasonable folk who were against the teaching of Intelligent Design as a "science". This leaves only the "Christians" who were for it.

Example: the numerous cases of abortion doctors who have either been murdered, or now live with constant security guards, due to death threats by Christians.

Example: too numerous to count, the number of dead in Ireland, due to the in-fighting between Protestants and Catholics.


Makes one go "Hmmm"
seekeroftheway said:
I agree, but Religion will always be an influence in nearly everyone's lives, which means you can't really rid law or government of religion. So who will run everything?

Fortunately, for the USofA, it's Constitutional Framers understood all too much the dangers of giving people Power over Others (as required by any government).

They made a serious effort to keep the USofA's basis for government secular. There was a very strong effort to have included very Christian (and very anti-Catholic, anti-semitic) wording in the Preamble, but it was fought by Jefferson and others. Successfully, fortunately.


This is because, if government is based on secular law, it becomes possible to CHANGE that law, using reasonable argument and such. Sometimes such a change is for the better: the Bill of Rights is a fine example. Making slavery Unconstitutional is yet another.

If, however a government is based on religious law, it becomes nearly impossible to change: how can one argue with "God SAID so! It says RIGHT HERE!" Anyone arguing with THAT could be subject to heresy or worse.


It IS true that government is made up of People. And, some people have religion as a part of their personality. Therefore, you will get religion mixed into government, like it or no.

Fortunately, here in the USofA, it is unconstitutional (so far) to take an "official" stance based on religious dogma.
So there's a guy who not only became a muslim but also became a christian?
how fucking gullible is this bloke!

WTF is going wrong with muslims' heads?!?!