Christian Counsel and/or Advice Given Here

Disciple of Jesus

Registered Senior Member
Should anyone be in need of Christian (Biblically based) counsel and/or advice in regard to most any topic, feel free to reply here and I will answer as expeditiously as possible. I do reserve the right to 'decline in reply' any request written in an insincere, demeaning or argumentative fashion.

~ Disciple of Jesus
New Life passed on this question. Maybe you have something.

New Life - what do you make of Romans 1:18-20 that clearly states that creation reveals God so clearly that 'men are without excuse'? Does that mean that I can use nature the way that you would use scripture - as Jesus did in Matthew 13? If I gain a portion of what I know about God revealed from Creation, am I less Christian than someone who relies solely on the Bible? Jesus used scripture, but only by a fraction. Paul used scripture, but only by a fraction. Is the trinity the Father, the Son and the Holy Bible? I don't think you can define a persons Christianity solely by their use of the Bible. Anyone can quote Scripture.
I'm attracted to the corpses of attractive young men, preferably those who have died of severe trauma.

Is there something wrong with me?
'Faith alone' dialogue intentionally renders itself inaccessible to rational discussion and debate. Perhaps we need a Pontification Forum.
Originally posted by Xev
I'm attracted to the corpses of attractive young men, preferably those who have died of severe trauma.

Is there something wrong with me?

How fresh are the corpses?
Maybe a day or two old. Depends on if they've been kept cold.

I don't especially like them cold. Just a little chilly, enough to raise goosebumps on my arms while I - never mind.
Originally posted by ConsequentAtheist
Faith alone' dialogue intentionally renders itself inaccessible to rational discussion and debate.
Not neccessarily. The assumption you make (and perhaps it is a good one) is that the Bible has no intrinsic coherence. Theology is marked by a great many interesting discussions. Remember the one about "How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?"
Originally posted by Xev
Won't somebody help meeeeeeeeee?
I've written you a perscription for a pre-frontal lobatomy and 9 sessions of electroshock therapy. Included is a gift cerificate for a free massage at the store nearest you.

What makes you think you need help?

Seriously, I wish I could help but I'm alive, untraumatized and female (not very young, either).
Originally posted by Disciple of Jesus
Should anyone be in need of Christian (Biblically based) counsel and/or advice in regard to most any topic, feel free to reply here and I will answer as expeditiously as possible. I do reserve the right to 'decline in reply' any request written in an insincere, demeaning or argumentative fashion.

~ Disciple of Jesus

How come Jesus alone is given so much of extra powers when we also (as sons of the Lord) deserve all the powers ?

Is there any divine thoughts/deeds/acts because of which Jesus has been blessed so much by the Lord ?

What is the real Gospel ? Did Jesus also got that from some one ? or where is its origin ?

If the True Gospel is still available, why is that people who practice that now, are not divine entities as equal to the direct disciples of Jesus ?

I have heard Jesus came to India and stayed in Himalayas for about 14 years and practiced HADI Vidya (a practice of meditation even now practiced by many Muslim and Christian saints), is that true ?

I believe in Jesus and I have met people who say you can see him if you condition yourself to certain level ? Is this claim true ? Is there any one out there who claims the same ?

Jesus loves both the bad guys and good guys equally then can we do all the bad things on earth and always go to him for help ?

Are there hard core believers of Jesus who could show us (Me) the path to him, not through books but practical methods and processes with which I can feel it myself.

And why is that he is depicted with the light from the heart not head? Any specific comments?

And why is that he is depicted always with a sad face or a look that is so dull ! Is there any pictures (drawn) available which is accepted by the leaders of Christian community that you can share with us (Me).

I have heard that you can meditate on Jesus in his name (EESA) any comments ? How to ?

Hellow Disciple,

Thanks but the sites did not answer my question.

Can you give me a biblically based explanation in your own words?
Originally posted by Xev
I'm attracted to the corpses of attractive young men, preferably those who have died of severe trauma.

Is there something wrong with me?

Oh.. yes. U are in the advanced stage of lifophobia..
treatment : u can leave those y'ngmen once they are dead..:D
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Originally posted by firefighter
Hellow Disciple,

Thanks but the sites did not answer my question.

Can you give me a biblically based explanation in your own words?

Hello Firefighter ~

And my apologies for not getting back to you sooner in reply. Take a look at the following Scripture verse:

"And he causes all, both great and small, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark" (Rev.13:16-1)

So based upon the prophesy of this verse, I would reiterate that the 'mark of the beast' will be put "in their right hand, or in their foreheads" as was foretold by the Apostle John in the book of Revelation.

~ Disciple of Jesus