Chistianity or Islam?


Registered Senior Member
Basically, I've come to a stage in my life, where I feel I believe in God and feel it is one of the above, yet I am not sure which in my heart. If I were to begin practicing one today, it would be more out of fear of not choosing something and being damned, yet by choosing I at least stand a 50/50 chance, but then in choosing for the reason of choosing I personally feel I am not choosing the right religion, which means I will go to hell anyway. I have researched briefly, and spoke to people who practice Islam and Christianity, yet I do not know which is right. For believing in God, it was just in my heart that I felt it was right, yet when I come to this decision, there is nothing in me that helps me decide. For all I know Jesus could be just another prohpet, and Mohammad the messiah, but it is equally as likely that Christ is the son of God. I do not know which one to believe, and I was basically wondering if anyone could give me some guidance in the right direction [In other words could they tell me how I might go about finding which one is right for me]

Do you go to hell in Islamic religion for being Christian or Jew? I have heard translations from both sides of the boat. One saying that if you are righteous and worship Allah[Who is also Yahveh and God] then you shall go to heaven, yet I have also heard that special torment is reserved for those who are Christian, which seems a paradox to me. Do you go to hell in Christian religion for being Islamic or Jewish? I have heard you do and you don't . One person told me that you could/do get into heaven, but it is believed you were mislead, while another reputeable source told me that if you deny Christ as the saviour you are denied to eternal torment and suffering. Can someone clarify for me please?

I was basically wondering if anyone could give me some guidance in the right direction

You are not asking for guidance in the right direction for if you were, then the right direction would be to avoid religion altogether. Choosing one fantasy over another is simple - flip a coin.
Ditto what Q said

Christianity on wherther muslims go to hell.
No one gets to the father save through me. (muslims see jesus as a prophet not a savior)

Islam on whether christians go to hell
We shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve because they ascribe unto Allah partners, for which no warrant hath been revealed. Their habitation is the Fire, and hapless the abode of the wrong-doers (christians view jesus as gods partner)

Either way you are going straight to hell matey so get used to it :p
go to a priest and to a imam (sp?) and see who is nicer to you,who has the bigger balls,and who is willing to see a hidden birthmark of yours and then decide.and if you decide christianity you cant stop there are you also considering catholicism,protestant,quakerism,methodism,etcetcetctcetcetcetcetce
Try to compare them from the scientific point of view. If they both not hold water then obviously they both are just imagination of people. Because I reckon that any religion which contradicts science is not true religion. If any of the religion not contradict to science then clearly you would need some more research. '

Good luck

If I were to begin practicing one today, it would be more out of fear of not choosing something and being damned, yet by choosing I at least stand a 50/50 chance, but then in choosing for the reason of choosing I personally feel I am not choosing the right religion, which means I will go to hell anyway

If you are choosing because you are in fear you will never make the right choice. If you are choosing a religion because you are afraid of eternal damnation then you have another problem.

Personally I would never choose either of those if I was in your situation, but then the idea that you are torn between them is to me a situation I can't really fathom.

Just keep with your believing in god. If the god in either religion is half the god he is said to be (minus the ridiculous bits you can't take seriously from both scriptures), then no one should have any worries as to their after life.

all religions are promising something for which theres NO EVIDENCE,
kinda like worshiping
You shouldn’t limit yourself to only Xianity and Islam. What about Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, or better yet Falun Gong?

But really the best religion is to become a Jedi Knight :)
there's no such thing as competition in relegions.My belief is that we should have a single unified system,where everyone prays in their own way under a single building,something called world temple concept.That way,we create understanding between all of us,gradually reduce the religious fanatism.

My belief is that we should have a single unified system

That will never, EVER happen. Nice idea, but as realistic as me wishing that I'll one day wake up with superman's powers.

And religious fanaticism seems to me seems largely in part due to ones biological make-up and education. To eliminate that faction of all religions would be to eliminate those kinds of people.

Voldemort said:
Try to compare them from the scientific point of view.. '

Good luck

There is no science in either faith so it is not possible to compare them on the balance of scientific evidence.

You might however see which one makes the most desperate claims about being scientific and thereby know which one is the bigger sham.
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Actually, the Christian God and the Islamic God are the same entity. So you're going to be worshipping the same deity, just in different ways.
But if I worship as a Christian, and it turns out the Islamic religion is right I am damned, and if I worship as an Islamic follower, I damned. [Or so I've heard]

I am aware I would be worshipping but just in different ways, but it seems like I'm taking a 50/50 stab in the dark about pleasing God in the way I worship. >.>
What does it make you think when you see these rules that are supposedly handed down from a supreme being that is so far above and beyond our comprhension that we can't even begin to comprehend him? Do you think he is nitpicking? vain? demanding? what?

Keep researching and while you're at it put in a visit to the opposing viewpoint try here for the quran
and here for the bible
Sock puppet path:> What does it make you think when you see these rules that are supposedly handed down from a supreme being that is so far above and beyond our comprhension that we can't even begin to comprehend him? Do you think he is nitpicking? vain? demanding? what

WMA:> What do I think when I see these rules? In a way, I believe the Lord to be demanding, and I suppose nitpicking [That's probably blasphemy against both of the other religions but that's how I feel]. Because if he really did hand down rules to which we must adhere [And I believe he did], how are people today meant to know based on skeptical information based at best from people in places far away over centuries, and in some/most cases millenia old? All these various religions claim to be the truth and spoken word of God, but naturally only one can be right [Or none, but since I believe there is a God, and I believe that God to be worshipped in the Semitic religions that isn't really an option for me], and there is no real way for me to know which one. Not sure if any of that made sense. I'll try those links out. Thanks
President Bush, a member of the Apostale United Methodists, has often publically stated, "ISLAM IS A PEACEFUL AND CARING GREAT RELIGION" and "THE CHRISTIAN GOD AND THE GOD OF ISLAM IS THE SAME GOD."

I guess it doesn't matter which of the two religions you pick, they have the same God according to GW. Bush.

Peace be with you, Paul
But if I worship as a Christian, and it turns out the Islamic religion is right I am damned, and if I worship as an Islamic follower, I damned.

Worship neither and not be damned.