Christ’s “original parable"



A kind but crazy old man died in my arms years ago, way before the public had the internet.
He told me that he had been poisoned by the “system” because of this piece of paper which he handed me.
I did not want to get poisoned, myself, so I just hid it, and kept the matter to myself. The only thing that give me some doubt about his crazy nature is the speed at which the system cremated his body as a John Doe.
Now I feel its time to let the public know why this old crazy man thought he was dying.

To me the writing is pure fiction. It is just the imagination of a kind old man. But if the system did poison him, which I today doubt, then there might be a lot more to this story.
The writing was poorly written. This is the best I can do.

Jesus says that He and his Father cannot love one more than another, but if you think he does then you curse yourself by denying the unconditional LOVE that HE IS.
God has no conditions for his love. Only the object of his LOVE can deny itself of the Universal LOVE called God, Jesus.

Jesus’ secret teaching: the “Chosen People” were cursing themselves with their own “chosen” beliefs. Original Sin thus has nothing to do with God but the object of his love.
Anyone who considers himself better than another robs himself of God’s unconditional LOVE.
It was this secret teaching that crucified Jesus.

And Rome could only enslave the followers of Christ by denying them the one thing that Christ saved them from: Original Sin.

There is a "parable" that was expunged out of the scriptures by pagans before these scriptures were later edited by other pagans into the Bible, so Rome could rule the world.

Jesus told this parable after Peter asked him about “Original Sin.”
The parable is called the “original” parable. It was called “original” because that is what it was until pagans expunged it out of the scriptures that other pagans later wove into the Bible that Rome needed to rule the world like it was hell itself, the Dark Ages.

Jesus replied:
“God loves everything because he is LOVE. He loves the saint just like the sinner, the weak as much as the strong, the poor as much as the rich. God is LOVE itself.
“How could God possibly deny your mother his LOVE just because she ate an apple? And how could God possibly deny you his LOVE just because your mother ate an apple. And how could God possibly deny mankind his LOVE just because your mother ate an apple. And why should God create not only a devil but also a hell just so HE, God, can not only deny you and mankind his LOVE but punish mankind eternally just because your mother ate an apple that “I” did not like?”

And so it was written for pagans to expunge and then edit so Rome could have the expunged and well edited Bible it needed to rule the world, like it was like hell itself, but only because it contained the one thing that Christ denied his followers: “original sin. “
As I understand it, God created not only a devil but also a hell because He loves all of us unconditionally, and in that, has given us free will, and in that has given us what we have chosen. And for some of us, that is to be lied to, and to deny Him and His love. If we say "Give me the truth, as long as it isn't ______", any condition would do, but most of the time that condition is Jesus, then aren't we really asking to be lied to? The devil is a liar. If we choose to reject God and His love, and we say "We don't want you God, or anything to do with you." Then wouldn't an unconditionally loving God give us exactly what we desire? Hell is a place that is void of God and His Spirit.

We are not being punished, but educated, through the only true means of acquiring knowledge, and that is experience. We desired, and so chose to know good and evil, and now we do.
Lori_7 said:
As I understand it, God created not only a devil but also a hell because......Go to church? I am the church!

Only when I stopped going to church could I read the Vedas that made me start Laughing.
And the less I think about church
the more I have to laugh
because as Krishna says: I (need no churches nor gods to) keep the Universe suspended on a single thin thread of my being.