Chinese teen sells kidney to pay for iPhone

How many people are cheering this? Mad? Arthur? Isn't this the capitalist dream that everything is for sale and because of that nessary items get sold to pay for crap. I wonder what Jobs would say about this if he was alive

The same Steve Jobs whose iPhones are built at places that drive their workers so hard they had to install nets around the building to catch the jumpers?

That Steve Jobs?
He sold a kidney and used part of the money to buy an ipad, but I don't see anythings to indicate that he sold the kidney for the express purpose of buying an ipad, despite how abc seems to be attempting to spin the story. He got far more than the price of an ipad for the kidney. I wonder what else he was planning to do with the money...

How many people are cheering this? Mad? Arthur? Isn't this the capitalist dream that everything is for sale and because of that nessary items get sold to pay for crap. I wonder what Jobs would say about this if he was alive
Says Asguard on his Capitalistic (free-market) provided computer, telecommunications, internet, electricity, etc...etc.... Not to mention that prostitution is legal in most of AU. I guess selling your soul is not newsworthy where selling your kidney is?

Firstly, China is not a Capitalistic Dream, it could be considered a Free-Market Nightmare by some accounts - China is Communistic, they have a Central Bank, Property rights are not guaranteed (just as any Tibetian). China is a good example (in my mind) of the SAME type of Farm we`re living on. The same Farm where Australians are going to end up. And when Australians start selling their kidneys (along with their farm land and Citizenship which is presently being sold off at astonishing speed) the Asguard`s of the world STILL won`t get it.

Secondly, the tepid Free-Markets that China has opened up has transformed their nation from a country where 30 MILLION Chinese starved to death to one where food is becoming plentiful.

You can either treat people like humans or cattle. Asguard chooses cattle. Which I find sickening. Don`t you wonder why it was only your grandfather that worked to provide for a family of 5 and it takes you AND your wife to provide for a family of 0 to maybe 1 child which you had to wait until you were in your 30s to have. And that child won`t have a house because the prices aren`t there. If the government is making life better and solving problems, then why does it continue to grow? Why is it that each Australia owes $55,000 to their beloved government AFTER paying massive tax every year? You think you`re getting THAT great of service? Well, it`s not as good as the service I receive in Japan, and tax is low in Japan. I know plenty of Australians who work in the government and they don`t give two shits about `serving` society - it`s all about getting paid double what they could earn in that `evil private sector who pays their bills` and working half the time. ANOTHER person I know who recently took a job in the government and is on $110,000 and this is AFTER his last government job has wasted over $1 million on NOTHING. ALL of that money (provided by our tax) to purchases these slum houses he packs with Indian students. We`re talking 8 students to a room in a dump.

Steve Jobs and Apple provide a product cheap, Chinese are free to choose to work in the factories there or not (millions would love a job there and the conditions are actually pretty good relatively speaking). There`s plenty of Australian teenage prostitutes willing to sell sex for a name brand handbag. Is that the fault of the handbag maker, society, the family or the individual who chooses to sell it?

Who can know if I have a headache? Can the government KNOW? If not, then how can it provide me with pain relief? How can it know how sever my headache is? How much I`m willing to pay? It can`t. Only a free-market will efficiently get pain relief to me at a price I am willing to FREELY pay.
Is the problem just that he didn't get enough money? Is that why people are upset? I would certainly be happy to sell a kidney for a sufficiently large amount of money, and would be angry if someone told me that I couldn't...
Where this started'

This American Life retracts Apple Mike Daisey China show

"What I do is not journalism. The tools of the theatre are not the same as the tools of journalism," he wrote. "This American Life is essentially a journalistic *- not a theatrical *- enterprise, and as such it operates under a different set of rules and expectations."
In short, this asshole played on the bigotry and jealousy (example: THIS thread) and made up a bullshit story about how Apple abuses it`s employees which has sinse been retracted. (it should be noted, I personally have never bought anything from Apple - although I was given an iPod 7 years ago and still use it).

There`s a couple things going on here. One is an age old prejudice that says: people with money are greedy SOBs that somehow only got `rich` by ripping off everyone else. This is what Asguard is suggesting Steve Jobs has done (he probably made the complaint on his iPad). Hence this asinine `I hope you`re happy now Steve! YOU made a Chinese sell his kidney! You sick F%ck!!`

In a Free Market this is not the case as people are only able to deal with you IF they have money AND WANT to part with it to freely purchase your product.

I boil this one down to pure jealousy and ignorance of basic economics.

The sad thing is the EXACT OPPOSITE is true. Steve Jobs has saved more people`s lives and brought wealth and prosperity to more people in China than Asguard will ever dream of doing. Millions of peoples lives have been bettered all thanks to the tireless (nearly selfless) drive of someone like Steve Jobs. Millions of trees have been saved as we move away from paper to paperless. Millions of Chinese can now afford to buy a house, send their children to university, and use the knowledge they have gained to start competing companies against Apple. Asguard pulls this one example of some idiot with a screw loose who sold his kidney for money (some of which he used to buy an Apple product). I heard he also bought a pair of Ugg Boots! (I I can hear Asguard now: F%cking sick F%cking Australians and their sick made in China Ugg Boots). As if this represents the norm. Why not talk about the literally hundreds of millions of people who have a better life? We can`t see the thousands who would have starved to death, or went into jobs like prostitution to make money for food for their parents. Asguard simply ignores that different future that would exist (and did) if not for Apple and people like Steve Jobs.

The second thing, the people who start companies are the HEROS of our society, not the villains. I find it sad that so many in society have things so f%cking bass-assed-backwards that they make this plainly obvious mistake. I knew a person who worked at David Jones (retail chain) and he`d ALWAYS complain David Jones was `ripping him off` and he`d do his best NOT to make any more money selling ties than what he was paid working there - so they 'couldn`t 'suck any more blood out of him'.

See, this is f%cked-n-the-head logic. People like this are worse than useless.

The truth is MOST people who start a business that is not involved in a monopoly take great pride in their work and bettering their employees lives along with their own. See here:
Italy politician says Monti has suicides on conscience. An Italian man who committed suicide rather than make a single employee redundant (he finally went bankrupt and couldn`t live with the fact so many people he cared for would loose their jobs at his factory).

This man was a Hero.

BUT, would it matter what was in his heart? Would it matter IF he was a greedy SOB? NO, it wouldn't because he created a company that served the society. As a matter of fact, it could ONLY servive IF it freely provided what society desired.

Final point: Bankers.
Bankers have an important role. But, IMO they`ve moved past playing the role as a utility that they should be playing and are now gambling with generations of people`s futures.

When this house of cards falls. I`d like to hope people were smart enough to restructure our monetary system so that we have competing currencies as this is about the only real check on the true villains in our society (politicians and their financiers/central bank). But, that`s probably not going to happen. People will line up behind the Asguard`s of the world and thus, our society will continue on it`s downward spiral as government grows and the productive class shrinks, migrates or simple doesn`t bother trying to create a business.

It's a cycle we have seen play out for millennia.
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